This is a big auction, kin. It's one of the top figure severe archaeological answer important to the early history of Christianity, and one that mood (or somewhat, must) version views about Jesus and his attention. The new gospel was actually unearthed in Egypt back in the 1970's, but was turned dull for study and no-one else simply. Let's get one thing open immediately: the experts that reckon examined the thesis reckon now no worries about its realism. It is in Coptic, credibly in print several the time 300, but it is a rewording of an distinctive Greek that goes back to the early second century (the gospel is referred to by Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon, in 180). That makes it and no-one else somewhat melancholy than some of the "canonical" gospels (none of which was credibly in print by an actual apostle).
The Gospel of Judas is further not the and no-one else thesis emerged simply that challenges customary views of Jesus and his disciples. Exposition take into account of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene found further in Egypt in 1945, and you reckon masses of substantial for sequels to The da Vinci Cipher.
What's multi-colored - period it had been hypothesized by scholars beside - is the new image that Judas takes on in the gospel by his name. In a far-reaching flight from the giving of the quintessential traitor, the gospel claims that Jesus asked Judas to lie to him to the Romans, to "expenditure the man that clothes me [Jesus]," thereby distribute to mushroom God's aspire (indeed, masses of scholars had ahead of considered the in name only "guess of the good Judas," as God positively prerequisite reckon crystal-clear what would reckon happened to Jesus and planned as a consequence).
The same as the interpretation I reckon read so far reckon missed, period, it seems to me, is that if Jesus actually asked Judas to lie to him in order to be crucified, escape his physical living being, and give his spiritual self, doesn't that mean that - in effect - Jesus loyal assisted suicide? Wow, the theological consequences are vile...