Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Amelia Bauer

Amelia Bauer
Amelia Bauer "To Pacify a Continue Youve Impel" 2013, angelica, rosemary, white candles, pearls

Amelia Bauers new series of photographs, Record of Threatening, is such a simple and vivid hypothesis. She, in espouse with florist, Elizabeth Parks Kibbey, has set up green tableaux using the ingredients of traditional spells. As such, her photographs are every one flowing dormant lifes and powerful plant at once:

Record OF Threatening

in espouse with Elizabeth Parks Kibbey

The 17th century saw the innovation and popularization of the floral dormant life sculpture in Europe and its colonies. By the end of the extraordinarily century, the Salem witch trials were occurring in America. Witchcraft includes together with its rituals the use of botanicals dried and diffident in bottles or carried in pouches, submerged in or brewed as tea. Flowers are recycled every one metaphorically and medicinally. The names of wildflowers, such as cattail and foxglove, and less very well, crow's foot, donkey's
eyes, and snake's words, lead to visions of cauldrons with real animal parts stewing intimate. Women were put in positions of power within the religion of Witchcraft, and were thus killed in far big happen
than men complete the Salem witch trials.

The dormant lifes in this series are comprised of the ingredients in different botanical spells. The ingredients are recycled within in their greatest extent floral state: poppies to be more precise of poppy seeds, a saffron bulb to be more precise of dried stigmas, and so on. The provision turn these spells towards the
dwelling, and ongoing a less intimidating, enhanced appetizing femaleness.

In the same way as the hypothesis for this series came to me, I knew I wanted to work with someone who had a proficiency with provision and knowledge of botanical things that I can not sketchy on my own. Elizabeth Parks
Kibbey's make for vegetation had led her fundamental to work as a florist, but
far along to fashion ahead of time international floral ability. A series of conversations engendered a reciprocal understanding, every one of the notion and
surface for the draft. The images that make up "Record of Threatening" middle our creative synthesis.



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