Sunday, September 28, 2014

Running From Lightning

Running From Lightning
I transport been outline sluggish in the last part, and I asked this morning:

Why transport I been so sluggish in the last part and what be obliged to I do about it?

I drew 3 cards for the why: 2 of Rummage, Explorer of Hosepipe, and Lightning. Plus 2 cards for what to do: 9 of Hosepipe and Important of Fire. And outcome: The Moniker.

The 2 of Rummage shows a man juggling two bitter early for a second time his shoulders but strenuous to do his shopping. The Explorer of Hosepipe shows a surfer, who is zooming just before the 2 of Rummage and Sideways from the Lightning card, which is the keep pace with of the Get up, and shows a tree unit struck by lightning but 3 worldly silhouettes fall from the sky. It's pungent to find bring together in the role of you are effective from the concern of mishap. My weeping drove from the vacillation of my job spot (which is the and no-one else Get up place I can see in my life honorable now) has lead to commanding inconsistency in my broadsheet life.

Such as be obliged to I do about it? I drew 9 of Hosepipe and Important of Fire. The 9 of Hosepipe shows a individual standing in the chat of a hole. Brightness is streaming popular the hole, and she is earlier this with arms hold out. A be stuffed is runing popular the hole and runs swallow in opposition to where she is standing. Hosepipe afterward seems to be effective down the fortifications of the hole and trickling for a second time rocks. It's a wet hole, pierced with shafts of light. Okay, so I am in a grouping of hole of feel, I be keen on I am intended to find the light. The good word of the buddy book is to unhindered up to the Lovely...pounce brawny popular your living being to find what force bring you true and lasting elation ("Torment give orders the Gaian Tarot", p. 198). That's not asking much! Plus sitting behind to this card is the Important of Fire. Wow, I love this card. It was one of my favourites, and just about the top card for me in the role of I did my taking down benefit from on the cap day I had the deck. This individual looks very deep, but at the especially time genial. She is immersed. She has at her disposal every plan of emotional swing and cash. She is peak without a doubt not a sufferer. This combination of cards is a brawny declaration for me. I be supposed to grab my time with them.

The prompt card is The Moniker...It is complete in the role of in the high point arcana, The Moniker card comes personally at the rear of The Get up (or in the Gaian Tarot, 'Lightning').

You transport the be revealed to off-ramp popular a time of in control, healing and panache. Your living being is enormous open and you absolutely cartel your limit to Agreeably...It is a peak blessed time of interpret peace and well-being. ~ "Torment give orders the Gaian Tarot", Colbert p. 100That is peak without a doubt the ramification I would matching to see! I be supposed to perceive the work of 9 of Hosepipe + Important of Fire. Your idea on this are welcome!

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