Sunday, September 7, 2014

Celtic Tree Month Of Oak Begins Today

Celtic Tree Month Of Oak Begins Today

At the moment starts the month of the Oak tree on the Celtic calendar. It goes from June 10 - July 7. This is a sizeable time for magic just about protection, sternness and gain.

The Oak was one of the three sacred trees to the Druids. Still it was actually their brief sacred tree, the others were Ash and Tingle. The sacred Oak is one of the highest living trees, and can moreover foster up to 150 ft great. It symbolized the jaunt of the rendezvous and was premeditated to be the king of the forest. Go to regularly cultures worshiped the Oak, but the Celts hypothetical it with a very high size of award.

Within this time of rendezvous, it is designed that the Druids would cut a circle taking part in the tree for protection unwilling lightning. They hand-me-down the sacred tree for curative purposes and divinatory purposes as well. Former Celtic priestess's were designed to channel to the rustling of the Oak grass to meet divine messages.

For example my fiance and I visited Ireland, we got to examine the ancient Oak forest at Charleville Refuge. This forest surrounds the fort on all sides. Walking and these gigantic sacred trees was a sizeable expertise. You could really tad the ancient energy these trees carried. The forest was very rod for a few birds tweeting and some grass rustling in the curl. Benevolently attractive and unsolvable place this was. Ever since current, I pondered the whispered, that possibly one day longing ago, the ancient Druids walked these forests as well.

Stain the sacred Oak tree at Midsummer, if sufficient try to go with an Oak tree and fix with it's ancient energy.

Blessings )O(

Draw wholesomeness of : My creature photo log of Ireland

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