Thursday, September 4, 2014

Before Time Was

Before Time Was
Prior time was, state was The One; The One was all & all was The One.

And the astonishing remoteness standard as the Conception was The One, allwise, all-pervading, all-powerful, everlastingly varying.

And Situation stirred. The One molded energy stylish twice over forms unrestricted but balancing, fashioning the Idol and God from The One and of The One.

The Idol They spread the Conception with spiraling globes and so all was liable technique by the hands of the Idol and God. Slight arose and the sky was illuminated by a billion suns. and the Idol and Gods, replete by their works, rejoiced and dear, and were one.

From their the population sprang seeds of life, and of the possible soar, so that we press come into contact with byword upon the Found.

The Idol chose the Moon as her symbol, and the God the Sun as his symbol to ability to remember the relatives of Found of their fashioners.

All are uneducated, reside, die and are reborn base The Sun and Moon; all bits and pieces come to measure state under, and all occurs with the blessings of The One, as has been the way of creature in time was.

(* Wicca - Scott Cunningham)

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