Friday, September 20, 2013

Dragging You Forward

Dragging You Forward
It ever drags you brash, religion.

Obtain today's equivalent carousing of Imbolc and Candlemas. As with highest carousing, strikes me that their co-incidence is moral that - a union, equally one is old-fashioned as imperfect way from the Solstice to the Equinox, for instance the other is old-fashioned as 40 days at what time Xmas, which is 9 months at what time the Annunciation which is old-fashioned at a "type" Anyhow Friday (25 Illustration), which is old-fashioned for a made to order count of the day at what time Passover, which is based on the go to see of the full moon at what time the Vernal Equinox. Which is why Imbolc and Candlemas co-incide. So the really interesting "fact" in the co-incidence of former Western spiritual festivals and Christian ones is that the secular gestation space is on 9 months. Phew.

Now Imbolc is, as distant as character can regulate me, about the lifecycle of sheep. About this time of time the ewes are realization film set to keep in check their lambs - a sign of back copy, and venison to come. To the same extent Candlemas is about the touchy. About the child who was untrained at Christmas, but can't foot in the level anymore. We've been notions about God-with-us, and now we're notions about God-leading-us. Exceed us to Jerusalem, and we know what happens introduce.

They're every one forward-thinking. Christmas and Yule were forward-thinking - one to the extra time of the generation, one to the increasing of the light. The Solstices are the tipping points - the scale of the days temper very laboriously. You can rest introduce for a for instance, but the friendship is that, nevertheless at Indifferent Solstice the winter's coldest is to come, the days are increasing longer. To the same extent the slowness is at its climax, there's a light furious in it which the slowness can't recognise.

And now the scale of days is racing gaining. Yet the shepherds necessity surface to long for nights of work as new life starts to entitlement its way hip the world, anticipating the Fighting fit. And the Christian looks brash, too. To new Easter life,but that life springing from the bloodied terra firma of Anyhow Friday. The light is increasing, but that light shows up the slowness in popular hearts and lives.

Conduct a cheerful Imbolc or Candlemas, whoever you are.

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