Thursday, July 17, 2014

13 Moons Reading For 2015

13 Moons Reading For 2015
Only a couple of days until 2015 is upon us! I always like to do a Tarot or oracle reading for the year ahead. I like to go by the different Moon energies of each month. Each moon cycle has a different energy and magic unto itself. There are so many names for the different Full moons across different cultures and regions. These are the names I resonate with, but you can always change them to your own. This reading embodies each of your full moons for the next 12 cycles. This spread can be done at the end of the year or anytime you want to look ahead. Before your reading, focus on your intentions for 2015, or your Word of the year. When you are ready, begin! * The essence of your year * WOLF MOON (JAN-FEB): awakening; envisioning; beginning and conceiving; rest; protection; Imbolc * SAGE MOON (FEB-MAR): rising energy; purification; new growth; honoring and forgiving yourself; self-love; accepting responsibility; planning for the future * SEED MOON (MAR-APR): burst of new energy; growing, exploring, learning; inner child work; new beginnings; balance of light and dark; Ostara: Spring Equinox * PLANTING MOON (APR-MAY): energy into creating and producing; change; self-reliance; tempering emotional flare-ups; taking advantage of opportunities; Beltane * FLOWER MOON (MAY-JUN): creation; love; intuition; connection with the Divine; connection with nature; sexuality; sensuality * HONEY MOON (JUN-JULY): contentment; Litha: Summer Solstice; time of light; decision making; strengthen and reward positive qualities of oneself * BLESSINGS MOON (JULY-AUG): peak of summer; relaxed energy; preparing; dream-work; Lughnasadh * CORN MOON (AUG-SEPT): gathering; gratitude; health and wellness; friendships; bounty; motherhood * HARVEST MOON (SEPT-OCT): rest after labor; Mabon: Autumn Equinox; balance of light and dark; organize; clean out mental, physical, emotional, spiritual clutter * BLOOD MOON (OCT-NOV): inner cleanse; purifying your spirit; honoring the cycles of life, death, rebirth; karma and reincarnation, connection to spiritual realm is thin; Samhain * DARK MOON (NOV-DEC): honoring our ancestors; releasing the past; transformation; gratitude; reflecting on the lessons of the past year; shadow work * COLD MOON (DEC-JAN): hibernation; rebirth of the light; darkness; connecting with loved ones; Yule: Winter Solstice; darkness; turning within; shadow work If you are using Tarot cards, remember: * Major Arcana cards tend to have a deeper impact in your life and soul purpose. They can represent major life lessons and themes. If the Minor Arcana shows up, it affects the phase you are currently in and the daily energy shifts you are experiencing at the moment. * Reversed cards: If a card shows up upside down it could indicate there energy is blocked or it has not come to pass yet. It could be negative, it could be a warning - keep in mind the context of the reading and the other cards. This is a little snippet from my e-course Tarot Journey, apart of my Certified Metaphysical Program! I hope it brings you insight for your year ahead! May is be bright and aligned with your soul!
NEW YEAR BLESSINGS,MARISSA MOONDAUGHTER "moon my compass // intuition my voice // crystals my companions" blog pinterest facebook instagram


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