Top quality Witch Fixed Pentagram Black Hide Design Stage The Pentagram is a symbol of a star encased in a circle. Always with 5 points (one pointing on the increase), each has its own meaning. The on the increase present of the star is easy-to-read of the spirit. The other four points all represent an element; earth, air, fire, and water. All these belongings contributive to who we are in life and are a part of spirit of all belongings.
The pentagram has crave been whispered to be a eager protection neighboring evil, a symbol of anxiety that shields the wearer and the home. The pentagram five points outwards is unsure to be a sign of intimate deterrent, tabled with protective pentagon within the stars internal.
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Top quality Vintage Triquetra Walnut Fortification Stage (FF) 50.00 This beautiful Triquetra Toss Fixed Walnut Fortification Stage is ready using a Vintage Stage found a vintage shop that has been restored. They we addition by dummy in the field of the stiff a Triquetra design. The stiff is a divine Walnut that has an impressive fresh call out design globular and framing the on your own of the clock.
This clock has a divine mystical energy that decision be magical for any room. The swathe of the clock is a enjoyably stamped with an interwoven triquetra design. The clock is 12 inches sphere and 1 inch dense.
Battery-powered the clock planning about 20 inches elevated by 15 inches considerable and 8 inches calorific. Requires one AA battery (not included).
Triquetras (Special Crest)
Longing formerly the TV show "Special" adopted this ancient Celtic Triquetra symbol was hand-me-down in Witch, Pagan and Wiccan tradition. It represents the threefold fabrication of the Goddess: As maiden, mother, and crone. The triquetra symbolizes the three faces of the Divinity, explanation of the Tension, Shape and Kindness. The circle signifies the ever-turning point of life, death & revitalization. The Triquetra is a great way to represent the power of three and smear the divine female.
Walnut Magick: In the manner of whispered to be a Witch Tree, the walnut tree has crave been associated with witchcraft and healing. It is now hand-me-down for lushness magic and beige transitions. For centuries witches in Italy are thought to command danced under walnut foliage clothed in their rituals. Spanking Pagans and witches may not transfer on this certified tradition, but its use in magick is flat uniform. To be precise, moving the nut in the become known is whispered to plant lushness of existence and company.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
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