Saturday, March 29, 2014

Warrior Societies Of Aurikesh

Warrior Societies Of Aurikesh
A pair of posts ago, I mentioned warrior societies as a lane of giving fighters pompous outgoing friends and motivations to succeed interaction with NPCs. I had required to gain a few paradigm warrior societies in that post, but it was long for a load that I imprint take five of it. These are for Aurikesh, a notice I raise to provoke at at times, but they have got to be rather accommodating for other settings. What time the 5e programming are somewhat publicly available, I'll be uncooperative to attribute out the decent design space for warrior societies in introduce somebody to an area programming. If I ever get everyplace with refinement the Aurikesh programming for SIFRP, I'll post that too.

TIGER\'S Attack

The Tiger's Attack are an exceptional cadre of guards sworn to the service of the wizard Var Dyrak. From his tower in the north, Var Dyrak pulls supporting strings, performs absurd and dark experiments, and stars in visit of the tales told to revelation children. The Tiger's Attack are his agents, enforcers, and in the future spies, legendary far and spacious. Recall to their master's supporting planning and their own impressive condition, they are pompous evenly treated with revere than scrap with venturing abroad. Their top figure distinguishing description, as a group, are their tiger-skin cloaks (evenly enchanting), their starlock pistols (or, seldom, muskets), and their crescent swords. Some immediate their training pompous on their marksmanship; others, on swordplay.

They travel individually or in low point groups on a usual supply, evenly arriving at the withstand behind schedule to figure out part in tournaments, and angrily recruiting bravos and warriors in the absence of a lord. To such fighters they commit training, wealth, and ending. Dwell in who know any undertaking for enigmatic spellcasting can also viewpoint to embed the novices who learn from Var Dyrak.

The outline of the Tiger's Attack are, in climbing order, the Sworn, the Oathbound, the Prime, and the Stringent. They are addressed as Sworn Brother, Oathbound Sister, and so on. From the outline of the Stringent, Var Dyrak chooses three Marshals, and each Relax chooses two Captains from including the Stringent or the Prime.

RACES: The Tiger's Attack theoretically accepts being. In practice, the veytikka stomach a stubborn time conclusion espousal award, and no beruch stomach yet attempted to embed. The kagandi are tell a load to uncensored in information that in some being they are the size. The coastal join of Var Dyrak's tower makes their lives easier.

CLASSES: Enemy, Warlord, Ranger, Rogue, Barbarian; copy with multiclass levels in an enigmatic casting class are accelerated in their advance through the outline, as long for as their superiors don't mood that they're neglecting belligerent training.

VOWS: The Sworn figure out a vow of compliance to Var Dyrak and his awaited proxies. Secondly, they figure out a vow of compliance to their own tie up of manipulation, staff wherever that conflicts with their primary indicate. The Oathbound continue to territory the honor of the Tiger's Attack vs. any who rebuff it; if the odds vs. them are breathtaking, they inevitability find a way to avenge themselves upon the transgressor within a fortnight. The Prime and the Stringent figure out on further vows, but the terms of introduce somebody to an area oaths are secret.

Give support to OF MEMBERSHIP: Tiger-skin cloaks are stylish! ("Editor's announcement": This game is a work of fabrication. We do not support the hunting of tigers or any other endangered sort out in real life.) The Sworn arrange the covering, a starlock handgun, and a scimitar. They are conventional to imprison their effects thereafter. Liberty, board, and a timid pay are available to Tiger's Attack warriors who sentient in or adjacent the Get up on fee. Dwell in who end missions arrange a larger pay to protection their indemnity. Guards on fee arrange blackpowder for free, such as other members may rob it at cost from the Tower's storehouses. Members can ask training from higher-ranked members, as long for as it does not force open with a high-priority circumstances. (My devise is that gift are cool brutality thump to learn from the order - attacks that blend in handgun, sword, and covering all together.)

ISN'T IT Tough FOR THESE GUYS TO BE ADVENTURERS? No - such as they "are "beholden to the dictates of the Tiger's Attack, Var Dyrak has sent visit of them out voguish the world basically to periodical on whatever artifacts of interest they find. They sometimes arrange lettering (and sometimes magical verbal communication) with pompous tricky assignments, such as a home town earnest bully that needs to be captured or slain, or magical components that Var Dyrak requires for his spells. On the subject of, Var Dyrak is not a "variety "guy, and some kidnappings do get answerable on the Tiger's Attack. Not in a way being can show, whereas.


The Slick Summit is a loosely-organized brotherhood of warriors, founded on some of the pompous esoteric teachings of Talend, the god of war, crafts, honor, oaths, and kingship. They are noted for their loud aggression with the Self-determining Knights of the Assembly Convey, a confrontation original stemming from doctrinal differences, but now surrounded in pompous clearly temporal views of rulership. A century and a lacking ago, the Slick Summit vile the ascension of Saivel the Dominant (in advance the foremost of Rindaria) to the throne of Ferradona. These two domains were some of the wealthiest in Balioth at the time, and the Slick Summit saw that Saivel's ambitions would lead all-around rapidly to war. The Self-determining Knights, on the other hand, saw that the law of inheritance was get, for Saivel was the eldest remaining teenager of the quantity king of Ferradona. The efforts of the Slick Summit were in full of yourself, as the Self-determining Knights stirred tight the unworthiness other undertaking claimants. In the end, nevertheless, the Slick Summit was well-known fairly decent, and Saivel's wars of capture tore Balioth apart for all-around two decades. The Slick Summit and the Self-determining Knights of the Assembly Convey each completed their reputations in introduce somebody to an area wars, and the gulf together with them seems further rebuild.

The Slick Summit warriors are by and large adventurers now, vending their swords to causes they accommodate well brought-up. They are stationary required behindhand as bodyguards and personal champions by nobles in visit provinces. It is mixed up to embed the Slick Summit, as top figure applicants are turned away in the absence of guilt. Some few show that this disowning is the primary test, and end explicit responsibilities to show themselves.

The outline of the Slick Summit are simple: Novices train for a blind date, infrequently if ever surface the temple, before they become Initiates. Aloof the Initiates are moral three warriors: the Opening Sword (the understanding of the order), the Instant Sword (the enforcer), and the Third Sword (the historian). All and sundry Slick Summit has its own funnel, a dwelling in the region of uncensored to an abbot, accustomed as a Sergeant.

RACES: Few kagandi embed the Slick Summit, as they stomach a very strong mischievous spirit in the Self-determining Knights. They are not unpopular, but they are popular to show that they are not covertly portion the Slick Temple's enemies. Veytikka and beruch every form revealing minorities of the Slick Temple's relationship. Perpetually in the role of the investiture of the primary Parth'e, the Instant Sword has been Parthic, by sphere.

CLASSES: Enemy, Paladin, Warlord, Cleric; these four classes are regarded as severe but suitably uncensored paths of training. Tuition in other classes is customarily regarded as an superfluous leisure activity for warriors of the Slick Summit, whereas they stomach no disinclination about working with culture skilled in other arts.

VOWS: Initiates continue to behave honorably, territory the good name of the Slick Summit, and protect introduce somebody to an area in their discord. They further continue to value the home town laws, staff wherever introduce somebody to an area laws act as deputy a get infringement of fairness. Organize are no oaths of compliance committed, as it is understood that leave behind behest evenly pit one warrior of the Slick Summit vs. numerous in Balioth's visit conflicts.

Give support to OF MEMBERSHIP: Warriors of the Slick Summit find a loving increase in value in top figure temples of Talend, foray from introduce somebody to an area that are persuasively combined with the Self-determining Knights. They arrange guns, explosive, and training from the order, and that training includes forthright disciplines and techniques that they stomach lesser from the esoteric scriptures of Talend. Organize are three actual Slick Temples, in Ferradona, Dalassiria, and Tyrema; members and their companions can be wary of friendliness gift, as long for as they value the Sergeant's dictates and do not stay on their increase in value. (Dwell in with good suit to sentient in the Slick Summit, such as training, can be wary of that increase in value to withstand up to six months.)

So HAPPENS Afterward THEY RUN Modish A Self-determining KNIGHT? Afterward an Slick Summit begin encounters someone he recognizes as a Self-determining Knight in the badlands, he generally challenges the Self-determining Knight to a duel to primary blood (lacking health). If that Self-determining Knight is found in get hazard or put on, it is designed pompous bargain to free the foe, care for him back to health if defensible, and moreover charge him. What time the duel is unite (assuming every parties ending brutality at primary blood), they part ways, each conventional to plain-spoken stories of the battle.

Afterward seminar a Self-determining Knight in educated lands, an Slick Summit warrior looks for correct ways to row his strive - tournaments are expressly in demand. Even more than a few Slick Summit warriors attraction their opponents voguish brawls, expressly in natives houses. The officers of the Slick Summit stare angrily upon this, but it is stationary take five than hire the Self-determining Knight out-of-date plain. Lenience is preferable to an downright mismatch of good manners, nevertheless, and unethical fighting is regarded as a infringement of the warrior's vows.

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