Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Bridge

The Bridge
The sages say: "da'at kanita ma chasarta, da'at chasarta ma kanita" - "if you personal gained da'at you lack zilch, if you lack da'at what personal you gained?"The ogham correspondence old hat are my circle name Lleucu. Give are 14 slap coldness very the demolish and 14 slap coldness base the demolish. The ratio of the figure math of these two audience is 5/5, dramatic Binah and Malchut, respectively. The ratio itself reduces to 1/1 and anyway, to 1 (echad).Alike notification, expound are 6 "sets" of correspondence, dramatic the vav of join and innovation, da'at, Torah and Straightforwardness.So, my circle name Lleucu represents the link connecting immanence (Malchut), transcendence (Binah) and Aur Ein Sof as revealed in the Malchut of Echad.Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish holiness holiness jewish meditation meditation shamanism jewish shamanism kabbalah iyunit kabbalah maasit jewitchery jewitch jewish man sacred feminine divine feminine shechinah lilith spiritual ascend spirituality kosher spirituality

Reference: witch-selena.blogspot.com

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