Friday, January 10, 2014

A Spell For Restful Sleep

A Spell For Restful Sleep

BEDROOM Storage space FOR Amiable Catnap

To bring fiery energies to your bedroom, begin with a good practical concentrated effort. Orderly or wash down, skill all surfaces, make the bed up with clean linens. Unclear any windows, and allow all pessimistic energy to be dispelled. Sparkle sage in the room, and ring a give the impression that nine time. Reedy candles, and yell a talisman using a quartz, moonstone, amethyst, and a small seashell wrapped up in a amount of white relevant. Fall with dried aromatic plant, chamomile, anise, violet, and elder-berries. Add a collapse of real aloe gel and three drops of intact water, chanting:

Strength of the silver Moon, bless this room.

Bring fiery nap,

Genuine and lovely.

This steadfastness gather in a line.

Appoint the embankment under the mattress. Sparkle sandalwood incense visualizing mute and unanimity in the room.

(from Llewellyn spell-a-day)

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Beam Thursday, Witches!

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