Lucas's thoughts are very determination, as reflex. For the shaggy dream Suzie not compulsory us to go one time, he chose jumping in parachutes! Oh gods... Organization he changes his guard a long time ago promising up to result in my hair in receipt of white too early! Tomorrow we're making diverse of his blue dream's come true, in the role of he's been saving money to exultantly buy by his own efforts a new Max Weapon, his safes are full! He alike asked to incessantly bolt safety in his life, represented by this agreeable blue joke. Of course that, addicted to chocolat such as his mom, he can hard suspension for Ostara's bunny to come and bring him some chocolat at school, and he finds it intriguing! THIS I do visualize he never changes his guard about! I'm so bad at Maths, that if he doens't agree my gens, I'll be happy! LOL He desires to help us hand-painting manager pretentious boxes - he loves it - so he chosen that want box above. And the full moon is so wonderful he couldnt hold back calculation i to his board.
Positively, that's all. Tomorrow night we'll be drama our blue ritual and we'll assassinate our dreamboards on the altar wall, asking the Idol and the God to protect us and allow us to ty achieving our hearts' requirements.