Sunday, September 4, 2011

Islamic Priests Help Exorcise Little Ghosts

Islamic Priests Help Exorcise Little Ghosts
KOTA BHARU, Kelantan: Ghostly incidents of "spiritual fires" sway happened in a urban apartment at Jalan Pantai Cahaya Bulan, Kampung Barembang, Kota Bharu, and 14 Islamic priests who claimed to sway the experiences of performing exorcisms volunteered to chant the Koran verses for hours to remove the evil spirit.These Islamic priests started to perform the exorcism at about 8pm later Tuesday in the apartment. They were seated in a circle hub the living room. A container of obvious water, a lay off of white rice and a mixture of rice and turmeric were laid in the in the middle of the circle. The mixture was succeeding strewn approximately the apartment once the practice done.They hoped to help the holder of the apartment banish the spirit that had caused the "spiritual fires" hub the apartment.Chajiya, the elemental priest who chanted the Koran verses, whispered they had to remove some the old arms such as a parang, a samurai sword and some sculpture matter in order to paste the spell on them. He whispered according to the parable, "makhluk halus" (flash ghosts) liked to "rove" approximately these cloth.[Bang here to read full detail]

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