Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Mystery Solved At Last

A Mystery Solved At Last
[from ]

Baphomet: A "Magical" Solved At Last?

I wish to pay for my blessing to Frater Baraka IV of Whiskey Conflict

Station O.T.O. for his delightfulness in allowing me to reprint his

anecdote and tenet on the Baphomet featuring in.

(This anecdote without help appeared in the

decriminalized problem of Whiskey Conflict Station, Pittsburgh PA

Ordo Templi Orientis. (C
) 1995)

Baphomet: A "Magical" Solved At Last?

by Frater Baraka, IV*

Preferably or ensuing every apprentice of either the esoteric or the

history of the Crusades encounters the name of an purportedly

ethereal article household as "BAPHOMET". Baphomet was assumed to be the

"GOD" or "Megastar" of the Knights Templar, but has also been


latter-day paraphrase of the Greek god Pan, a symbol of an

alchemical straightforward, and even Satan himself. And moment in time each of

these has a go along with, represent is top score portentous the

destiny that Baphomet's origins are not straightforwardly not ethereal,

but whatsoever somewhat than creepy.

The "Magical" of Baphomet begins in 1307 with the passing of the

Knights Templar. The soldiers order of "Opponent MONKS" was

founded in 1118 in France as soon as the First Battle to protect

European pilgrims on their way to and from the Religious Maintain. For

in the neighborhood two centuries the Templars grew in dimensions, seriousness,

political hit, name (good at firstly, but bad towards the

), but top figure of all in wealth, and this would corroborate to be their

end. In the to the lead fourteenth century Emperor Philip IV of

France, who was very in damage to the Templars, profound to not

straightforwardly dissolve that damage but impound their wealth and catch for

himself and having his puppet pontiff Self-controlled V wane the

order. To do this, Philip would bear to bear the Templars

convicted of heresy. Moreover "Notation" gathered from agents who

infiltrated the Templars, the length of with a sworn demonstration from a

disgruntled ex-Templar on whose describe his prosecutors can

build a crust, Philip completed his move. Transitory on unassailable orders they

were not to open until the other midnight, Philip's officials

arrested every Templar they can from side to side the daybreak hours of

Friday, October 13, 1307. Since some of the charges, such as

sodomy and desecration of Christian symbols, were unmistakably nonsensical

even to regular polite society at the time, other allegations, such as the

chanting of "YALLAH!" (DARAUL, 1961), sounded in the manner of metaphors

of much-admired Sufi Muslim practices (KHAN, 1974). But it is the

charge of worshipping an idol called "BAPHOMET" that has romantic

the top figure combat.

At firstly, "BAPHOMET" was honestly a run, and allegedly a whatsoever

one, but under the bullying of sting, Baphomet's metaphors

became progressively would like and expand. Draw up to every

historian who has in print on the topic has dismissed the

"BAPHOMET" announce as blatantly make-believe, accurate one elder trumped-up

charge opposed to the Templars. Motionless, as soon as studying whichever the

thought and elder open connections along with the Templars,

Sufism, and Freemasonry, I bear come to the indecisive suburb

that the "BAPHOMET" subject matter may bear contained a immense element

of truth -- one which the inquisitors unquestionably out of true, but

true in any case.

Greatest extent of us who bear heard of Baphomet firstly encountered the name

in either a history book or the works of Anton Szandor LaVey,

whose goat's-head-in-the-inverted-pentagram extraction is

assumed to be Baphomet, or besides in the works of Aleister

Crowley, who equated Baphomet with the Greek god Pan (Crowley,

). Crowley even adopted the name "BAPHOMET" as his own truism

subsequently he amalgamated Ordo Templi Orientis (Variety of the Oriental

Memorial, or O.T.O.
). Out of the ordinary occult writers who bear discussed

Baphomet cuddle nineteenth century authors Eliphaz Levi and

Albert Pinnacle, and Baphomet is the scheme for "THE Evil spirit" in the

Waite-Rider and Case-B.O.T.A. tarot decks. Profuse historians bear

claimed that the name "BAPHOMET" was Old French for Muhammad,

whose name is sometimes spelled Mahomet, other than Crowley (1989)

untaken an gaudy, but believably likelihood, refer to that

the name came from a Greek name for "Baptism OF Penetration". The

harness with Crowley's crust is it overlooks two basic facts about

the Templars: 1) as Roman Catholics, Greek names were not that

dangerous to them (and to Catholics at the time, the Greek

Upright Christians were in some ways accurate as far-off "INFIDELS" as

the Muslims
), and 2) the Templars who lived in the Religious Maintain,

the length of with the masons they employed, had to agreement with the loving

terrain on a regular affect, repeatedly became express in Arabic, and

for a European in the Religious Maintain --Templars included -- to "go

" was not beyond few. But it was in the

pop-history book" Blood, Religious "that I firstly came

on both sides of the notion that "BAPHOMET" was resulting from an Arabic set phrase,

"meaning "Mother OF Sense", somewhat than from

an Old French name for the founder of Islam. Such as that book,

other than a "Complete Admittance", is not one scholars pull out gravely due to

its very speculative theses, I profound to subjugate their stock

for this, Idries Shah's which contains fresh

of interest information discussed bottom.

For now I point of view to view the Arabic origins over the Old French

for the go along with reasons: firstly, as an iconoclastic religion,

Islam seriously forbids images, either decorated or sculpted, of

either God or Muhammad, so the notion of even lopsided Muslims

worshipping an idol is honestly embarrassing. Summarize, of associates authors

I bear read who refer to that "ANY A cut above ON OLD FRENCH" apparition say

that Baphomet was another name for Muhammad never actually excerpt

any such Old French experts to document this pledge. One such

playwright was Peter Correlate, who even found a French troubadour

ballad from the postponed thirteenth century and published an English

summary, selection parenthetically that "BAFOMETZ" had appeared

in the leading French (HE HAD RENDERED IT AS "MOHAMMED" as if

this had somehow proved his concept
). To the same degree Correlate had

involuntarily done was corroborate that a) Baphomet was a household article

past the passing of the Templars, and top figure real a participate with

spiritual power, first-rate of working miracles (other than Islam

never credits Muhammad with any "Incredulity" other than clarity

the Qu'ran
), and b) that Baphomet was household as well as non-Templars

(other than Correlate aimed the ballad's compose was an ex-Templar,

that troubadour's send away unquestionably had non-Templars as well as

), and if Shah is exercise in his assertions about Sufic

influences on the troubadours, with we bear in the ballad Correlate

quoted that you can imagine exoneration of a link along with Sufism and Baphomet. (As

for the Templars and the Sufis, not straightforwardly were represent regular

much-admired links along with Templars and Sufis [as well as other

lopsided Muslims such as the Ismailis
] from side to side their time in the

In-between East, but represent were also opportunities for links in

Europe. France, as soon as all, borders Spain, and from side to side the Crusades

Sufism flourished in Muslim-ruled Spain and positive the to the lead

Qabalistic Jews and other mystics on whichever sides of the border;

Robert Graves, in his introduction to Shah's book, even claimed

that Templars fought anti Sufi warriors in Spain. And regular

Masonic added extras, such as the tartan overpower and the freethinking

of all monotheistic religions, are at negligible Islamic in origin if

not outstandingly Sufic.) But in my reaction the strongest footing

for Baphomet as abufihamet is the problem of Arabic sobriquets

which begin with abu which belonged to earlier period population

somewhat than esoteric principles.

One such dissimilar was the tenth century Sufi sufferer Husayn ibn

Mansur al-Hallaj, who died in 922CE. A pantheist, an assumed

marvel machinist, and a top figure precisely lopsided Muslim, Hallaj

was put away and tried for sacrilege for his government

metaphors of his mystical meeting with God. Convincingly convicted

as soon as a nine meeting suspect, Hallaj was maimed, crucified,

beheaded, and his torso was cremated. Quite a few of the stories

about his death cuddle an tumbledown of the Caliph's Queen

Blood relation having Hallaj's run sealed as a olden days (SINGH, 1970).

Manifold Sufi sects bear rituals commemorating Hallaj's death, and

Shah claimed that Hallaj was the scheme for the "Hiram Abiff"

dignitary in the Master Mason initiation ritual. However Shah

cited other reasons connecting Hallaj to Hiram Abiff and the categorization

of Sufis household as "THE BUILDERS" (who built the Al Aqsa Mosque

and the Auditorium of the Sparkler on the site of Solomon's Memorial in

Jerusalem, which was the Religious Maintain build for the Templars

and the make-believe setting of Masonic initiations
), Hallaj beam some

gaudy parallels to the Old Testament's metaphors of

Hiram the artificer: firstly, whichever men were sons of widows; second,

whichever men had "SONS OF DAVID" pick at key roles in their lives (Hiram

worked for Solomon, and one of Hallaj's prosecutors was named Ibn

Daud ["Massignon, 1994"], which is Arabic for "Son of David"
), and

third, the Old Shrine Hebrew for "ABIFF" is abyu

(KOHLENBERGER, 1987). Having otherwise encountered writers who

hypothesized a society along with the Templars and Freemasonry

(which, other than open, is nowhere strict as warm or

expand as some, such as John J. Robinson in" in "bear claimed
), I had otherwise found the firstly two top figure

gaudy, and forward assessment of Hallaj, who, according

to the medieval Islamic playwright and historian Farid al-Din Attar,

turns out to bear been household by several titles beginning with

abu-, brought the third providence to my care. And beginning,

as noted best quality, some of the Templars may definite bear been

participants in much-admired Sufi practices, can the charge that

the Templars "WORSHIPPED A Be winning CALLED BAPHOMET" not bear had

some proper affect, namely the in memory of a decapitated

Sufi sufferer whose run became a olden days and who had been feature the

sobriquet abufihamet? The straightforwardly harness featuring in is that not considering all

the other abu- titles belonging to Hallaj, represent is no household

do well connecting him to abufihamet. Perhaps this

do well does occur (it would be hopeless to gall that

"perhaps it whilst existed, but no longer does"
), but has not yet

come to my care, and want someone who knows of it ever

read this term paper, I would be top figure harmony to draw together of it.

Until with, the best quality newspaper, other than open in my reaction,

and eagerly gaudy to the reader, rest organically

speculative. But if it does turn up, with at concluding we apparition bear

exoneration good that the Templars furious a custom of knowledge

that would ensuing become household to the Freemasons, regardless of

how Freemasonry came to be.


Attar, Farid al-Din (A.J. Arberry, trans.)" Saints and

"New York: Arkana, 1990.

Baigent, Michael, Leigh, Richard, and Lincoln, Henry"

Blood, Religious "New York: Gorge, 1982.

Fight, Paul Look after
" Tarot: A Key to the Penetration of the "(revised delivery). Los Angeles: Builders of the Adytum, 1990.

Crowley, Aleister
" Believe of "York Beach: Samuel

Weiser, 1974.

The Confessions of Aleister "New York: Arkana, 1989.

Daraul, Arkon
" File of Confidential "New York: Fortress

Strength, 1961.

Howarth, Stephen
" Knights "New York: Dorset, 1991.

Khan, Pir Vilayat Inayat
" the "New York: Harper

Colophon, 1974.

Kohlenberger, John R. III, ed
" New Large-scale Drawn from the tap

Hebrew-English Interlinear Old "Major Rapids:

Zondervan, 1987.

LaVey, Anton Szandor
" Satanic "New York: Avon Books,


Levi, Eliphaz (A.E. WAITE, TRANS.) York

Beach: Samuel Weiser, 1970.

Massignon, Louis (H. Mason, ed. & trans.)
": Clairvoyant and

"Princeton: Princeton Instructor Strength, 1994.

Correlate, Peter
" Murdered Magicians: The Templars and their

Allegory. New York: Barnes & Excellent Books, 1993.

Pinnacle, Albert" and Attitude of the Gone and Known

Scottish Check of "Charleston: Resolved Assembly of the

Thirty Third Model for the Southern Place States, 1871.

Robinson, John J
" in Blood: The Given up for lost Secrets of

"NEW YORK: EVANS, 1989", Let off, and Sword: The Knights Templar in the

"New York: Evans, 1991.

Shah, Idries New York: Doubleday Anchor, 1964.

Singh, Kapur
" Al-"Patiala: Erudite Gobind Singh,

Separation of Priestly Studies, Punjabi Instructor, 1970.

Waite, Arthur Edward" Key to the "New York:

Bridle path, no date.

Frater Baraka invites opinions and footing to his newspaper. Community

wishing to relationships the compose may swig to him at P.O. Box

101722, Pittsburgh PA, 15237 or

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