Monday, January 31, 2011

Confused About Your Spiritual Path

Confused About Your Spiritual Path
Spellbound In the opposite direction YOUR Earnest PATH?

I absolutely had a backer ask me a lapse. She is still to Wicca AND Druidry. She is a healer, and is still to crystals and stones. She is inclination for a forwards. She is in this day and age in search of a teacher/mentor and has not found one yet. But yet, she is stunned like whenever she asks questions of residents that study a pagan path, she is met with taunt, grandiosity and not even hanging with answers. She wrote to me seeking instruction.

The Aerodynamic Witch's answer:

All but your lapse, I don't get hung up on titles such as human being a "Wiccan" or "Druid". I simply character individually a "Witch". Most of us are very eclectic, that is, resultant a childish bit of this and a childish bit of that. Thought what interests you. Do what works for you. Give to is zero intermittent with human being all, or neither. I view residents in my group that are Wiccan Shamans, Wiccan Druids, and are of discrete Background of Wicca such as Gardnerian and Dianic. I, individually, lean towards hedge witch, and I am conscious in herbalism, shamanism, druidism, crystal/stones, the Celtic tradition, and copious other aspects of the occult.

I formed this page jagged for the basis this crew encountered. Settle as in any other type of religion, hand over are Several....I stress Several and confidently very few....pagans/witches out hand over that skill others with taunt, grandiosity, and offensiveness like they feel like that their way is the by yourself "significance" way and that they know "better" than guise else. We requirement all regard each other for the ways in which we each intend our own spiritual path, amid regard for non-pagans such as Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, and Atheists.

The beauty of human being a Witch or a Pagan is that you are free to uncover, shock, and mature your own spiritual path. In the role of is significance for one crew may not be significance for diverse. To the same degree I started studying 15 duration ago, I did it on my own. For upper limit of that time, I was solitary in my practice of the Vessel. It wasn't until about 2 duration ago that I found other witches that I was fixture to learn from and they view been miraculous mentors. If you are a mature Witch or Pagan, and someone new to the Route asks questions or for attitude, attractiveness help as a great deal as you can. I know upper limit of us do. Understand back to the same as you were in that place. It can be very confusing and deserted.

My element to new witches and pagans.....pick up the attitude of your spot, for that is the goddess approach you her love and her just.

"Purple EagleFeather"The Aerodynamic Witch"

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