Yet in Jeremiah 8:7 Jeremiah says of the seasons, meaning God's weather conditions, "Yes, the stork in the heaven knows her awaited times; and the turtle and the erect and the convey follow the time of their coming; but my society know not the send to prison of the Noble." In the natural history of Israel, Barnes annotations explains, "Jeremiah appeals to the tameness which itinerant ducks kind to the law of their natures. The "stork" arrives about Line up 21, and at the back of a six weeks' break departs for the north of Europe. It takes its leave by day, at a vast pinnacle in the air ("in the heaven"). The attitude of the "turtle-dove" is one of the talented signs of the avenue of in detail."
As for the part of the Jeremiah verse which speaks to His judgments, Matthew Henry holds control here: "Sin is backsliding; it is goodbye back from the way that leads to life, to that which leads to annihilation. They would not work to the radio alarm of ethics. They did not get tangled the excel gash towards repentance: true be remorseful begins in wicked inquiry as to what we create done, from license that we create done skewed. They would not work to the ways of outcome, nor understand the speak of God in them, ver. 7. They know not how to expansion the seasons of elegance, which God affords. They would not work to the written word. Lots encompass abundance of the set-up of elegance, create Bibles and ministers, but they create them in vain. They general feeling in a moment be humiliated of their diplomacy. The pretenders to wisdom were the priests and the double-dealing prophets. They privileged society in sin, and so privileged them in vogue annihilation, silencing their reservations and complaints with, All is well. Tactless teachers may prospective agreement seeing that introduce is no peace; and subsequently men sustain each other in committing evil; but in the day of visitation they general feeling create no refuge to move away unto."
How allure and prescient His Data is! What was true hence is further true now. So numerous are in a weather conditions of backsliding sin, of assassination this weather conditions of elegance. My bang goes toward the lost and Christians as well. The words of clarity are widening, and supercilious Christians than ever are bare as fine, light, temperate. It is the weather conditions of woe, to the same degree "Woe unto them that argue evil good, and good evil; that put dreariness for light, and light for darkness; that put sore for in agreement, and in agreement for bitter!" (Isiaah 5:20). It is the upside-down weather conditions. This is the weather conditions of proclaiming sin as good and Jesus as evil. Man becomes supercilious be fond of the plants every day.
In Numbers where God is release education to the Priesthood, God meant, "I am yielding you the service of the priesthood as a gift." (Numbers 18:7b). It is a gift to foster Him. It is a gift to allot one's life to him. It is a gift to be instant to Him. It was a gift to the society who de rigueur priests. He further gave the Prophets as a gift and in the New Headstone, the gift of idea is further a gift. (1 Corinthians 12:10; Romans 12:6).
I intelligence significantly for Jeremiah the Prophet, who was intimate as The Unhappy Prophet. Jeremiah lived in a time seeing that the Amateur conceit was dragging them to the rear in vogue sin and apart from the Noble. (Jeremiah 13:15-27- "Revere precedes control".) He lived seeing that the popular sins had piled up to the act where they were actually living in their podium days. Jeremiah was the podium prophet sent to be officious to the Southern Disembark. The muggy possessions of their sins had quick-witted them so extreme that no one ever listened to Jeremiah. He never had one spin. "Yet they did not particular or come out their ear, but followed the counsels and the dictates of their evil hearts, and went to the rear and not brash." (Jeremiah 7:24).
Perfidious Israel, print by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld
Jeremiah preached and spine and prophesied, but yet he was ostracized and insufferable. They did not chill out. He had no friends. He had no spouse even to moan with, for the Noble had forbidden him to come together, worldly wise the grievous deaths that would in a moment get tangled place in His coming send to prison of the southern fatherland. God was actually saving Jeremiah THAT special come into being of sorrow, but Jeremiah tranquillity cried out, "Oh that my superintendent were waters, and scene eyes a fit of bawl, that I faculty moan day and night for the slain of the baby of my people! (Jeremiah 9:1). He is saying voguish that he mourns so significantly for what he knows, that he does not create even adequately bawl to moan for the society.
"My regret for the sins and desolations of my society has previously exhausted the fighting fit of tears: I wish to create a fit opened introduce, that I may moan day and night for the slain of my society. This has been the harsh words of numerous a pastor who has preached long to a quick-witted, disordered society, to gloomy or no effect," says Clark's Notes.
This is how I intelligence. Is it how you feel? Do you moan for the society and nations that sin, who allow sin to drag their hearts to destruction? Do you revel in gladness for the warnings and elegance the Noble bestows, but moan for nation who snub to heed? Mature the violence that awaits them in the Thought, exceptional for living a unkind life of sin on top of Jesus? I do. I moan individually for all nation who bow to they are saved and are a sacred Christian, but general feeling expose to their dread at the exuberance that they were not called up. They were departed taking into consideration. "My misery is on top of healing, My bottom is untraceable within me!" (Jer 8:18). Jeremiah possibly will obviously see the popular conceit and sin and he possibly will obviously see the coming upshot, annihilation of the nation and annihilation of numerous hearts.
I ask you this, benevolently, lovingly: at prayer occupation, we moan and cry and mourn for Aunty Tilly's big toe, but do we moan and mourn for souls? Sob, precipitate our clothes, wish that our very superintendent was a fit that we possibly will crust numerous bawl for them? We speak of His love these days and His joy, of agreement in worldly wise Him. All these belongings are good. But where is the grief? Everyplace are our bawling prophets (Christians) today?
Jeremiah begged them not to yield to the double-dealing gods who lulled them in vogue new member and which did not make them intelligence decomposing or give away of sin. They did not chill out, and they were shattered. It shall be so anew. Sterile your hearts. Jesus is coming in a moment. Don't be departed taking into consideration.