A custom that proves the heartfelt religious consortium of Tinians is the light of Vigil Lights. It is an silent law, binding the locals to light all the municipal chapels this way every Saturday afternoon and on the eve of the celebration of a saint's recollect. Every one chapel has a deadly or provisional box, answerable for maintenance the custom. Non-fulfillment of this vow is deliberate a usefulness offence not tolerated by the locals.
This custom sometimes takes the form of a important religious token. Hence, a variety of Tinians smoothly as a bit of appreciation, reason or mercy to a Saint, vow to go to the chapel fond to the Saint's name. The pilgrims come to rest at the chapel early in the crack of dawn. If the oil lamps are sooner than lit, they add some oil to diffidence them tedious and they protest the oil container they brought with them followed by to the candelabrum so it can be cast-off final.
In every missile, the ritual includes candle light and incense tedious. These three ritual elements are the only touchable charge that has survived like the early Christian existence. Its key up is spokesperson. Its good point is not lingering by the assets helpful, but by the pilgrim's dedication. In vast, oil lamp light represents the light in their souls. The blaze symbolizes the light of the Spiritual Long for and the resplendence of all the Saints who are heartfelt in the locals' hearts.
An old Christian custom, of monastic origin, is said into the Christmas last out in Tripotamos. Every one day, one mother country, whose person in charge receives the plate of 'Kavos', takes on the trust of booty caution of the settlement church, which is fond to the Concert of the Virgin Mary. Connecting their odd jobs is to diffidence the oil lamp (vigil light) jewelry blank the Deity of the Nativity lit all day throughout. In infusion, they diffidence the church clean, they pay the costs for the Christmas Prefigure Liturgy, the get ready of candles, because they are also answerable for the making of a downright candle for the New Year's Day Spin.
On Christmas day, at the middle of the day, the Kavos invites the priest and the men - the be in charge of of families of the settlement - for scoff. What's more one of the friendship has to bring his own intersection, spoonful, currency and wine, all wrapped in a tablecloth. The Kavos has to make throw away for a offer meal, with consomm, veal stew, and braised hub with tomato pap, satisfied vine plants and unlike other special specialties. Wine is served in goblets, special mugs of semi-circular genre made of brass that are cast-off only on this stretch.
After the meal, the priest and some of the table-companions give the Deity of the Nativity from the church to their host's empire chanting Christmas hymns. The Deity is located on the map, the priest hands out the holy currency, because everybody lights candles, meticulous to live in cast-off in the crack of dawn service. This is the zip in the manner of the priest appoints the followed by 'Kavos'. After drinking the traditional sweets, the Deity is dominated back to church because the guests chants Christmas hymns.
On the followed by day (26th of December) all the men of the settlement block another time in the empire of the basic Kavos, to goal up the bits and pieces from the after everything else day. Predictably, the odd jobs of the basic Kavos end with the Christmas meal. However, the oil lamp has to observe lit unproductive the endure day of the day. After Prefigure Liturgy on the 31st of December, state is a profile of the Deity utter the houses of the settlement according to the custom of 'podariko' (= to begin with tourist at a empire on New Year's Day is deliberate to bring good luck).
These days the list for the plate of Kavos runs unproductive 2025, which necessary that this custom is very shove with the locals. In until that time days though, the Kavos would be a delayed complementary, like utmost of the families were not indigestible.
Source: Epitome is from the 2012 Kavos demonstrate. Pompous photos can be seen at hand.