Thursday, August 14, 2014

In Rainy Petropolis

In Rainy Petropolis
Hello, everybody! This mountain city is under water! Gods, it`s unbelievable how non-stop this rain is right now! Oh, I miss you guys! I miss visiting your pages and talking to you. But here we are in Petopolis, at mom`s, spending great days, our first real vacations for years! On Friday, my Rodrigo went to Minas Gerais with his dad, who came to fetch him and Baruck - who was a chapter apart, how hard it is to make a cat to get into a travelling box?! Poor cat, he was so stressed and frightened that it took us almost one hour to make him simply enter that damn box. He was meowing as if the worst spirit was trying to possess him... But in the end he calmed down, with his favorite lion toy and blanket. Rodrigo said he`s doing fine and adapting well to his new place.

On Saturday my aunt Sandra took me and Lucas to Petropolis, with tons of luggage, among clothes, personal articles, toys, my magick stuff, handcraft things... It is really good to be here at my mom`s house. This is the very first time I can stay more than five days straight (we`ll go to Minas on the 29th), due to my tight working schedule. The only negative note is that, with the drastic change of weather (and life), as Rio is rainy but hot, and here is so chilli and rainy as well, Lucas got his old tonsilits back, and the fever is haunting him since Sunday. But medicines are being given and his mood is great, he loves being here with his fun grandma.

I already set a little altar on my bedside table, and while I chat and "gossip" with my mom and brother Evaldo, I take the time to make little witches for Carioca Witch and some handmade gifts for my relatives. The Summer Solstice ins approaching and I`ll have to make something discreet to celebrate, since my family is catholic and you know... They respect my choices but I wouldn`t feel comfortable celebrating the sabbath like I do at home. Oh well, I`ll find something to do at our bedroom, lit a candle and thank the coming warm season.

I just wanted to let you know how things are doing. I hope you are doing fine, in good health and good spirits. I`ll be back as soon as I can. Take good care and keep me posted too about you!

Bright blessings ">

PS: Oh, and don`t forget to stop by the great 2WITCHES QUARTELY GIVEAWAY! They`re offering one of my Goddesses this week! Take your chance if you like it! ;o)

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