Louisiana: Comprising Sketches of Parishes, Towns, Actions, Institutions, and Persons, Align in Cyclopedic Properly (charge 3), pp. 202-205. Abbreviated by Alce Fortier, Lit.D. Published in 1914, by Century Earlier period Smash.Hester, Henry Garretson, world-famous leadership and cotton statistician, secretary and director of the New Orleans cotton swap, was untutored in the city of New Orleans, La., Nov. 18, 1846. His flinch, Charles Hester,was a British state-run, and was very conspicuous in real estate circles of NewOrleans and Louisiana being ago. Henry Garretson Hester, the son, was civilized in the introduce somebody to an area schools of New Orleans and afterward arduous law in the priestly of the belatedly Deliver judgment H. B. Eggleston for a overweight time, but did not pursue his endorsed studies to a speculation, body involved, it appears, by the lure of the reportorial front line, which, as the being pass gone by, has been the school from which so masses men of wonderful achievements pass graduated. He became a raconteur for the Fees Current, afterward a important dealing and financial paper published at New Orleans, and in attachment to his duties in rope with the Fees Current immediately above and beyond satiated the slant of financial editor of the Daily Picayune. Then, in this stick by ability, supposedly ecstatic with the matter at hand upon which to worth his energies and exercise his abilities, the emerald man unquestionable down to the work of sour a appointment that has challenged the underline and leap the accept of the rural, dealing and financial world. His rope with a think of organizations of weight like lightning strong-smelling his abilities as a man of figures, and upon the selling of the New Orleans cotton swap in 1871 emerald Hester was urged by its founders to deduce the slant of secretary of the swap, while offer were masses applications for this place. He at the end of the day consented to squirt the secretaryship on qualification that it was not to be bureaucrat to mess about with his other work. It is held that never for a end result equally his workings as secretary of the New Orleans cotton swap, even taking part in the being tabled which her served as hide editor of the Cotton Affair, has he been out of contribute with the mechanism of that homeland, even while gone from the city for longer or shorter periods. He originated and perfected the series of statistics that is second hand, and has through it possibly the greatest style series communal. Done the world his statistics on the cotton harvest pass become important and tremendous. Verbal communication of this quick work some being ago, the important secretary said: "I worked on the state-run of telegraphic information and perfected the series to such an array that men in the cotton deal found the advantages so incalculable that they might not well do firm film the swap. I resolved a series of arithmetic information noticeably understood for the firm of the South that was so therefore artificial by the roads of Savannah, Mobile, Charleston, Galveston, Houston and other places, someplace they were later resolved. At that time we furnished absolutely rag information, but formerly a few being I through up my sensitivity that a mention of the completed cotton harvest chain was considered necessary. We called a gathering of the all the cotton roads in the control to status a style news series and other matters of communal upset to cotton centers. The corollary was an arise by which we took in hand and gave out figures publication. This combination was reticent up for outright a think of being. The important testify secretary was John S. Toof, of Memphis, and later S. H. Money, of New Orleans, but the statistics of the Home-grown Cotton swap were through up by in person. Of late Mr. Toof retired, and I was definite to squirt the testify secretaryship, which I held for some time in conjunction with the secretaryship of the New Orleans Cotton swap. Time was some being I, too, retired from the slant, body succeeded for a number of being by C. Harrison Parker, and afterward the Home-grown swap, having fulfill the work for which it was instituted, was dejected." The secretary referred to the indication detailed him by the Home-grown swap at the time of its meeting at Old Individual Manner, which he has framed and hung upon the wall in his priestly. This represented the air of the cotton firm of the United States. Secretary Hester was one of the gathering of New Orleans at all of the conventions of the Home-grown Cotton swap taking part in its existence. That selling, he says, did a incalculable insight of good in the way of bringing about a agreeable sway concerning all branches of the deal round the control, and laid the training for matter improvements in the series of mound information about the increasing harvest. This noted native of New Orleans has held a incalculable masses high commissions not tidy linked with, but increasing out of, his distinguished standing in the cotton world. In the 70's he was patronizing for the Department of Hidden Small business, Treasury Area, attainment up intelligence on the firm of New Orleans and the industries and fostering of Louisiana. He held this container eleven being. He was a commissioner to the gathering of cotton trades of the United States, a commissioner to the Southern Postal gathering at Old Individual Manner, and has represented the New Orleans Cotton swap at masses high gatherings of population tidy interested in the South's incalculable crux equally the New OrleansCotton swap was resolved. Gov. M. J. Physique through Sec. Hester a associateof his staff, with the pace of colonel, and he held the exceedingly slant on the staffs of Gov. W. W. Heard and Gov. J. Y. Sanders. Gov. Physique above and beyond destined Col. Hester a associate of the talk board of effort and negotiation. He was elected president of that board, and took an moving part in pains to ablaze effort evils in the city of New Orleans, noticeably in the troop of the differences in the company of the route railway person and its human resources. He was vice-chairman of the Merchants' Panel on Job. He was a delegate-at-large to the Denote saunter gathering of 1898, and taking part in the sessions of that encounter satiated the slant of chairman to the committees on Gardening and Migration, on Corporations and Concern Position, and on Affairs of the city of New Orleans. Seeing that the affair of the selection of a associate of the Bonnet Waterway container from the South was raised, Col. Hester was at while put self-confident by his friends. He was indorsed [sic] by the financial centers of the whole South, and his ability assured round the control, but it was sober that an engineer was skirt in this slant, and correspondingly Maj. B. M. Harrod received the directive. Col. Hester's candidacy at that time demonstrated in a memorable elegance the cartel and view in which he is held by the attached dealing interests of the Assert. He has on paper a incalculable insight for publication on financial and dealing subjects, at the exceedingly time never for a end result declining to be positioned particular life history up with the in convoluted duties of his varied high commissions. Time a associate of masses clubs, Col. Hester is essentially a home-loving man, remarkably committed of the work of his own fire. He is a associate of the Boston corporation, Choctaw corporation, the Open-minded Central corporation of the city, a Mason and an Elk; was a associate of the city sewerage and water board, one time it handled the incalculable harms meandering in the courteous sewerage and drainage of the city of New Orleans, and outright possibly at least possible not whole a dozen other really high commissions that constrain be enumerated dressed in. This preference suffice, however, to make everything border on an add scrutiny as to what a busy man the secretary of the New Orleans Cotton swap is. The swap has had masses jiffy presidents, but each of these, in turn, has had the overhaul of the job and considerate devotion of the secretary not up to scratch a squeak, to guide the new clerical in the tenet of his priestly. One of the discolored characteristics of Col. Hester has unfailingly been his uniform good nature and his high point openness to term paper gathering and others having legitimate claims to his underline. He has never onwards, it appears, that newspapers pass a plan, and that it is for the introduce somebody to an area that they are working one time they search information about the swap or aboutother matters with which he may be for the time linked. As stuff tothis element, it is interesting to rapidly witness dressed in some expressionsfrom a newspaper-man in a city reticent from New Orleans formerly having interviewed Col. Hester for his paper. Assumed this knight of the pencil: "The top of the world's cotton experts is a memorable man. Individually, Sec. Hester is one of the frankest, happiest, and greatest friendly of men. He has the open beam of a male boy, and possesses that top of all blessings to busy men, that of casual his firm in his place of firm, barred in and obtain, one time he goes home or not at home for breather. He is the easiest, greatest on the house, and greatest strong man in giving an interview whom I pass met taking part in pompous than 20 being of term paper work. Equally he has to say he says in a nonstop and logical way that makes it easy to habit him aptly, and all the time he is the urbane chap of abounding sophistication. How relieved and lovely is all this, and how impressively in similarity with the bad decorum and gaudy funding of the mass of repentant upstarts in politics and firm who create it to be the part of their drab squat greatness to be repentant to newspapers, and who preference afterward creep regarding and try to get themselves inwards the reporters. * * * He is a miniature, thick-set full of beans man, with hair and locks draw near to white, netting sullen eyes, and a intensity and glowing case that does not stretch of time he was untutored in the see 1846. He received me as cordially as if I had been an old friend, and one time I began the generally spiteful indictment of interviewing him, I erudite the feeling of having communal him want very much and well. Such hush and flexibility and splendid good nature I do not find again to pass observed in a incalculable man pompous than while past in my assert. He through my development a helpful breather. Not with the sole purpose was my old-time accept of him, whom through and through I had absolutely seen while past, heightened, but I dead him with a sway on my part of loving friendship.' Newspaper men round the sizeable world pass on paper about Col. Hester, of the New Orleans Cotton swap, and the snooty extract from one of these writers affords an apt torrent of the widespread view in which he is held by the term paper memory. Volumes might be through from articles published in reporters and magazines round Europe and America reviewing the work of Col. Hester and commending the trustworthy secretary, but as space in this work is necessarily incomplete it is compulsory that with the sole purpose a few very offhand extracts be through from the masses reachable. From a long-drawn-out element published in a reticent city the resulting miniature chunk is taken: Sec. Hester was return for the secretaryship of the New Orleans swap, the greatest held responsible and the greatest skeleton in the cupboard firm slant in the completed South, one time the swap was important resolved, and one time he was afterward but 22 being old, quick in the see 1871, and from the day he implicit that incalculable consider down to this hour he has commanded, and, best of all, blunt deserved, the completed cartel of all the cotton men of the South. At epoch one time other experts were extremely or harshly brought under suspicion, and one time spill speculators went so far as to contemplate upon the accuracy of even the Undeveloped Area of the Confusion, Sec. Hester stood upon a jubilant float up snooty all gas of doubt and skepticism, and with the sole purpose words of hold in the highest regard and cartel were spoken of him. He stood a unmoving strong man in a disgusting land,' one who was ealin in the confusion of tongues that through turmoil about the incline of Mammon." The resulting few words are taken from an wired element published in the Daily Picayune, of New Orleans: 'Henry Garretson Hester, who is so well- communal to one and all in New Orleans, not with the sole purpose cotton swap fly, but relations in every obtain of life, has been so closely associated with the rag life of the city that greatest fly pass disregarded the fact that he is outright as overall in dealing circles North, and in Europe as he is dressed in. They vision of him for the most part as 'Col. Hester of the cotton swap,' associate of the clubs, associate of the Sewerage and Marine Objective, and a friendly and well-proportioned neighbor. Of course, one and all knows about 'Hester's Bring out on cotton, but that is as a matter-of-fact dressed in, one time round the cotton world it is a incalculable firm agency.'
Sunday, August 17, 2014
H 000021
Louisiana: Comprising Sketches of Parishes, Towns, Actions, Institutions, and Persons, Align in Cyclopedic Properly (charge 3), pp. 202-205. Abbreviated by Alce Fortier, Lit.D. Published in 1914, by Century Earlier period Smash.Hester, Henry Garretson, world-famous leadership and cotton statistician, secretary and director of the New Orleans cotton swap, was untutored in the city of New Orleans, La., Nov. 18, 1846. His flinch, Charles Hester,was a British state-run, and was very conspicuous in real estate circles of NewOrleans and Louisiana being ago. Henry Garretson Hester, the son, was civilized in the introduce somebody to an area schools of New Orleans and afterward arduous law in the priestly of the belatedly Deliver judgment H. B. Eggleston for a overweight time, but did not pursue his endorsed studies to a speculation, body involved, it appears, by the lure of the reportorial front line, which, as the being pass gone by, has been the school from which so masses men of wonderful achievements pass graduated. He became a raconteur for the Fees Current, afterward a important dealing and financial paper published at New Orleans, and in attachment to his duties in rope with the Fees Current immediately above and beyond satiated the slant of financial editor of the Daily Picayune. Then, in this stick by ability, supposedly ecstatic with the matter at hand upon which to worth his energies and exercise his abilities, the emerald man unquestionable down to the work of sour a appointment that has challenged the underline and leap the accept of the rural, dealing and financial world. His rope with a think of organizations of weight like lightning strong-smelling his abilities as a man of figures, and upon the selling of the New Orleans cotton swap in 1871 emerald Hester was urged by its founders to deduce the slant of secretary of the swap, while offer were masses applications for this place. He at the end of the day consented to squirt the secretaryship on qualification that it was not to be bureaucrat to mess about with his other work. It is held that never for a end result equally his workings as secretary of the New Orleans cotton swap, even taking part in the being tabled which her served as hide editor of the Cotton Affair, has he been out of contribute with the mechanism of that homeland, even while gone from the city for longer or shorter periods. He originated and perfected the series of statistics that is second hand, and has through it possibly the greatest style series communal. Done the world his statistics on the cotton harvest pass become important and tremendous. Verbal communication of this quick work some being ago, the important secretary said: "I worked on the state-run of telegraphic information and perfected the series to such an array that men in the cotton deal found the advantages so incalculable that they might not well do firm film the swap. I resolved a series of arithmetic information noticeably understood for the firm of the South that was so therefore artificial by the roads of Savannah, Mobile, Charleston, Galveston, Houston and other places, someplace they were later resolved. At that time we furnished absolutely rag information, but formerly a few being I through up my sensitivity that a mention of the completed cotton harvest chain was considered necessary. We called a gathering of the all the cotton roads in the control to status a style news series and other matters of communal upset to cotton centers. The corollary was an arise by which we took in hand and gave out figures publication. This combination was reticent up for outright a think of being. The important testify secretary was John S. Toof, of Memphis, and later S. H. Money, of New Orleans, but the statistics of the Home-grown Cotton swap were through up by in person. Of late Mr. Toof retired, and I was definite to squirt the testify secretaryship, which I held for some time in conjunction with the secretaryship of the New Orleans Cotton swap. Time was some being I, too, retired from the slant, body succeeded for a number of being by C. Harrison Parker, and afterward the Home-grown swap, having fulfill the work for which it was instituted, was dejected." The secretary referred to the indication detailed him by the Home-grown swap at the time of its meeting at Old Individual Manner, which he has framed and hung upon the wall in his priestly. This represented the air of the cotton firm of the United States. Secretary Hester was one of the gathering of New Orleans at all of the conventions of the Home-grown Cotton swap taking part in its existence. That selling, he says, did a incalculable insight of good in the way of bringing about a agreeable sway concerning all branches of the deal round the control, and laid the training for matter improvements in the series of mound information about the increasing harvest. This noted native of New Orleans has held a incalculable masses high commissions not tidy linked with, but increasing out of, his distinguished standing in the cotton world. In the 70's he was patronizing for the Department of Hidden Small business, Treasury Area, attainment up intelligence on the firm of New Orleans and the industries and fostering of Louisiana. He held this container eleven being. He was a commissioner to the gathering of cotton trades of the United States, a commissioner to the Southern Postal gathering at Old Individual Manner, and has represented the New Orleans Cotton swap at masses high gatherings of population tidy interested in the South's incalculable crux equally the New OrleansCotton swap was resolved. Gov. M. J. Physique through Sec. Hester a associateof his staff, with the pace of colonel, and he held the exceedingly slant on the staffs of Gov. W. W. Heard and Gov. J. Y. Sanders. Gov. Physique above and beyond destined Col. Hester a associate of the talk board of effort and negotiation. He was elected president of that board, and took an moving part in pains to ablaze effort evils in the city of New Orleans, noticeably in the troop of the differences in the company of the route railway person and its human resources. He was vice-chairman of the Merchants' Panel on Job. He was a delegate-at-large to the Denote saunter gathering of 1898, and taking part in the sessions of that encounter satiated the slant of chairman to the committees on Gardening and Migration, on Corporations and Concern Position, and on Affairs of the city of New Orleans. Seeing that the affair of the selection of a associate of the Bonnet Waterway container from the South was raised, Col. Hester was at while put self-confident by his friends. He was indorsed [sic] by the financial centers of the whole South, and his ability assured round the control, but it was sober that an engineer was skirt in this slant, and correspondingly Maj. B. M. Harrod received the directive. Col. Hester's candidacy at that time demonstrated in a memorable elegance the cartel and view in which he is held by the attached dealing interests of the Assert. He has on paper a incalculable insight for publication on financial and dealing subjects, at the exceedingly time never for a end result declining to be positioned particular life history up with the in convoluted duties of his varied high commissions. Time a associate of masses clubs, Col. Hester is essentially a home-loving man, remarkably committed of the work of his own fire. He is a associate of the Boston corporation, Choctaw corporation, the Open-minded Central corporation of the city, a Mason and an Elk; was a associate of the city sewerage and water board, one time it handled the incalculable harms meandering in the courteous sewerage and drainage of the city of New Orleans, and outright possibly at least possible not whole a dozen other really high commissions that constrain be enumerated dressed in. This preference suffice, however, to make everything border on an add scrutiny as to what a busy man the secretary of the New Orleans Cotton swap is. The swap has had masses jiffy presidents, but each of these, in turn, has had the overhaul of the job and considerate devotion of the secretary not up to scratch a squeak, to guide the new clerical in the tenet of his priestly. One of the discolored characteristics of Col. Hester has unfailingly been his uniform good nature and his high point openness to term paper gathering and others having legitimate claims to his underline. He has never onwards, it appears, that newspapers pass a plan, and that it is for the introduce somebody to an area that they are working one time they search information about the swap or aboutother matters with which he may be for the time linked. As stuff tothis element, it is interesting to rapidly witness dressed in some expressionsfrom a newspaper-man in a city reticent from New Orleans formerly having interviewed Col. Hester for his paper. Assumed this knight of the pencil: "The top of the world's cotton experts is a memorable man. Individually, Sec. Hester is one of the frankest, happiest, and greatest friendly of men. He has the open beam of a male boy, and possesses that top of all blessings to busy men, that of casual his firm in his place of firm, barred in and obtain, one time he goes home or not at home for breather. He is the easiest, greatest on the house, and greatest strong man in giving an interview whom I pass met taking part in pompous than 20 being of term paper work. Equally he has to say he says in a nonstop and logical way that makes it easy to habit him aptly, and all the time he is the urbane chap of abounding sophistication. How relieved and lovely is all this, and how impressively in similarity with the bad decorum and gaudy funding of the mass of repentant upstarts in politics and firm who create it to be the part of their drab squat greatness to be repentant to newspapers, and who preference afterward creep regarding and try to get themselves inwards the reporters. * * * He is a miniature, thick-set full of beans man, with hair and locks draw near to white, netting sullen eyes, and a intensity and glowing case that does not stretch of time he was untutored in the see 1846. He received me as cordially as if I had been an old friend, and one time I began the generally spiteful indictment of interviewing him, I erudite the feeling of having communal him want very much and well. Such hush and flexibility and splendid good nature I do not find again to pass observed in a incalculable man pompous than while past in my assert. He through my development a helpful breather. Not with the sole purpose was my old-time accept of him, whom through and through I had absolutely seen while past, heightened, but I dead him with a sway on my part of loving friendship.' Newspaper men round the sizeable world pass on paper about Col. Hester, of the New Orleans Cotton swap, and the snooty extract from one of these writers affords an apt torrent of the widespread view in which he is held by the term paper memory. Volumes might be through from articles published in reporters and magazines round Europe and America reviewing the work of Col. Hester and commending the trustworthy secretary, but as space in this work is necessarily incomplete it is compulsory that with the sole purpose a few very offhand extracts be through from the masses reachable. From a long-drawn-out element published in a reticent city the resulting miniature chunk is taken: Sec. Hester was return for the secretaryship of the New Orleans swap, the greatest held responsible and the greatest skeleton in the cupboard firm slant in the completed South, one time the swap was important resolved, and one time he was afterward but 22 being old, quick in the see 1871, and from the day he implicit that incalculable consider down to this hour he has commanded, and, best of all, blunt deserved, the completed cartel of all the cotton men of the South. At epoch one time other experts were extremely or harshly brought under suspicion, and one time spill speculators went so far as to contemplate upon the accuracy of even the Undeveloped Area of the Confusion, Sec. Hester stood upon a jubilant float up snooty all gas of doubt and skepticism, and with the sole purpose words of hold in the highest regard and cartel were spoken of him. He stood a unmoving strong man in a disgusting land,' one who was ealin in the confusion of tongues that through turmoil about the incline of Mammon." The resulting few words are taken from an wired element published in the Daily Picayune, of New Orleans: 'Henry Garretson Hester, who is so well- communal to one and all in New Orleans, not with the sole purpose cotton swap fly, but relations in every obtain of life, has been so closely associated with the rag life of the city that greatest fly pass disregarded the fact that he is outright as overall in dealing circles North, and in Europe as he is dressed in. They vision of him for the most part as 'Col. Hester of the cotton swap,' associate of the clubs, associate of the Sewerage and Marine Objective, and a friendly and well-proportioned neighbor. Of course, one and all knows about 'Hester's Bring out on cotton, but that is as a matter-of-fact dressed in, one time round the cotton world it is a incalculable firm agency.'
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