Friday, May 16, 2014

The Triple Goddess

The Triple Goddess
For witches our Holy being has three aspects, the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. Supporting the three stages of life a human being passes through. Weird stages depend on the time of the time and phases of the moon.

The Maiden Holy being is the virgin goddess in her experimental form. She represents teenager, entertainment, and promises of new early period. She is represented by the waxing moon. Her marriage to the God is on Ostara, in 9 months from Ostara she becomes the mother. I contact her Hebe. She represents the experimental, virginal out-of-date being of a woman's life.

The Mother Holy being is the goddess who is full with the God's child. She represents vividness, sexuality, power and life. She is represented by the full moon. She gives physical to the environmentally friendly God on Yule. I contact her Hera. She represents a woman's plentiful being, the being at the same time as she can transport life within her workforce.

The Crone Holy being is the vanishing phase of the Holy being otherwise she begins as the Maiden once again. She represents wisdom and death. She represents endings. She is represented by the diminishing moon. She becomes the Maiden once again at Beltane. I contact her Hecate. She represents the menopausal phase of a woman's life, or the time at the same time as she is sensible with being but no longer able to bare children.

The triple phase of the Holy being represents the three phases of life that a human being goes through. Acceptably invoking the only aspect of the Holy being helps to upgrade the ritual power.

Sanctified be,

Female Alice

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