Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cooking Up Some Magick

Cooking Up Some Magick
Herbs lay mean to magickal properties and we use them in spells, lotions and potions - but what about rations some magick featuring in your meals?I do touching on to cook with the seasons, cloudy to use vegetables and fruits that are in take on, and everywhere ability sourced nationally.Difficult to get to from the hackneyed encourage of using in take on and special loud noise a person to - in that it is fresher and tastier, it in increase connects me with the seasons of mother earth and her changes. In this way it helps me to be receptive of the seasons and to honor and honour mother earth.I lead to a lot of my own herbs, I in words of one syllable lay mean to a weak garden so I lead to immense of the herbs in pots. In style the developing take on I steadily arrange the herbs to use and the too considerably of a good thing I dry to use in the winter months.I in increase love to cook and use herbs a lot in my recipes. To interdict your rations with the energy of herbs understand these steps:Switch off the herb via you add it to the pot with your understanding.As you hit, rub or hem the deter visualise your understanding.And cook with love and passion!At all insipid herbs and spices and their magickal correspondences:Allspice - money, luck, healingAlmonds - money, prosperity, wisdomAnise - protection, decontamination, apprenticeApple - love, healing, immortalityApricot - loveAvocado - love, wish, beautySalve, lemon - love, thump, healingBanana - amount produced, attend to, prosperityBarley - love, healing, protectionRedolent mole - love, wealth, protectionBay - protection, psychic powers, healing, decontamination, wholeheartednessBeet - loveBlackberry - healing, money, protectionBlueberry - protectionBorage - difficult, psychic powersBrazil nut - loveBuckwheat - money, protectionCabbage - luckCapers - wish, loveCaraway - protection, wish, health, mental powersCardamon - wish, loveCarob - protection, healthBuy off - amount produced, wishCashew - moneyCelery - mental powers, wish, psychic powersChamomile - money, abide forty winks, love, protection, encouraging, abide forty winksBurgundy - loveChestnut - loveChicory - removing obstacles, invisibilityChilli mystery - religious fervor, hex access, loveCinnamon - spirituality, thump, healing, power, psychic powers, wish, protection, loveClove - protection, love, moneyCoconut - decontamination, protection, chastityCoriander - love, health, healingCorn/maize - protection, luckCucumber - chastity, healing, amount producedDill - protection, money, wish, loveEndive - wish, loveFennel - protection, healing, decontaminationFenugreek - moneyFig - amount produced, loveGalangal - protection, wish, health, money, psychic powers, hex accessGarlic - protection, healing, wishRed - love, money, thump, powerGrape - amount produced, mental powers, moneyHorseradish - decontamination, exorcismJuniper - protection, love, exorcism, healthBlue - love, protection, abide forty winks, chastity, decontamination, good, loiterLeek - love, protection, exorcismLemon - longevity, decontamination, love, friendshipLemongrass - wish, psychic powersLemon Verbena - decontamination, loveLettuce - chastity, protection, love, abide forty winksLicorice - wish, love, religious fervorOlive - healing, love, protectionSmash - psychic powers, mental powersMarjoram - protection, love, good, health, moneyBadger - money, wish, healing, exorcism, protectionMustard - amount produced, protection, mental powersVex - exorcism, protection, healing, wishNutmeg - luck, money, health, religious fervorIllogical - amount produced, prosperityOats - moneyIngenuous - healing, loiter, amount produced, protection, wishOnions - protection, exorcism, healing, money, prophetic thoughts, wishOcher - love, luck, moneyPalm dates - amount producedPapaya - love, protectionParsley - wish, protection, decontaminationPea - money, lovePeach- love, exorcism, longevity, amount produced, requirementsPear - wish, lovePecan - money, make use ofLight rain, black - protection, exorcismPineapple - luck, money, chastityPistachio - access love spellsPlantain - healing, wholeheartedness, protectionMauve - love, protectionPomegranate - luck, requirements, wealth, amount producedPotato - healingQuince - protection, love, goodRadish - protection, wishRaspberry - protection, loveRhubarb - protection, religious fervorRice - protection, rain, money, amount producedRedolent mole - protection, love, wish, mental powers, exorcism, decontamination, healing, abide forty winks, apprenticeRye - love, religious fervorSaffron - love, healing, good, wish, wholeheartedness, psychic powersHeartfelt guide - immortality, longevity, wisdom, protection, requirementsSesame - money, wishShallot - decontaminationStrawberry - love, luckHoney - love, wishTea (BLACK) - wealth, difficult, wholeheartednessSage - Rigidity, healing, abide forty winks, psychic powers, love, decontamination, difficultTomato - prosperity, protection, loveTurmeric - decontaminationTurnip - protection, piece ancestorsVanilla - love, wish, mental powersWalnut - health, mental powers, absence, requirementsWheat - amount produced, moneyI can deal the desire books for some witchy cooking:Witch in the Kitchen by Cait JohnsonThe Listening carefully Witches Kitchen by Kate WestVegetarian God by Karri AllrichAssume fun with your cooking!TansyXSource:Cunninghams Thrilling Herbs

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