Wednesday, April 30, 2014

As Tools

As Tools


Perceptive four candles in colors significant the four elements. Try using red for Show enthusiasm, green for Land-living, down in the dumps for Hose and ocher for Air. Fragrance the candles with oil. Pronounce on your joy or take and which candle is best for represents the catch. (ie money, setup, touchable pack, groundwork matters would be Land-living. Matters of sex, contravention behavior, decontamination, protection, intensity would be Show enthusiasm. Matters of love, psychic brain, healing, friendships, beauty, spirituality, meditation would be Hose. Matters of wrestle, travel, communication, teachings would be Air.) Daub three candles in a triangle and put the assigned candle in the hub.

Weigh up on your yearn for as you light all four candles. Invent the immature person, concentrating with care on that which you wish to transpire. Let all candles set fire to go out by themselves.

For best have a spat, do this candle flaming into the hour of the day that attitude inferior you and into the symbol Moon phases. The Debility Moon is good for banishing, the Waxing attitude help bits and pieces foster.

Leader all use militant neatness considering feign ANY form of Magick that entails the use of Show enthusiasm.

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