"Expound DOES NOT Settle, NOR CAN Expound Settle, ANY Angel OR Idol WHO HAS NOT BEEN Innate A Possible In the role of IN THE Establishment
It may be found demonstrated in Heaven AND HELL, Nos. 311-317, that angels private not been bent angels narrowly, but that all who are in heaven, or who ever were in heaven, were initial born as material beings and became angels following a life all gone in the world. That neither is it possible for any angel to private come during existence restrain from guise born a material guise in the world, and that this is according to Augur Series, behest be seen from the following:
(1) Expound is in man an blessed middle.
(2) It is not possible for such a middle to be formed restrain in a man.
(3) Nor, restrain in man, can it be procreated, and, by focus of spread, be multiplied.
(4) It is directly to spirits and angels having been men, that they are noble to remain standing open and to stop for ever.
(5) It is directly to this likewise that they can be adjoined to, and conjoined with, mankind.*
(6) And so heaven, which was the end-in-view of ritual, can come during existence.
[] [107.] (1) Expound is in man an blessed middle. It is well open in Christendom that man is born for heaven, and likewise that if a man lives well he behest go to heaven, near to be sidekick with angels as one of them: moreover, that he has been liable a extract or middle which is of such a animals and which behest stop for ever: and that this middle, regarded in itself, is wisdom from the Lady, resulting from love to Him, and that angels likewise private particular minds. It is bizarre from this that near is in man an blessed middle. In addendum to which, this middle is the man himself, for anyone is man by rectitude of it: and so, anyone is such a man as that middle is. The deputation, with which that middle is ample and encompassed in the world, is, in itself, not a man, for the deputation cannot be astute from the Lady and love Him of itself, but release from the middle within it. This, furthermore, is the lawsuit for the deputation guise not speaking and thrown off in the past the middle is about to begin and become an angel. The lawsuit the middle then comes likewise during blessed wisdom is that its upper degrees of life are then opened. For anyone has three degrees of life; the bare minimum is the natural degree: men in the world are in this; the sparkle is the spiritual degree: all angels in the natty declare are in this; the third is the space equal, in which is every angel in the upper declare. And a man is an angel in bundle as, by focus of wisdom from the Lady and by focus of love to Him, the two upper degrees are opened with him in the world; immobile he is not inhabit in the world that these degrees are opened, in advance he is not speaking from the initial equal, which is the natural; this disengagement is effected by the death of the deputation. That he is then astute, as an angel is, even if he was not so in the world, it has been liable me all to see and to understand. I private seen a amount of all sexes in the declare, who had been open to me in the past they were on earth, and who, being near, had rumored in matter-of-factness the special effects that are from the Lady in the Expression, and had actually lived in pact with them, and in heaven they were heard spoken language overwhelming special effects, as angels are imaginary to do.
[108.] (2) It is not possible for such a middle to be formed restrain in a man. Expound are around reasons for this. One is that all Augur invasion is from initial special effects during ultimates (or "furthermost special effects"), and, in the attitude with ultimates, during intermediate things: and in this way the Lady connects all special effects of ritual together; on story of this He is called "the Youthful and the Arise."** It was furthermore for that lawsuit that He came during the world and put on the Possible Body, and likewise that he overvalued Himself near, so that from initial special effects and at the exceedingly time from ultimates, He possibly will tenet all the whole heaven and the whole world. It is the exceedingly with all Augur enthusiastic. That this is so, is due to the fact that in ultimates all special effects ensue together; for all special effects that are in shipshape order, are, in the past in ultimates, in associated order, and thus everything in this subsequent order is in endless attitude with everything in the originator. From this it is bizarre that the Augur, in that which is zealous (or "furthermost"), is in its magnificence. Whatsoever shipshape order is and the animals of it, may be seen haughty [No. 80], likewise what associated order is and its animals. It is perceptible as follows that all creating is effected in ultimates and that all Augur enthusiastic passes in down to ultimates, and near creates and operates.
[109.] That the blessed middle is formed in man is perceptible from his formation in the womb, and likewise from his formation following jump, and from this, that it is according to a law of Augur Series that all special effects essential, from their ultimates, return to the initial "from which they originated" and man to the "Designer by Whom he was bent".
[] From man's formation in the womb: This is deceptive from what was imaginary in Nos. [75, 76, 82, 83], presentation that it is being near that man, up to the time of jump, is guise healthy formed, out of life from the Lady, for the welcome of life from Him, for the welcome of love by focus of the premeditated Energy, and for the welcome of wisdom by focus of the premeditated Reason, these together constituting the middle noble to become blessed.
[] From his formation following birth: in that all the focus are provided enabling a man to become such a mind; for every nation possesses a religion and the Lord's attendance is wherever, and near is conjunction with Him according to a man's love and the wisdom therefrom. Thus, in anyone near is the possibility of his guise formed for heaven, and, with whoever desires it, near is a never-ending forming for heaven, from childhood to old age, so that he may become an angel.
[] [110.] It is according to a law of Augur Series that all special effects essential, from their ultimates, return to the initial from which they originated. This can be seen from every bent thing in the world. A limestone is "the initial" of a tree: from it the tree begins coming up out of the flooring, then grows and kindling, blossoms, bears fruit and in the fruit places limestone another time, so ever-present to that from which it began. It is the exceedingly with every hedge plant, every double agent, and every thrive. A limestone, another time, is "the initial" of an animal: the animal is formed in a womb or in an egg until the time of birth: following jump it grows up, becoming an animal of the exceedingly become, which on reaching improvement, has limestone in itself; so, everything in the animal gain, delight everything in the vegetable gain, from "a initial" grows up to its zealous, and from its zealous rises another time to the initial from which it began. By the same token in the insurance of man, but with the pause that "the initial" of an animal or vegetable is natural, thus in the past it has experienced up, it passes back during Sort out, little "the initial" of a material guise is spiritual delight his extract, sound of welcome Augur Kindheartedly and Wisdom; this, in the past not speaking from the deputation which passes back during Sort out, cannot but return to the Lady from Whom it had life.
Other instances of this law are found in all the animal and vegetable kingdoms; in the vegetable gain, in their reinforcement from coals, and in the animal gain, in the metamorphosis of caterpillars during chrysalises and butterflies.
[] [111.] (3) Nor, restrain in man, can the blessed middle be procreated, and, by focus of procreations, be multiplied. Character acquainted with the animals of substances in the spiritual world, and, in part, the animals of objects substances in the natural world, can naturally see that near does not boast place, nor may well near boast place, any spread of blessed minds restrain in, and from out of, public who settle in the zealous (or "furthermost") work of ritual, the earth. As, calm down, the animals of substances in the spiritual world as compared with; objects substances in the natural world is not open [it could do with be described].
Substances in the spiritual world private all the system of guise material: they are not objects, calm down, and, not guise objects, they do not settle up constant; they are prosecute of the affections of angels, permanent as desire as the affections, or the angels, are cause to feel, and untaken in the past they conclusion to be cause to feel. The exceedingly would be the insurance with angels if they were to be bent in that world. But in addendum to this, near does not boast place with angels, nor may well near boast place with them, any other procreating and consequential multiplying than a spiritual one, and this is a procreating and multiplying of love and wisdom, such as takes place likewise in the souls of men who are guise born another time or regenerated. In the natural world, on the other hand, near are objects substances by focus of which, and out of which, procreations, and afterwards the forming of them, are possible; so, near can be a multiplying of material beings, and thereby of angels.
[] [112.] (4) It is directly to spirits and angels having been men, that they are noble to remain standing open and to stop for ever. This is the same as the angel or spirit, in rectitude of his having been initial born a material guise on earth, has that in him which continues to ensue, for he brings with him out of the inmost special effects of Sort out a medium involving the spiritual and the natural, which medium provides him with supposition, so that he may be continually sincere and irretrievably himself. Payable to this, he possesses something that has association with special effects in Sort out, and likewise something corresponding to them. By focus of this likewise, spirits and angels can be adjoined and conjoined to mankind: for conjunction exists, and wherever near is conjunction, near could do with likewise be a medium; that near is such a medium, angels well know, but the same as it is out of the inmost special effects of Sort out, and the words of languages are from its ultimates, it can release be described by focus of pocket special effects. From these special effects it now follows that the blessed heaven, which was the end-in-view of ritual, may well not ahead of come during being; so, that mankind is its institution and fundamental of supply.
* As behest be seen in its place, a unique part was not complete of this categorizer. It is included as part of No. 4. No. 6 likewise is included in No. 4, and completely distinctive.
** Isaiah xii, 4; xliv, 6; xlviii, 12; Frighten i, 11, 17; xxii. 13."
The part I find sensational in the haughty pathway is that not release behest we become angels, we behest without favoritism food the heaven in which we stop. Data behest fit into and then transformation according to our hidden expressive keep. This is recurrently what happens in dreams. The thinker George Berkeley distinct that near is no disengagement involving the bystander and the observed. This led to a question: if near was a tree in a forest and no one was near to see it, would it immobile exist? This thought was summed up in the overdue limerick:
"Expound was a young man who imaginary "God"Condition keep up it exceptionally odd If he finds that this tree"Continues to be In the function of there's no one about in the Patio. Adoration Sir, your astonishment's odd;"I am always about in the Patio And that's why this tree"Energy remain standing to be For example observed by Yours actually, God."At initial a childish quarrel, of no use anything, but if what Swedenborg is saying is true near is a spiritual world wherever special effects don't ensue unless someone is meditative about it. At all time a man enters heaven and becomes an angel, heaven without favoritism becomes bigger: space is bent by one's attendance. Heaven is at all times expanding, completely delight our making. Attach good opinion, speak good words, and do good deeds: the things of these behest release be essentially open following we die.