Monday, October 14, 2013

Light Of The Luminaries

Light Of The Luminaries

THE Enlightenment OF THE MOON SHALL BE AS THE Enlightenment OF THE SUN...

Yishayahu 30:26

Offering are 8 feast sabbats (withdraw from full and new moon esbats) in the witch's drive of the rendezvous - 4 moon sabbats and 4 sun sabbats.

Moon Sabbats

The "moon sabbats" are called fire festivals, and can become visible anywhere amongst 29-59 days subsequent the keep on solstice or equinox. The 4 moon sabbats are "Samhain" (F?te of the Slumbering, F?te of Apples), "Imbolg" (F?te of Torches, F?te of Waxing Enlightenment), "Beltane" (Inspire of Enlightenment, Celtic Lag B'Omer, Cetsamhain-opposite Samhain), and "Lughnasadh" (F?te of Bread, Lammas).

Sun Sabbats

The "sun sabbats" take in hand to the sphere days (solstices and equinoxes), and are based on the climax cubbyhole of the sun. The 4 sun sabbats are Mabon (autumn equinox), Yule (winter solstice), Ostara (so equinox), and Litha (summer solstice).

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