Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Daily Magickal Influences And Color Correspondences

Daily Magickal Influences And Color Correspondences
One and all day is ruled by a terrain with identifiable magickal influences:


Monday (Moon): silence, healing, caring, psychic awareness

Tuesday (Mars): adoration, valor, animosity, protection

Wednesday (Mercury): study, travel, prediction, wisdom

Thursday (Jupiter): expansion, money, prosperity, generousity

Friday (Venus): love, friendship, amity, beauty

Saturday (Saturn): longevity, endings, homes

Sunday (Sun): healing, spirituality, whack, struggle, protection


Flag are attached with each day, according to astral bend.

Monday: profound, light purple, white, silver, ivory

Tuesday: red, white, black, profound, maroon, burgundy

Wednesday: orangey, bleak, white, topaz

Thursday: green, turquoise, white, lilac, cranberry

Friday: white, good, rose, lilac, cranberry

Saturday: bleak, profound, brassy, light purple, black

Sunday: orangey, yellowish-brown, gold, amber

Planetary PHASES:

WAXING: From New Moon to Total Moon, is the shining example time to do magic to inducement personal property to you.

WANING: From Total Moon to New Moon, is a time for study, meditation, and magical work designed to banish nasty energies.

Source: Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2012

Plus count out http://www.llewellyn.com/ for normal persuasive articles and boss information.


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