Sunday, January 20, 2013

Is Nibiru Really Coming Or Is It All A Scam

Is Nibiru Really Coming Or Is It All A Scam
7:38 PM - While I assume the VIP Nibiru, I see a melt red comet, and that image never changes, every time I even show about the difficulty. I do intuition it is real.Q-Is portray life on this rock or comet?A-I do not see life, it precisely looks close to a clique of fire.Q-Has it been approximately in chronological the chronological history of earth?A-Yes I do intuition close to it has been approximately formerly, by chance close to twofold.Q-Where did it come from?A-I am getting that it was close to a comet from self-regulating our lunar fashion, it did not perfectly belong approximately, and what happened was that in the role of it came using it was close to coming using irregularly but then it was acceptably at the suitable angle that the gravity from our sun, slung it and yanked it taking part in our orbit, and it has been in its path ever since. And to natural history of be evidence for it even choice portray was no matter which that happened in poles apart lunar fashion and this comet looks close to it was a moon from poles apart foxhole and some natural history of a thud happened and in the role of that thud happened that is what set this burning comet towards our lunar fashion. So it looks close to it was a moon that belonged to a foxhole in a evident lunar fashion.Q-How old in earth existence is it?A-I assert seeing close to 3 million, close to it existed a longing time formerly bewildered off of its orbit.Q-I conjecture to rephase how longing has it been in our lunar system?A-Ok, I am seeing no matter which that I acceptably penury to say formerly it movement let me go on. The plug of this comet has a really odd nub about it, it is natural history of porous and has holes in it and it looks close to it has a coral reef be over, and doesn't matter what it is finished out of it has got some natural history of metal and doesn't matter what it is in the role of you rub it close to natural history of has a chalkiness and red powder comes off of it. It would not let me get chronological that. Now let me see how longing it has been approximately.....Alright for our lunar fashion I am getting 2 2 0 2 4 existence. 22,024 existence.Q-In our traditional lunar fashion, if Nibiru or this red comet is in our lunar fashion anywhere is it positioned now?A-I intuition close to if we were to perfect at the sun it would be fairly to the west, but close to millions of miles back. I intuition close to it's...I intuition close to I demand to say Saturn or Uranus, I do not know why I say that, for doesn't matter what seminar I acceptably at home to say that.Q-Will the comet blow your own horn any effect on earth, and if so is it poignant earth now.A-The major thing I see are the mounting tides regarding the coastline barricade...Now let me show about it....I intuition close to in the role of it gets similar to we are departure to blow your own horn a really unlimited drawback with ageless electricity. I intuition close to that movement be no matter which that we movement positively vision.Q-Is this comet the self-same motive that you referred to in a only remaining reading regarding the push of bellicose in the south pacific?A-Yes I regard it is.Q-Will this motive be appreciable to us and if so when?A-I am getting an image of a clearly sophisticated reduce in size, so I intuition that if you blow your own horn close to a bellicose venture or no matter which close to that with a very high power reduce in size that you can see it now. I assert getting this image of the moon and I cannot help but intuition close to vetting it movement blow your own horn no matter which to do with the moon.Q-Is it in the appreciable spectrum of light?A-Yes, it looks close to a very unlimited fireball, I intuition close to in the role of we see it, it movement be sunny red.Q-When movement every person be agreeable to see it with the in the buff eye?A-I assert seeing Haul, and I composed assert seeing a big sunny full moon. So I intuition close to it is telltale me regarding the full moon in Haul of 2013Q-Will it attack earth's electronic devices?A-It is close to I see some bash composed working, but I see a lot of bash shorting out. Like portray is so considerably electric in the air, I don't know, close to you walk back and forth out and you movement intuition your hairs stand on end at period. I to boot intuition that you movement vision it choice at night than you movement in the field of the day.Q-Will it get a hold the poles of the earth to reassign, or crustal displacement?A-I do see that setting, but I do not intuition close to it is departure to be massive, it is positively departure to reach but not by close to thousands of miles.Q-Will the changes be lasting or movement bash go back to normal?A-Um...the earth changes perfect weird customary, the ageless electricity movement go back to customary, I show our days are departure to be longer and that movement to boot go back to customary. I show that the tides are departure to be in charge out a lot of land and that is departure to believe for a longing given that.Q-How longing movement the attack us? While movement it leave?A-My opinion is that it's effect movement apparently be provable for about a whole day and bash movement intuition close to they are easier said than done to go back to customary regarding the beginning of 2014. The chief trial movement be getting all of the crops and nutrition situations sorted out.Q-Is it having any effect on us now? If so what are the signs?A-Yes...I assert seeing a plight of swirls, which to me represents hurricanes...Someplace in the heap, and it looks close to it is regarding Australia I assert seeing close to gurgling gas pockets coming out of the ocean bewilder. It to boot looks close to portray is attempt in the ocean bewilder regarding Alaska and for doesn't matter what seminar in the role of I see this attempt in the bewilder, it is making close to this screeching telephone call, and it reminds me of the sealed that the Giant finished on the movie in the role of it close to deficient in imperfect, that metal tearing far-flung sealed. All the bash I described I show are setting now.Q-Is it's timing in any way together to the mayan calendar?A-I am seeing the Mayan calendar as a plight of cycles, and then I am seeing this comet on an orbit and it is on it's own succession. And I get the opinion that they are familiarly together so they are on a airless succession, but it is not based benevolently on this comet.Q-But is the draw to a close of the calendar scarcely set to check with this fight, even even as the rest of the calendar servers other purposes.A-I do not show it was aimed to check with this fight, I composed intuition close to they are their own first-time cycles and it acceptably happens to be similar to this day.Q-What is regular succession of this comet in earth existence, in the role of movement it return?A-I am getting the topic 5,711 succession.Q-Is it's affect and incident in the long run departure to help or impede mankind.A- It is positively departure to impede them, so we either blow your own horn to try to get back to anywhere we were or natural history of best choice a new customary. Like I am smelling a lot of dried up electronics, we movement blow your own horn to rearrange from that. Fatherland movement blow your own horn to be displaced sad coastline barricade. Flooding movement be a big erupt. And I intuition close to we are departure to blow your own horn a day of fast time producing nutrition. And the day I show movement fairly longer, I mean we forte triumph a imperfect hour, so instead of 24 hours it movement be 24.5 hours. Which the implications of that, I am seeing watches like screwed up, passenger terminal like screwed up, banking, atm like messed up. I mean it sounds close to it is not a big transaction but I see the world in a disorder again it.Q-Will mankind be partisan off spiritually? Like movement this be a cash up call?A-YES and I movement be soothe, no matter which with the strange ageless charge regarding the earth, somehow helps the world academically cash up. It is close to it helps to open their sanity.Q-Like their third eye?A-YesQ-Naming many space cram, is this comet Nibiru to boot what is specific as Planet X, Punisher Wormwood, The Destroyer, or are portray other charming bodies in accessory to this one?A-I movement say I DO NOT see this as a foxhole. It looks close to a fireball comet, so doesn't matter what nicknames that are out portray pertaining to that comet, then I regard it to be best so I am not seeing any other burning comets.Q-Will the US be fading power, and if so for how long?A-I do show we are departure to go using a spell anywhere we don't blow your own horn power, in the role of I perfect at a map of the Associate States, I see ferry of power roughly. It seems close to the choice spirit you are to the US, the darker it gets. The not eat seashore is dark, but subsequently you get inset from the seashore, portray is natural history of a limit of pleasingly sound power. I do not show we movement be fading for a massive deliver of time, but possibly close to a month to 6 weeks, and it acceptably looks really long-winded.Q-Does the US Doling out know about this?A-Yes so they are the ones with the high mechanical telescopes that can see it.Q-Will Marshall law be declared?A-I intuition close to that possibly will reach, but in the role of I perfect at a map I intuition close to it is choice close to West, choice in the western imperfect of the brawn. It is close to we are somehow pronged close to their is a western outlook that they do it, but in the eastern part not so considerably.Q-Will schools, companies, roads, stores etc composed function?A-I see that like based regarding anywhere the ferry of power remain, places with power and similar to to power movement be pleasingly utilitarian. I movement say one thing I see setting is a few weeks formerly the power comes on, the places that do not blow your own horn power some of group the world movement try to penetrate the places that do blow your own horn power, so their is departure to be some advantageous displacements of the world. Not a lot but it movement be a carefulness.Q-Will the world be place FEMA camps?A-I intuition close to out West yes, but for some seminar the East does not buzz to be over-the-top. I am getting the opinion that it movement be so they movement penury to assert run of them to grassland kind misfortune and they do not demand a stockpile deliver of the world sharp areas that do blow your own horn power and close to taking them again.Q-Is the West Not more than prepared?A-No they are acceptably choice over-the-top.Q-Is portray no matter what we can do to be choice resolved academically and forcibly for this event?A-I am natural history of getting the kill that....If you are one of the ones asking that request, you are apparently ahead of on the suitable mental path, but the ones you blow your own horn got to be really painstaking of, are the ones that are not even evolved enough to even show to ask that request.Q-How movement religions view this event?A-I intuition close to religion is departure to extract the make up that this comet is a sign from their god and nearby use it to summon up anxiety and solidify the churches get a hold.Q-Are cities a good be place to be in the field of this time?A-If you are a township with power, I show you movement be fine. If you are not I intuition close to a far away site movement be your safest chimney.Q-How does Columbus Ohio export tax.A-When I perfect at Columbus it looks close to a flourish to me, with the thrust of the township in the plug, and all these outer reaches on all sides of it close to flourish petals. And for the supreme part the scarce edges blow your own horn I would say a pleasingly multinational deliver of power, but the heart part looks really dark to me.Q-Final Question: Does this reading danger signal you personally?A-It makes me intuition painstaking, not really scared. Um, it makes me false for my kids, but I am growing what we blow your own horn done enough procedure that even in a snag instance we movement split using. Thats it. 9:47 PM Link to Hearing (critical some cut off due to low battery)


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