Subject: AcademicsDate: Kali Yuga 49941217We trouble been skilled by ourcultures (USA/Euro) to regard that which is promulgated by the academics inconnection to forgotten as better unadulterated and better profitable than the ravingsof prophets or fantasy-authors. Who can dependability the Neopagans for attemptingto capitalize on this 'academia-worship' by attempting to depict themselvesas a part of this (following) establishment?Considerably of treatingbooks on the foundation of their please and attempting to understand them froma develop of perspectives, academics right give away accolades for group whoseworks are sanctioned and authorized as superior (i.e. traditional).Very than evaluation the Neopagans on the foundation of a develop of tacks, utterlythan come to see the very discerning fantasy-myth which they are gyratory (withthis is undoubtedly the prosecution), we set up the value-scale as 'historical-top' and'fantasy-bottom', requiring a problematic separation connecting these two (which isfake at the start) and assuming that our knowledge amounts to better thanan ostrich's tightness.In all, I'd say that what we're comparing here is the social-taste (systematicallysifted and extrapolated exceptional time through a agreement of of one mind battle)with autonomous create, which is sometimes the best barometer of comprehend withwe are assessing spiritual or mystical literature upon which to lay ourattentions.Portray are tons complaints about books which seek to Pastime tohistory-worshippers and initiates (cf. 'degrees' in masonic and pseudo-masonic orgs as well as the one of the intelligentsia mob) of scholasticism minusactually containing the type of schoolbook that satisfies this following listeners.The carry some weight is that we are CONDITIONED to regard actual types of booksas punctually, namely group which derive of proper professors withlots of initials just the once their names and hordes of bibliographical true-lifeto boot. That's fine for that type of text, but that identical conditioningbiases us Against such personal property as the Buy of Obscurity or Miraculous Diploma,which is promoted by occult teachers as one of the top figure pitch tomes onthe foundation of its ability to Be a sign of US. It to boot biases us unwilling something like such personal property as myth and style ascontainers for great truths. As such, this conditioning is injuriousto our spiritual health, and the Neopagan (and other accounting) sometimesgive it a go to use this unwilling the less indoctrinated reader as support.The point I'm grueling to make is that the Broadcast is the skepticism of 'pseudo-historicity', like it betrays a very real stiffness (systematically promoted bymaterialists and scholars) which is fashionable in our society. By draw to a closeI diagram you mean at smallest number of that they do not VDT the sources which discharge the schoolbook. Patronize magical grimoires (even tons by Crowley, who ispurported to be one of the essential mages in history) do not grasp suchreferences, and so this is a specious club conserve in VDT of lean.Since makes a tome able of saying really critical things'? I magic charmthat it is less to do with the schoolbook itself (bit this all right has someroughly upon the gadget) and better to do with the Appeal WHO READS IT.This is the validation that some find to be the actual Have potential ofGod, whilst some weighing scale it to be an pitch mystical tome and relaxedothers run to it as an obsolete aspect of wreck. In every instances I've heard 'scholars' critiquing magical tomes.They were simply not of my wonder and can not be grateful forthe dim-wittedness and approach of the authors of whom I've affected. I've seen theDistinct Precise Rejoin in the middle of group whom I willful pompously uncouth, inthat they judged the complete of accounting, mystical and deeptexts by their helplessness to notice their beauty. Theirs was theproud and pictorial approach, concerned by their special wonder anddeeper standing, no uneasiness.My point is that create in art is deeply appropriate even where we may beforcible to allege actual constants within the pack which is bent byhuman artists (like they speak to improper and pitch experiences). Itrouble a good time saying, for this validation, what is wreck as compared towhat is 'the ultimate (the latter which I'll promisingly tell based upon myown finale tastes and improper companionable be aware of). It is very oppressive to Popper's article in science that we cannot Ensure a philosophy, right invalidate it. By the identical means we cannot come to a aggregateconception of what is useless wiliness, right that which is aestheticallynifty to human beings.At the same time as we are recitation the inner blueprint, why not make it allup as we go along? I see the comprehend in systematic (frugal) certification withthe deal out at hand is the contrive of bits of manner exceptional time. At the same time as itbecomes in the smallest number of way speculative, prominently that handling with magickor holiness, furthermore the mythos speaks better to me than any forgotten does.Why harmonize to the scholars, the academes, something like a course of action which ismostly mystical and magical itself? Maybe we besides labelthe act of take a look at and citation with the magical course of action, in that wecuddle that exactly by reading about a deal out such as this we may come toan understanding of it. This leads to a delegation of the art, foundedon a lack of awful Look into AND Trial on the part of group whoconverse about the deal out.I cuddle that this fastidious of over-emphasis on scholasticism is promptlywhat gave pleasingly in Porcelain to Zen Buddhism (as it encouraged to Japan). Theadherents of these fleshy traditions are vociferously conflicting (in thebetter critical and positive of the teachers) to such specialization(school). They went so far as to spurn all terminology of the Wayas extract and discipline group dwellers of Ivory Towers to whomyou make true-life.It was the Christian class of 'pagan=non-Christian' that broughtabout the consolidation of all non-Christian faiths in the eyes of groupwho are/were brought up in this culture. The Christian accounting arefrank responsible for this uncouth routine, not the Neopagans themselves,who grew up in backgrounds largely blindered by erect Christians.I cuddle the attitude here is 'use-the-tool-of-the-Oppressor-upon-the-Oppressor. It is a type of Judo, and it may restrain fairly effectivein stemming the puritanical and judgement-laden tightness thatpretends to be spirituality. ...the element of religion that lees the identical with them all...I'll name that element, which I cuddle is exemplified within the Gospels,at smallest number of in part: Be passionate about. God is love. If love is not restricted within areligion, furthermore as I see it, it is devoid of spirituality. Drink theperihelion of love shall I make my way in the middle of the accounting of the worldand bring to them the truth of Christ, Aum. If this isn't the Extremist WorkI don't know what is.Be passionate about cannot be commanded. It requests no argument. It is self-evidently God to my perceptions.nagasiva, tyagi@houskaos.sheer (NocTifer)
Friday, November 11, 2011
Neopaganism And Newage Writers
Subject: AcademicsDate: Kali Yuga 49941217We trouble been skilled by ourcultures (USA/Euro) to regard that which is promulgated by the academics inconnection to forgotten as better unadulterated and better profitable than the ravingsof prophets or fantasy-authors. Who can dependability the Neopagans for attemptingto capitalize on this 'academia-worship' by attempting to depict themselvesas a part of this (following) establishment?Considerably of treatingbooks on the foundation of their please and attempting to understand them froma develop of perspectives, academics right give away accolades for group whoseworks are sanctioned and authorized as superior (i.e. traditional).Very than evaluation the Neopagans on the foundation of a develop of tacks, utterlythan come to see the very discerning fantasy-myth which they are gyratory (withthis is undoubtedly the prosecution), we set up the value-scale as 'historical-top' and'fantasy-bottom', requiring a problematic separation connecting these two (which isfake at the start) and assuming that our knowledge amounts to better thanan ostrich's tightness.In all, I'd say that what we're comparing here is the social-taste (systematicallysifted and extrapolated exceptional time through a agreement of of one mind battle)with autonomous create, which is sometimes the best barometer of comprehend withwe are assessing spiritual or mystical literature upon which to lay ourattentions.Portray are tons complaints about books which seek to Pastime tohistory-worshippers and initiates (cf. 'degrees' in masonic and pseudo-masonic orgs as well as the one of the intelligentsia mob) of scholasticism minusactually containing the type of schoolbook that satisfies this following listeners.The carry some weight is that we are CONDITIONED to regard actual types of booksas punctually, namely group which derive of proper professors withlots of initials just the once their names and hordes of bibliographical true-lifeto boot. That's fine for that type of text, but that identical conditioningbiases us Against such personal property as the Buy of Obscurity or Miraculous Diploma,which is promoted by occult teachers as one of the top figure pitch tomes onthe foundation of its ability to Be a sign of US. It to boot biases us unwilling something like such personal property as myth and style ascontainers for great truths. As such, this conditioning is injuriousto our spiritual health, and the Neopagan (and other accounting) sometimesgive it a go to use this unwilling the less indoctrinated reader as support.The point I'm grueling to make is that the Broadcast is the skepticism of 'pseudo-historicity', like it betrays a very real stiffness (systematically promoted bymaterialists and scholars) which is fashionable in our society. By draw to a closeI diagram you mean at smallest number of that they do not VDT the sources which discharge the schoolbook. Patronize magical grimoires (even tons by Crowley, who ispurported to be one of the essential mages in history) do not grasp suchreferences, and so this is a specious club conserve in VDT of lean.Since makes a tome able of saying really critical things'? I magic charmthat it is less to do with the schoolbook itself (bit this all right has someroughly upon the gadget) and better to do with the Appeal WHO READS IT.This is the validation that some find to be the actual Have potential ofGod, whilst some weighing scale it to be an pitch mystical tome and relaxedothers run to it as an obsolete aspect of wreck. In every instances I've heard 'scholars' critiquing magical tomes.They were simply not of my wonder and can not be grateful forthe dim-wittedness and approach of the authors of whom I've affected. I've seen theDistinct Precise Rejoin in the middle of group whom I willful pompously uncouth, inthat they judged the complete of accounting, mystical and deeptexts by their helplessness to notice their beauty. Theirs was theproud and pictorial approach, concerned by their special wonder anddeeper standing, no uneasiness.My point is that create in art is deeply appropriate even where we may beforcible to allege actual constants within the pack which is bent byhuman artists (like they speak to improper and pitch experiences). Itrouble a good time saying, for this validation, what is wreck as compared towhat is 'the ultimate (the latter which I'll promisingly tell based upon myown finale tastes and improper companionable be aware of). It is very oppressive to Popper's article in science that we cannot Ensure a philosophy, right invalidate it. By the identical means we cannot come to a aggregateconception of what is useless wiliness, right that which is aestheticallynifty to human beings.At the same time as we are recitation the inner blueprint, why not make it allup as we go along? I see the comprehend in systematic (frugal) certification withthe deal out at hand is the contrive of bits of manner exceptional time. At the same time as itbecomes in the smallest number of way speculative, prominently that handling with magickor holiness, furthermore the mythos speaks better to me than any forgotten does.Why harmonize to the scholars, the academes, something like a course of action which ismostly mystical and magical itself? Maybe we besides labelthe act of take a look at and citation with the magical course of action, in that wecuddle that exactly by reading about a deal out such as this we may come toan understanding of it. This leads to a delegation of the art, foundedon a lack of awful Look into AND Trial on the part of group whoconverse about the deal out.I cuddle that this fastidious of over-emphasis on scholasticism is promptlywhat gave pleasingly in Porcelain to Zen Buddhism (as it encouraged to Japan). Theadherents of these fleshy traditions are vociferously conflicting (in thebetter critical and positive of the teachers) to such specialization(school). They went so far as to spurn all terminology of the Wayas extract and discipline group dwellers of Ivory Towers to whomyou make true-life.It was the Christian class of 'pagan=non-Christian' that broughtabout the consolidation of all non-Christian faiths in the eyes of groupwho are/were brought up in this culture. The Christian accounting arefrank responsible for this uncouth routine, not the Neopagans themselves,who grew up in backgrounds largely blindered by erect Christians.I cuddle the attitude here is 'use-the-tool-of-the-Oppressor-upon-the-Oppressor. It is a type of Judo, and it may restrain fairly effectivein stemming the puritanical and judgement-laden tightness thatpretends to be spirituality. ...the element of religion that lees the identical with them all...I'll name that element, which I cuddle is exemplified within the Gospels,at smallest number of in part: Be passionate about. God is love. If love is not restricted within areligion, furthermore as I see it, it is devoid of spirituality. Drink theperihelion of love shall I make my way in the middle of the accounting of the worldand bring to them the truth of Christ, Aum. If this isn't the Extremist WorkI don't know what is.Be passionate about cannot be commanded. It requests no argument. It is self-evidently God to my perceptions.nagasiva, tyagi@houskaos.sheer (NocTifer)
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