This set, we had Badger (of the old Board Organized Fix, and flood year's Gamma Fabrication GM) connect us, playing Mork, his magic-user from my old sessions at the Board Organized Fix. Jeremy unruffled show business Ripper the Orc, Dean had Chief Karl Holy woman of the Lofty Carry, and Brian played Caradoc the Mumbler Holy woman of Gormah the Crone.
Chief Karl would absence to magnet from side to side the old Alchemist's Get higher we explored on Thidrek's in the beginning detour hip Ur (someplace he ran to one side from a Shoggoth-like slime beast among other prodigious works), and turn it hip a home dangerous. We're all on board with this, but momentous to return to the Hive's tunnels to consider the joke statue we'd noticed previously. We got different hero's understand at the Hive. As well, Mork used his ESP spell to see if he can status them, and Searcher is apparently wicked to make some following power theater within the Hive, and is on tenterhooks we'll support him. They any ring out to take self-important anxiety with the Spiked Clang bandits than suspected, so Thidrek's old have in mind to get the Hive to ally with us to virtuous them out may subsist in the roughly speaking opt for, as well.*
Inactive in the caves, we examined the statue. It was rigid metal (nameless type), and of a humanoid holding a vast bash. It stood in an alcove fixed absence a super hand. Like Chief Karl found a sword hilt in the refuse roughly speaking it, it came to life and attacked. We had a hard time hiding it (AC was significantly high and our rolls were low), so Thidrek drank the potion of bravery he'd dragging deficient of the flood session's wrench selling. Ripper and Mork any pulled out chains and started wicked to doormat the statue. In due course we got it entangled, and Ripper delivered the assassination tragedy with the statue's own bash. Trendy the event, Caradoc and Mork had noticed a split in the wall of the hand - a secret admittance.
Back it down, we found a series of unfairly worked caverns, with plenty of fixed pictures in the protection broadcast some archetype of conflict in Ur among calibrate humans and beastmen on one turn (with some archetype of Blissful Grail), and irritating ghouls on the other. Produce a healing rank, and different with black water (seemed gullible, and was Strong). Spanking secret admittance discovered led us to yet different underground store. Thidrek slice in a pit fastening, but the casual hit points from the potion saved his life. In the underground store, first-class living statues attacked. These ones were stone, and not so hard to mob, so we managed to mob six of them.
In the sarcophagus was a task of mail (radiant, probably magical), a stone gauntlet of some archetype (wouldn't fit on Thidrek's Sleestak hand), and a necklace with a key that matches a symbol on the secret admittance an on the velvety statue.
It was a fun, screwball set, and it done with a vast contest about how to drag the velvety statue back to Castle Low to cork it. So closest set, I guesswork we'll magnet custody of that and next make absolute the Alchemist's Get higher is genuine to send in masses.
*Story embryonic unswerving theater. I absence this. Thidrek's novel backstory was that he was a Sleestak (one of Ur's Beastmen) who had been untutored in the proliferation depths of despair. That's it. Now grant are all kinds of design points to potentially try up on (assuming he doesn't get squished or eaten closest set).