Sunday, March 20, 2011

Samhain Dreampower Divination Part 1 The Stone Realm

Samhain Dreampower Divination Part 1 The Stone Realm

The Choir

I attended my first pagan group ritual with the ADF (Druid) in a approachable decision. The Samhain ritual we did to nickname and give donations to our kind was led by a man who is furthermore knotty with Northern Tradition practices (and Seidr), as our ritual very closely resembled a discoloration to the kind (which I really loved).

My impart to my Associates, land spirits, Frigga, Freyja and Hela included:

a whole jug of be in love with wine

a length of handspun tresses shaggy dog story

amber gemstone

black jet gemstone

crystal quartz

9 sacred herbs of Northern Tradition shamanism (with a jiffy pentacle in it)

high john begin

3 British sixpence transformation

Center Recouping ritual oil

9 rosebuds

a bed of moss

Later the bighearted each of our donations, the enhanced of the ritual did a tarot reading using the Dreampower deck by R. J. Stewart (which I liked so much, I acceptable purchased one in person). Voguish are cards and positions in the reading (my own interpretations sign):

The Jewel Division - The Choir

The Precious stone Division - The Bringer

The Current Division - The Tangler

THE Jewel Division

In my intention, the Jewel Division pertains to the indefinable place of prophetic utterance, of the Household Voices, and to a ratify of consciousness where the Voices of the Associates can be superficial as the Voices of the Innumerable, the Voices of the Few, or the Originate of One which R. J. Stewart distinguishes as upbringing of sample. The card pale for this realm and so, speaks to which ratify of consciousness is operational to each "hearer" in the reading.

First Permit Visual - THE Choir / THE Disagreement

The Choir is a group of slack natural world words discordantly. We see a donkey, cow, provide, pig, goose, cockerel and bend. Communicate is a cat playing the bagpipe. Into this set of natural world, all inclined onto one spanking, extending their necks and words discordantly in composition, we furthermore see some jiffy creatures: a mouse listening raptly, a spider within her web spun amid the horns of the cow and in one spot a jiffy tot dead to the world relaxingly in a stiff couch. This Trump works on scores of levels and we may use our aggregate outlook of the Three Realms resonating candid each card (with each Trump at home in one unusual Division) to abide by the levels.

On the forty winks, this card brings up the Voices of the Innumerable. Other than, in the spirit of this card, I was without an answer by the sofa "a mouse listening raptly." To me on your own, this is the Originate of One "what the Associates speak within the first nausea, the Originate of One, they are the land. This card to me, superficially uttering a disagreement of Voices, is asking the corporate, "hey you, what do you hear?" and "hey you, what do you see?" The ultimatum of this card is clutch the Originate of One, to clutch the Household course as it is expressed from within "the first nausea of Having the status of" amidst the disagreement of Voices. Not considering the disagreement, I clutch, I see the mouse, my fylgja, "listening raptly. "Voguish is my poem, in print decades ago which pertains very razor-sharp to this card in this realm:


hey you, what are you looking at

the mouse seemed to say too softly to be heard, to me one day

hidden in the closet, coming close to see

where land meets sea, isolating some side of implication

unruly the intention toward some special charge

hey you, what did you say

you talkin' to me?

hey you, what do you clutch

the mouse seemed to say too softly to be heard, to me one day

hidden in the closet, coming close to clutch

immigrant in the region of this peculiarity of talk, brief plucked up

toward the position at hand, wiping off all others

hey you, do you clutch what I clutch

who goes acquaint with, talkin' to me

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