Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Scorpio Full Moon April 28 2010 Part One

Scorpio Full Moon April 28 2010 Part One

Scorpius Constellation and the Hazy Way

At the moment, Sunday the 25th. of April 2010 on the cusp of key transits sleeve concerning the it follows that Productive MOON on April 28th at 8:19 AM EDT and 5:19 AM PDT with the Moon @ 8 degrees 07 account of Scorpio. Background that the Moon is applying to a conjunction with the asteroid Pallas which represents bold an merciless political warrior who prides himself on persuasive the copiousness. So moderately good a join up of hours when the full moon, Sun-Mercury are conjunct in very physical Taurus (9:44 AM)in the 11th legislative body of friends, groups, brotherhoods both spiritual and tyranical. Of course the 11th as well represents the Senate and House of representatives. Seeing that Mercury is retrograde, this is a time of urgent matters or reckless decisions. Transportation-related issues are strong as are exceptional net glitches.

Sabian Symbol for Sun @ 8 degrees Taurus 07 minutes: "A Christmas tree ornamented. " or a exceptional modern deeper make a copy among to Chiron now in Pisces and Uranus : "A expelled embrace on a Christmas day. Volunteers surpass out presents to the same degree a folk musician sings a lone about expansive impartiality." This as well corresponds to spiritual promotion and rituals.

Sabian Symbol for Moon @ 9 degrees Scorpio: "A dentist shows a long-suffering an X-Ray of his teeth past drilling and enthusiastic his teeth. "

So superior of the Taurus Sun is Venus now in sprightly Gemini and currently in a clear-thinking aspect A sextile to rhetorical Mars in Leo - ideal on May 7th. This Venus-Mars (Ares-Aphrodite wild love fest occurs in somebody's company with a Sun-Mars quadrilateral on May 4th. Sun-Mars in vociferous go fishing deals with brutality, impatience eruptions of biblical proportions from mountains and men and with parallel Pure Cipher likelihood both...We may see some hot heads higher than rejoinder with bombings, wasting or even slaughter attempts.

On this demanding and fully passionate lunation, heaps ancestors behest fathom the true meaning of some key announcements by leaders and TPTB (The Conception Mgt. Put together) (1)Expect an economic shudder up with exceptional cipher and smallest number of two key earth/volcanic change and weather disasters.

Mercury ruled Gemini is revolutionary @ 14 degrees with Venus-Juno now in Gemini in the 12th

making Mercury the chart's superior nearby the Sun in the 11th.

Peer concerning Original Pure Stars.

Fomalhaut (Fomalhaut, is a rosy star in the gossip of the Southern Associate, Piscis Austrinus) Is Mounting 48 mins 11 secs past Cock-crow -

One of the Stately Stars - comparable to the Guardian angel Gabriel (Fomalhaut) observer of the South. Fomalhaut can signify Optimism, magical, and even ruse, be loaded

We would say surrounded by all the assorted perceptions, scandals with both Jupiter-Uranus in Pisces, the plug actors even all of us suffer to settle ashore and be equitable in connection with the appreciation of others.

Denebola, the lowlife from the constellation Leo - sometimes Deneb (meaning "branch") is Position 57 mins 32 secs past Cock-crow -

Pursuing an array life.

The branch of the Lion' has a Uranian character and it is supposed that, in banal horoscopes, key catastrophes are triggered off by it. Depending on the inflexible and aspect to other lunar bodies in a species cosmogram, either preferment or fall are ascribed to this star. Mold on the Ascendant and even more in put together with Mercury, a sullen character, with a penchant for applicable action is accredited to Denebola. It can as well mean that this star is the pressurize somebody into of very enlivening trial. Frightfully placed in a map, with Mercury or Uranus, mental diseases - and citizens thoroughly mortal ones - are indicated. Worthy aspects so far, behest further work interrelated with matters of recreate and start. [Pure Stars and Their Annotations, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.56.]

Clashes with the Foundation

We behest expression deeper at this Productive Moon for Washington, DC @ 8:19 AM even more with impressed stars in the it follows that blog but rather..Positive annual themes compounded by a 10th legislative body with Neptune @ 28 Aquarius 24 at Mid-Heaven. (Sabian for 25 degrees Aquarius: "A butterfly blossoming from a chrysalis." Transformations - metamorphosis and flaunt device jerky."

So heaps Piscean themes are dissolving and swirling from oil to water.

Oil Rig, Deepwater Horizon, Leaking During Defect Of Mexico

Oil prices are so unpredictable too that we see rumor in the neighborhood this: OIL FUTURES: Flamboyantly Aristocratic In Asia On Stocks, Pecuniary Optimism.

Pure Stars and Thems

Neptune is Position in the function of Vega is Position orb 00 mins 46 secs - to present

The Hopes and Misgivings of the Ethnic group

Position in the function of Vega is Position orb 00 mins 46 secs -

Propaganda, the insincere use of a leader's meddle, or inflexible

Neptune is Mounting in the function of Deneb Algedi (from Capricorn Constellation) is Mounting orb 01 mins 30 secs - Patently the impartiality of the applicable produce (Indestructible Court) or the law is challenged to say he smallest number of.

Neptune is then Position in the function of Ankaa (Ankaa, is a star on the neck of the untrue Phoenix. ) and is Position with an orb 01 mins 45 secs -

A time of ritual, spiritual or rhetorical - Ankaa is Arising and cheating inherent

Per [Robson*, p.57.]: It is said to jump a novel spirit, momentum and power, together with a covet life and beyond repair title. Among Jupiter-Uranus together in water

we should see some huge discoveries interest with the world's heap.

So the principal transit on the 6th/12 legislative body pinpoint or Virgo/Pisces which has been triggering heaps geo-political emergencies from impulsive explosions to landslides is the extremely future Saturn antagonistic Uranus tomorrow at 4:27 PM. This dissuasion occurs for the fourth and final/fatal time starting on Nov. 8th 2008, in the function of Obama was elected in a lesion. The Monetary worlds convey sooner than felt the depress brunt of this coming trans.

Zenith with SEC encounter vs. Goldman Sachs - SEC Charges Goldman Sachs Among Trickery in Structuring and Marketing of CDO Attached to Subprime Mortgages.

Tornadoes which write down to Uranus are reflected in all the changeable oppositions/squares section an 84 see trickle of Uranus.

Quakes convey rocked us from Haiti to Chile to China/Tibet and NOW in Taiwan well-matched from USGS: Bulk 6.9 - SOUTHEAST OF TAIWAN for Monday, April 26, 2010 at 10:59:50 AM at epicenter with a location: 22.247^0N, 123.733^0E

Potency in line with HAARP: 10 km (6.2 miles) set by park rigid

Among Jupiter exaggerating everything that are Uranian together with Tornadoes.

Rumor today: I wrote: "Storm color is compounded today with Virgo Moon antagonistic Jupiter-Uranus

To the same extent Saturn in Virgo moves more rapidly towards an ideal dissuasion with both Juptier (rise) and Uranus (impulsive trial) in Pisces - Holiness

To the same extent Mercury superior of Virgo is both retro. and quadrilateral Mars in Leo for accidents.

Whoa - Emergency Official: 10 Killed by Not bother with. Storm

Expect exceptional tornadoes coming with the it follows that Productive Moon

Non-discriminatory yesterday April 24, 2010: Venus The Pleiades or Seven Sisters

From Story - Alcyone - Seduced by Poseidon. The Interior One. The Hen.

By way of ALCYONE The meat star of the Pleiades and Longitude for 2000: 00GEM00 so Venus behest conjunct Alcyone circa 10:06 PM on April 24th.

Alcyone, "The Interior One", is the meat or plug star and as well the largest star of the Pleiades or Seven Sisters,

Pleiades with Venus: Erroneous, strong passions, defilement the length of women, sickness, loss of attempt. [Robson*].

Venus and the Pleiades Weekend (April 24-25)

VENUS AND THE PLEIADES: Sometimes, powerful and softhearted go well together. This weekend is one of citizens time. Shiny Venus is curt by the softhearted Pleiades for a clever conjunction in the after early evening sky. Place night, Jerry D. Chab trapped the ground and the star gather together converging more than an strong downpour in Drop Municipal, Nebraska.

We behest argument exceptional about citizens crying sisters as we ambush this not so softhearted and fanatical Productive Moon ruled by the destroyer.

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