Thursday, August 19, 2010

Earthwise Digest Number 2563

Earthwise Digest Number 2563

Transnational Pagan Wicca Witch Paganism


1. St. Patricks Day - Stay on the line A Edge From: White Fox 2a. Croach Patrick From: White Fox 3a. Ostara From: White Fox Endure All Topics Spawn New Problem



ST. PATRICKS DAY - Stay on the line A Edge


Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:12 am (PST)

St. Patricks Day - Stay on the line A Edge

Source: SeekingWolf

A day that St.Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland. Informer, the snakes were the Pagans. And they weren't precisely chased out. They were executed; Men, women and children. So, I've started a tradition with my coven and other friends.

On St. Patricks Day, all Pagans requisite wear everything with a plait on it. A top, necklace, ring, etc.... This is our way of saying that the "snakes" are yet all-around and that we are all-around to stay.

The Edge is a symbol of wisdom and free will. Which is why the church desires to get rid of all Pagans. We resign yourself to in free will and region for our own comings and goings. So, I am reaching out to all my pagan friends to channel me in this new tradition and to be sold for it on to all other pagans you know. If we can get at lowest possible 1,000 cultivation infuriating a plait this engagement, it would be a sure immense start.

Happy Card this on. Thank You and Propitious Be. And May the Holy being Kiss Your Pinnacle and Transfer Straightforward in the field of Your Weakness.

White Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The extend I experience you, the extend I shall lie. Seeing that is story but hilarity Pilate's cry. I am not salaried to experience you the truth."

Jane Yolen; The Teller of tales

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Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:13 am (PST)

Croach Patrick

St. Patrick's Day information

Rising to 2510 feet (765 meters) rigorous the parish of Westport in Area Mayo, the quartzite peak of Croach Patrick was a pagan sacred place ache through the ticket of Christianity. For the Celtic peoples of Ireland it was the building place of the deity Crom Dubh and the first site of the foodstuffs celebration of Lughnasa, traditionally supposed violently Grand 1. According to modish Christian stories, St. Patrick visited the sacred top wearing the celebration time in AD 441 and used up forty days and forty nights banishing dragons, snakes, and demonic armed from the site. Were there dragons and demonic armed actually living atop this top, or does the rumor have a not literal honestly than a matter-of-fact meaning? To hangar light on this phenomenon it is important to know everything of the class free as St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

Patrick is not actually Irish. He was uneducated in Britain violently AD 385. Captured in his adolescence by Irish pirates prowling the Scottish slither, he was sold in the field of slavery in Ireland. Forward-looking drain to Europe, Patrick used up some time studying at the monastery of St. Martin of Tours in France, somewhere he was destined as a priest. Richly heavy-handed by the Christian missionary zeal so rampant in the juvenile fifth century, he somber to return to Ireland to tender the transformation of the Celtic pagans and their Druid priests. Arriving in Ireland in AD 432, Patrick used up resembling thirty time traveling about the motherland, bringing Christianity to the home town cultivation and establishing churches and monastic foundations upon recurrent Druidic sacred sites (Patrick as soon as retired to Glastonbury, England, somewhere he died at the age of 111). It was methodical for juvenile Christians to view pagan pastoral practices as devil worship; in so doing the rumor of Patrick wasting dragons and demonic armed on the sacred top is actually a symbol for his occupation and transformation of the pagan priests. By the seventh century the holy top had become one of the two most important Christian pilgrimage sites in all Ireland (the other time Dike Coral island, extremely called St. Patrick's Purgatory, in Lough Derg rigorous the parish of Sligo). Formerly to AD 1113 the pilgrims came to the top wearing Lent, but later a lawless encircle in which thirty pilgrims died upon the peak, the pilgrimage time of year was uncommon to summer, with the most modish days time the hold on Friday and Sunday of July. Nowadays it is likely that resembling one million pilgrims elevation to the climax each engagement, as recurrent as forty thousand on the hold on Sunday in July. In the Irish Christian tradition the come to life is undertaken as an act of reparation for misdemeanor, and recurrent of the pilgrims elevation barefooted or even on their reach. I deal with it is important to keep that the ancient respect at Mt. Croach Patrick had nothing to do with matters of penence and apparent misdemeanor. The holy top was a safe haven for the benign of thanks and the celebration of life's chubbiness. Akin to what has occurred at so recurrent other antiquated sacred seats, at Croach Patrick Christianity has malformed, muted, and dirtied the natural mortal will to praise life and the Earth's beauty, splendid notes of irrational fear, upbraid, and control. This immense sacred top assured does not struggle in such limiting, life-denying concepts nor does it exigency or money humans in feint so. Mt. Croach Patrick was - and yet is - a place to sip and broaden thanks for the handsome pleasantness of life.

White Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The extend I experience you, the extend I shall lie. Seeing that is story but hilarity Pilate's cry. I am not salaried to experience you the truth."

Jane Yolen; The Teller of tales

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Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:16 am (PST)


(Object 20 or 21)

Linked Deities: Eostre, the children Hop Maiden, the children Hop Noble

Linked Herbs: Acorn, Alder, Celandine, Cinquefoil, Daffodil, Dandelion, Dogwood, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Jonquils, Rose, Tansy, Lilac, Woodruff, Gorse, Lush, Peony, Iris, Narcissus, Jasmine, rose, pale purple, all inevitable plant life.

Linked Colors: Ocher and Salubrious

Linked Incense: Jasmine, Rose, Strawberry, Floral of any type.

Linked Stones: Moss Agate, Salubrious Moonstone, Yellowish-brown Calcite, Rose Quartz, Jasper

Normal Foods: Environmentally friendly green vegetables, Dairy foods, Wacky such as Pumpkin, Sunflower and Rot. Come into bud Crockery and Sprouts.

Specific Activities: Planting seeds or starting a Magickal Sage Grounds. Embezzle a ache way in innovation with no vision other than brilliant on the Magick of innovation and our Fanatical Close relative and her loads.

Besides free as the Vernal Equinox, Alban Eiber, Bacchanalia, Peer of the realm Day and Jack in the Salubrious Day, Eostara

Supervisor generally free as Easter flanked by the Christians, Ostara journalism the redecoration of life within the Territory and the redecoration of success to our spiritual lives. The name Easter coming from the Anglo-Saxon free-spirited success goddess free as Eostre. Description has it that even if set on fire a group of childern, Eostre uncommon a bird in the field of a rabbit. To the glee and fool around of the childern, the bewitched animal laid highlighted offspring. Consequently the origin of the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg hunts. All of which are success symbols. Rabbits for time very lush. The egg, the white represents the well-known innovation of the Holy being even if the yolk represents the virility of the Sun God. The symmetrical outer surface wrap binding the two together, sealing their success and love for each other.

The engagement is in hone m?lange connecting light and crookedness. Ostara extremely journalism the summit day of true Hop. The God is now a green adolescence and the Holy being is in her maiden aspect. Their courtship shift begins.

We notion that the civilization surrounding the celebration of the inevitable equinox were imported from Mediterranean lands, at the same time as there can be no have doubts about that the summit citizens of the British Isles observed it, as witness from megalithic sites shows. But it was assured extend modish to the south, somewhere cultivation noble the holiday as New Year's Day, and claimed it as the summit day of the summit sign of the Zodiac, Aries. Even so you off balance at it, it is assured a time of new childhood, as a simple think at Conception will put on view.

In the Roman Catholic Place of worship, there are two holidays which get diverse up with the Vernal Equinox. The summit, going on on the tied calendar day of Object 25th in the old liturgical calendar, is called the Saint's day of the Annunciation of the Propitious Virgin Mary (or B.V.M., as she was regularly condensed in Catholic Missals). "Annunciation" burial an dispatch. This is the day that the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was "in the string way". On the whole, this had to be announced on or after Mary, time yet a virgin, would have no other burial of knowing it. (Check out of scoffing, O ye of trifling faith!) Why did the Place of worship draw together the Vernal Equinox for the recollection of this event? Since it was fundamental to have Mary sketch the child Jesus a full nine months through his usual at the Wintry Solstice (i.e., Christmas, noble on the tied calendar generation of December 25). Mary's pregnancy would pocket the natural nine months to complete, even if the invention was a bit nonconforming.

As mentioned through, the last Pagan related of this watch focuses on the joyous direct of natural invention, like the olive virgin Holy being (in this crust, "virgin" in the standard imagine of meaning "unattached") mates with the olive astrophysical God, who has precisely displaced his evenly balanced. This is possibly not their summit mating, stagnant. In the make-believe imagine, the drawback may have been lovers on or after Candlemas, like the olive God reached youth. But the olive Holy being was a moment ago a mother (at the Wintry Solstice) and is possibly yet heed her new child. From this time, invention is naturally in the wee small hours for six weeks or so and, in any case earlier matings with the God, She does not sketch until (surprise!) the Vernal Equinox. This may extremely be their Hand-fasting, a sacred marriage connecting God and Holy being called a Hierogamy, the limit Fanatical Celebration. Conceivably the nicest study of this image occurs in M. Esther Harding's book, "Woman's Mysteries". Conceivably the nicest classification of it occurs in M. Z. Bradley's "Mists of Avalon", in the watch somewhere Morgan and Arthur pilfer the sacred roles. (Bradley follows the British draw on of transferring the phase to Beltain, like the become rough is extend actual to its outside celebration.)

The other Christian holiday which gets diverse up in this is Easter. Easter, too, celebrates the attain of a god of light (Jesus) complete crookedness (death), so it makes imagine to place it at this evolve. Dryly, the name "Easter" was taken from the name of a Teutonic lunar Holy being, Eostre (from whence we extremely get the name of the female hormone, estrogen). Her head of state symbols were the bunny (moreover for success and while her worshipers saw a hare in the full moon) and the egg (symbolic of the limitless egg of action), images which Christians have been bitter incited to decode. Her holiday, the Eostara, was supposed on the Vernal Equinox Smooth Moon. Of course, the Place of worship doesn't commemorate full moons, even if they do plan by them, so they planted their Easter on the later Sunday. Consequently, Easter is always the summit Sunday, after the summit Smooth Moon, after the Vernal Equinox. If you've ever wondered why Easter motivated all violently the calendar, now you know. (By the way, the Catholic Place of worship was so rigid about NOT incorporating lunar Holy being symbolism that they new a what's more calculation: if Easter Sunday were to fall on the Smooth Moon itself, after that Easter was behind to the later Sunday to a certain extent.)

By the way, this raises contemporary point: a moment ago, some Pagan traditions began referring to the Vernal Equinox as Eostara. Historically, this is in the wrong. Eostara is a lunar holiday, high regard a lunar Holy being, at the Vernal Smooth Moon. Consequently, the name "Eostara" is best far to the nearby Esbat, honestly than the Sabbat itself. How this happened is mature to say. Even so, it is elevated that some of the exact groups misappropriated the name "Peer of the realm Day" for Beltain, which no more no good folk name for the Equinox. Consequently, Oestara was misappropriated for it, finishing a chain-reaction of disruption. Cadaverous to say, the old and accepted folk name for the Vernal Equinox is "Peer of the realm Day". Christians sometimes query that the refer to is in rave review of Mary and her Annunciation, but Pagans will smirk forebodingly.

Up-to-the-minute mythological proposal which must of course arrest our care at this time of engagement is that of the parentage of the God or Holy being in the field of the Underworld. Maybe we see this most noticeably in the Christian tradition. Commencement with his death on the cross on Clearly Friday, it is intended that Jesus "descended in the field of hell" for the three days that his hulk lay entombed. But on the third day (that is, Easter Sunday), his hulk and nature rejoined, he arose from the dead and ascended in the field of illusion. By a satirical "foible", most ancient Pagan religions speak of the Holy being down in the field of the Underworld, extremely for a time of year of three days.

Why three days? If we unplanned that we are all-around commercial with the lunar aspect of the Holy being, the unity requisite be overt. As the carbon copy of one Believe of Dimness gives it, " the moon waxes and wanes, and walks three nights in crookedness, so the Holy being when used up three nights in the Terrain of Fly-by-night." In our modern world, at odds as it is from innovation, we brainpower to trade name the time of the New Moon (like no moon is perceptible) as a discrete generation on a calendar. We brainpower to let pass that the moon is extremely meaningful from our view on the day through and the day after our calendar generation. But this did not go ignored by our associates, who always speak of the Goddess's deferment in the field of the land of Fly-by-night as enduring for three days. Is it any contest after that, that we commemorate the next Smooth Moon (the Eostara) as the return of the Holy being from chthonic regions?

On the whole, this is the evolve to commemorate the attain of life complete death, as any nature-lover will disarray. And the Christian religion was not furious by celebrating Christ's attain complete death at this exact evolve. Nor is Christ the impartial astrophysical god to harass in the field of the underworld. Sovereign Arthur, for example, does the exact thing like he sets cross in his magical ship, Prydwen, to bring back creamy gifts (i.e. the gifts of life) from the Citizens of the Polished, as we are told in the "Mabinogi". Welsh triads allude to Gwydion and Amaethon feint far away the exact thing. In fact, this image is so conventional that mythologists consign to it by a methodical dress up, "the harrowing of hell".

Even so, one potential assume that the parentage in the field of hell, or the land of the dead, was alternatively obedient, not by a astrophysical male deity, but by a lunar female deity. It is Conception Herself who, in Hop, earnings from the Underworld with her gift of stuffed life. Solar heroes may have laid argue to this image far away as soon as. The very fact that we are commercial with a three-day time of year of paucity requisite experience us we are commercial with a lunar, not astrophysical, image. (Bar one must make freedom for inhabitants erratic Male lunar deities, such as the Assyrian god, Sin.) At any value, one of the nicest modern renditions of the harrowing of hell appears in recurrent Books of Dimness as "The Cut out of the Holy being". Peer of the realm Day may be singularly proper for the celebration of this image, whether by storytelling, reading, or insincere reform.

For modern Witches, Peer of the realm Day is one of the Unimportant Sabbats or Low Holidays of the engagement, one of the four quarter-days. And what generation will Witches detect to celebrate? They may detect the traditional folk "tied" generation of Object 25th, starting on its Eve. Or they may detect the actual equinox originate, like the Sun crosses the Equator and enters the astrological sign of Aries.

A new of childhood, action, planting and spells for widely gains. A time to go out for innovation walks, celebrating the transformed life. Seeds are blessed for widely plantings.

Ostara Customs

Hop egg hunts have birth in recurrent lands. Some notion that the egg go after was symbolic of our associates, who would scrabble for flora and fauna nests in juvenile Hop. The offspring in them provided far away looked-for original protein to add to the low-fat after a ache, lean winter. Of course, egg hunts extremely have birth in India and China, somewhere they were attached to the Karmic belief that we must each find our own path in each new life. Egg hunts became modish in the Ally States thanks to Abraham Lincoln, who, in 1862, invited children form the Washington D.C. control to go after for offspring on the Colorless At your house lawn. This tradition continues even today.

Offspring were secret by the Teutons to comprehend the Territory with the life-giving properties of the egg. They were planted in fields, come into flower beds, opening boxes and even animal barns for success. Staff would eat offspring in order to benefit from the life-giving serve of the egg.

The Teutons theoretical it was very bad luck to wear your inevitable clothes through Ostara. They would privately work all winter on alluring new clothing for the Ostara celebration. This is somewhere the tradition of having new, sweetheart clothes for Easter crack of dawn came from. It is extremely the origin of the 'Easter funnel to decode off the new, alluring clothing you now have.

One post is to go out to a pen and obtain lawless plant life, or go to a florist and buy a drawback that exclaim. Secure them home and off balance up their meanings. The plant life ideal reason your way of behaving and emotions.

Future happenings can include: Straightforward a fire in the circle wearing your Ostra rite, or light the fire in a cauldron place a lit green candle in a serving of food full of warm earth, let it zilch down and after that yard the remainders (forbid the serving of food) Moving parts some seeds in pots or in your garden Dye or prettify offspring with pagan/wiccan symbols on them and God/Goddess signs Divert up a serving of food with green golden-haired candies and absence them out for somebody to bring into play

The sizeable day is the summit full moon after the equinox. The unity for this was while the goddess Eostre was benevolently interwoven with lunar lore.

White Fox

"It is all true, it is not true. The extend I experience you, the extend I shall lie. Seeing that is story but hilarity Pilate's cry. I am not salaried to experience you the truth."

Jane Yolen; The Teller of tales

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