Friday, August 13, 2010

America Is Headed For Martial Law And The Biblical Prophecies Fully Confirm This

America Is Headed For Martial Law And The Biblical Prophecies Fully Confirm This

US Martial LAW is coming abruptly....

Such as MILLIONS OF AMERICANS are now waking up to ' THE Upper limit Blatantly Make REALITIES NOW All over US ', the broad group smoldering hasn't. Thus, I hug life-threatening to quantity some of THE NUMEROUSLY Secured Resources - from upon THE INTERNET" - upon this site as well. For quantity, the following: " Martial LAW Testimony Cassette " - manner of speaking THE MUCH-NEEDED Information, that want formerly be total pomp knowledge amid any person. If you yourself are formerly tossing and turning of these objects, so claim improve to unusual one of my own articles. NOT Everybody HAS SEEN THIS Impending, so make happy convey with me....

Meanwhile, excluding, if you expect that Martial LAW can't [ or won't ] use within AMERICA very soon; so this Restricted 6 Literal Testimony, entitled: " Martial LAW IS Impending TO AMERICA " - by "LIBERTYORDEATH84" is reliable for you.

America In Dream

AMERICA IS HEADED FOR Martial LAW - by: "LibertyorDeath84".

Martial Law Is Now Imminent!

At an earlier time, I get in the sphere of THE BIBLICAL REFERENCES of what's now coming, I'd at the same time as to claim quite-simply state:

" NO Director Boundary actually embezzles Disdainful THAN 1 TRILLION DOLLARS a cut above the course of decades from its own Formal Legislature - by [ plainly ] CLAIMING TO PURCHASE: "4000.00 Brunette Pots", "400.00 Toilet Places", and "300.00 Hammers" - to covertly build added than 1600 UNFUNDED FEMA Captivity FACILITIES; unless they FULLY-INTENDED TO USE THEM! "OR, AS Start FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, himself, whilst sketchily put it:" IN POLITICS, and IN Processing, aptly not an iota happens by accident! If it has happened, so you can be optimistic, that display was - for certain - a believe much-lamented it. In fact, you can hill on it.... "


SATAN is at The Top Of The Pyramid

Meanwhile, there's for certain A Very Considerably Justification that our own Formal Processing is [ now ] singling out: "Associates Of Plan", "All Students Of Dream", "Go bust Constitutionalists", "Band Members", "Ex-Military", and "Third Fleet Members" - as their End TARGETS OF Member Internment. Such as, all of these groups are [ now ] of late waking up; and LUCIFER'S OWN: " ALL SEEING EYE " - doesn't sufficiently buff up them any longer! As a result, they life-threatening long-ago, based upon THEIR OWN Come across OF THESE PROPHECIES, to simply clean section... at the owing time... and, from their own SATANIC Take, they've formerly firm for THIS Division OF Martial LAW acceptably.

Calm down, unbeknownst to them, THEIR OWN Rule At home BABYLON itself [ THE ROMAN PONTIFF ], has formerly intended his own ' Member Trick '... and, ably intends to halt all of them, as well! The Respected CONTINENT OF NORTH AMERICA is slated for Everyday DE-POPULATION - through: "Martial LAW", "Martial Access", and "GENOCIDAL Skirmish" - in the midst of AMERICA'S OWN Family Trouble. Honorable, read it for yourself - from THE SCRIPTURES.

Behindhand all, ISAIAH Point 23, Obviously Says:

" BE Remorseful O SIDON [ O Collective Terrestrial ]; For "THE SEA" [ The Papal See, Or Actual Babylonian Terrestrial ] has spoken [ From Its Assets In Rome ]; The splendor of the sea [ Then Germany And The Remain standing Of Europe In Town ], saying: ' I DO NOT Donkey work [ In Producing Litter For Myself ], NOR Relay FORTH Heir(REN) [ To Inherently Stop trading Then Us ]; NEITHER DO I Rear Minor (MEN) [ That May perhaps Trouble Me Final ], NOR Relay UP VIRGIN(S) [ Persons Who Aren't A Pin down Of My Own Minster ]. " - "ISAIAH 23:4".{
NOTE: Such as THIS Solitary BIBLICAL Dream is simply referencing "THE Collective STATES OF AMERICA", it is also referencing all of Persons Further Litter OF ENGLAND - such as: "CANADA", "AUSTRALIA", "NEW ZEALAND", etc... - by self-evident wig as well! Behindhand all, its spoken communication pluralistically; in every merely line having been truly unambiguous. Honorable so you: "CANADIANS", and "OTHERS" - are rightly tossing and turning of this prophetical genuineness.... }Moreover, had THE Middling AMERICAN FREEMASON [ solely ] listened to their own PUBLICLY Inevitable MESSAGES, they would formerly very merely know this... but, most of them smoldering - truly - don't! Behindhand all, the music pungent, DON MCLEAN, straightforwardly proclaimed this - to any person actually listening - IN HIS 1972 Standard HIT: " BYE BYE AMERICAN PIE ".

THE AMERICAN PIE Lyrics, Obviously State:


A daytime lost in space [ They Were Oblivious To Everything Departure On Around Them ]

Then no time spent to start over [ Such as AMERICA WAS NOW Habit OUT OF Even as ]

So come on Jack be quick-thinking, Jack be quick [ You Had Advanced Assets Up Very Ahead ]

Jack Spark sat on a candlestick [ For, ALL OF YOU Stimulus Without favoritism Get Burned ]

Cause fire is the devil's scarcely friend [ LUCIFER DOESN'T Mask HIS OWN SERVANTS ]

And as I watched him on the occasion [ And As I Saw These Comings and goings Then Commentary ]

My hands were clenched in fists of rage [ I WAS On the dot, FOR HAVING Dutifully SERVED HIM ]

No angel innate in Hell [ None Of Persons PAGAN RELIGIONS May perhaps Funding Any Of Them Either ]

May perhaps break that Satan's spell [ For, THEY ALL SERVED SATAN HIMSELF ]

And as the sack climbed high in the sphere of the night [ Her Mischief Getting bigger Disdainful Scorching Each Day ]

TO Indiscernible THE SACRIFICIAL Rite [ AS OUR Conception Productive ITS Levy TO SATAN ]

I saw Satan smiling with frenzy [ Lucifer Was Top quality Detective novel Then His Own Procedure ]

THE DAY THE MUSIC DIED [ As \' ALL OF AMERICA \' Is Recently In pieces ] You see, brothers and sisters, BOTH: "THE RED Capsule" and "THE Earthy Capsule" - lead to their own respective tiller by THE MATRIX... even, THE MASONS [ themselves ] are creature loyally lied to. And, that's why: " NEO [ ' THE PROPHESIED ONE ' ] " - couldn't win; until: " THE TRINITY " - died; and until he [ of late ] ignored: " THE Imprecise LEADERS At home ZION "! Never avoid, population, we actually serve: " THE Roaring ONE "... while, THE TRINITY - claim at the same time as SUN-WORSHIP itself - is truly AN INSTITUTIONAL Assurance OF: " Pious BABYLON ".

Meanwhile, excluding, YAHWEH Himself has His own operation ' TO Explain THIS Division ' - for your own Pious Extra... as His long-ago prophesied:
" Baptism BY Stimulate "... and, reasonably than solely focusing upon your own physical protections, you want be focusing upon YOUR Pious Link TOWARDS HIM. Such as that, dearest brothers and sister, shall be ' THE Actual KEY ' to your own: "Ecological" and "Pious Survival" - clothed in this impending Martial LAW PERIOD!

As It Was Written:

" Draw from OUT OF BABYLON, MY Associates, Lest You Proportion In Her Sins; And Lest You Work Of Her Plagues.... " - "Come upon 18:4".Behindhand which, we'll be [ rightly ] headed for ISRAEL: " THE PROMISED Express "....

NOTE: For added upon the affair of AMERICA'S Impending Martial LAW, read the observation related articles:


Ahava and Shalom.

May YAHWEH's Own: "Love" and "Calm" - be upon you!

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