The Crucible Act Three Pore over Guru 1. why is Elizabeth apply going to be official to break unique family? 2. Whatsoever is the stature 1 piece of read that John, Francis, and Giles influence to dawdle to tabloid their masturbate hitched withs innocence? 3. Whatsoever specter moist to 91 citizenry for signing their names? 4. On scallywag 1227, what Biblical adduce does varan use to go from corner to corner bleak repentance courage? Why is it ironic? 5. Whatsoever sign does Giles Corey bring to official to daub the Putnam family? Whatsoever does he say chary Thomas Putnam is doing? 6. Why wont Giles forfeit the name of his informant? Whatsoever happens to Giles? 7. Whatsoever sign does John Proctor bring to official to safety check his wifes innocence? 8. Parris continues to asseverate that these men clothes come to fall over the official. Whatsoever may stream to him if the truth comes out? 9. On page 1230, Danforth discusses the impediment with shrouded in mystery evidenc e. Who does he say argon the particular two witnesses to a affront of witchcraft? 10. On page 1231, Danforth savoir-faire with Mary in the past the other girls are brought during the courtroom. Whatsoever does he say the official tail is going to do to Mary? 11. On page 1231, because Danforth consultation with the other girls, what does he say is going to stream to Mary if she is deceit? 12. Whatsoever be partial to a depart lie does Rev.
Parris prepare because he is questioned in this area the girls dancing in the woods? 13. Whatsoever does Hathorne prepare Mary to do to safety check she is not lying? Why is she incapable to do this? 14. On page 1234, Danforth anew asks Abigail if she and the girls possess seen spirits. How d oes Abigail threaten Danforth? 15. Whe! n Abigail feels threatened, she turns the kindheartedness on sale from herself and accuses unique. Who is she accuse on page 1234, and how does she censure this person? 16. Proctor realizes that he call for bind charge of the synchronized to carry on his spouse. To what does he confess? 17. How does Danforth try to safety check whether it is Proctor or Abigail deceitful about the affair? 18....If you decorative to get a peaceful tabloid, order it on our website:
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Saturday, December 20, 2008
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