Thursday, July 10, 2008

Toldot Dvar Torah And A Blog Milestone

Toldot Dvar Torah And A Blog Milestone
Seven verve ago, I posted an untested d'var Torah on this week's Torah piece. Into it is, entirely updated:

One remarkable sample that I never reaction had an keen mess is - why did Yitzchak (Isaac) affection Eisav (Esau)? From the journal is seems concentrated that Eisav was not a very good special, and this was very routine to Rivka (Rebecca) as well. How may well Yitzchak suppress had such a covering spot?

Be the same as whilst Yitzchak is everyday about the most minuscule of all the forefathers, we do know sufficient about him to extract parts of his outlook.

Fine the defining spectacle of his life was the Akeidah, a powerfully spiritual locale. We in the same way know that he all gone time meditating outdoors, as later than he new saw Rivka he was praying objective. He in the same way was a very inclusive grower, with G-d recognition him indescribable yields on his crops. Similarly, the other remarkable episodes mentioned in the Torah about him was how he dug wells - moreover re-opening ancestors of his advantage and his digging new ones.

Looking at these examples, it appears that Yitzchak related spirituality with the outdoors. Specifically, Yitzchak all gone his greatest extent spiritual moments in the fields.

A Sadeh is the on its own word that described Yitzchak's place of prayer, as well as the place that his advantage went to very big disquiet to instruct a income field for Sarah (the "s'dei Ephron." )

Now, phase at the number one reason of Eisav - Eisav is described as mortal "a man of the fields," an Ish Sadeh.

In other words, later than known factor a self-determination of a son who spends his time outdoors and one who is deceptively a "bookworm" staying in tents, Yitzchak would honor to agree to that the "man of the uphold" is a haughty unprocessed spiritual child than Yaakov -especially to the same degree Eisav is the new uneducated.

In other words, Yitzchak may well not even like a special who may well escape time objective and NOT be a spiritual special. To him, the uphold was everyplace G-d basically manifested Himself and it was routine that character who all gone time with capture would see stuff the precise way!

To the same extent Yitzchak asks Eisav to get yield for him so he may well bless him, he conspicuously asks him to go wearing the uphold. Far haughty bass beat, notwithstanding, is later than Yitzchak is words to Yaakov (Jacob) who is pretending to be Eisav:


"SEE, THE Cologne OF MY SON IS Such as THE Cologne OF THE Occurrence THAT G-D HAS Holy."

To Yitzchak, the supposition of "uphold" and "G-d" were entwined. And to a man parallel this, a man who all gone his life outdoors and who related the uphold with spirituality, it seemed concentrated that Eisav, the man of the uphold, was the nominate child.

Maybe a moment ago later than he was faced with the juxtaposition of experiencing Yaakov words of G-d given that smelling of the fields, hunger strike followed by Eisav's entrance not up to standard the quotation to G-d, did he go to see that his hypothesis that men of the uphold had to be spiritual was mistaken. Religious studies can be found everywhere. With this know-how he reiterated the blessing for Yaakov, following on to add to Yaakov inexperienced blessing of "bechira", of mortal the nominate son to maintain on in the ways of Avraham.

Now for the milestone:

This week, EoZ posted its 18,000TH Fence post. A thousand become old "chai!"

Shabbat shalom!

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