By Protopresbyter Fr. George Papavarnavas
The admirable John Koukouzelis was a complete Chanter and appealing sounding virtuoso performer. All who knew him called him "angel-voiced". He was from Durres and lived in the duration of the Komnenoi. Orphaned of his depart, he was raised by his holy mother who took discretion of his information. Such as he came of age he went to Grow Athos and became a cleric in the Fallacy of the Archangels, which belonged to the Sacred Monastery of All-powerful Lavra, and was one of the two bright Chanters of this Monastery. The other was Gregory Domestikos.
He reposed in the initial fifteenth century and was recessed in the Fallacy everywhere he was a cleric. Ceremony has preserved some grace-filled incidents from his life that treaty with his recurring aptitude. We will recount two highlight examples.
1. Such as he was out grazing the goats of the Monastery, they returned last in the twilight back to the wrinkle nearby starved, uncommon other times so they were grazed by the other fathers. The Abbot, to give a ruling what razor-sharp happened, commissioned a cleric to look for John. The cleric was stunned by what he saw and absolutely may perhaps not experience his eyes. In the same way as the plants were grazing, Koukouzelis began to chant which caused them to restriction burning up and concentrate attentively. Such as he out of action chanting, they began burning up once more. Such as he started once more, the plants looked at him as if rapt listening to his chanting, which was sunken by uncreated Holy Flexibility.
2. Something else time, so he was chanting inwards an all-night vigil, as in the future as he entire the "Axion Esti", he was stunned to see the Panagia in front of him, who thanked him as she put a gold coin in his hand, for example he chanted the hymn devoutly and with humility.
The Stately One was not unrewarding to oblige by indicating his determined abilities, but he chanted naturally, softly and he felt the sacred texts in the run down of his core. He prayed chanting and chanted praying which is why he captivated addressees, but he in the same way caused their souls to be official and and helped them pray. This is very determined, for example so chanters pray, hence they help the land pray. And vice versa. Such as the compilation participates intentionally in Find irresistible minus making sound, this facilitates in the work of the choirs of chanters, for example they are aspect the good fortune to hub within themselves and keep up their woe paying attention, with the end product that they give the hymnological texts in the best possible way. But so those who "circle the sacred analogion" are not as thorough as they have got to be, the land will speak to each other even let down and mocker, and to be more precise of creating a official sympathy of prayer, they be trick and tetchy those praying. For that reason they not honest sin themselves, but they be others to sin. All-powerful discretion is obligatory together with a lecture conflict adjacent to conduct, which are disgusting.
The ever-memorable Over Fr. Philotheos Zervakos, longing for to teach the correct way of chanting, brought mail Alexandros Papadiamandis as a outline of a abase and petitioning Chanter, whom he called his trainer, for example he educated him to chant with humility and nervousness of God. He admits that prematurely he came to know him, he would chant luridly and delightedly. He writes: "In the future I went to the vigils and to Papadiamandis... I knew to chant with venerate, to chant luridly so that the extensive compilation can see me, to fit them, and for them to believe me, saying: totally done, well done, you keep up a appealing input, you chant delightfully.' From Papadiamandis I scholarly to chant cruelly with judiciousness, beware and nervousness, pleasing any God and land." As discrete one of his social group, Spyros Melas, says, Papadiamandis "chanted minus ever having scholarly music, minus learning how to read its observations and nearby having no input. Yet he captivated everyone in the church, chanting from his core, say color to every word, every decision... his music was absolutely family circle."
The hymnological texts were in print by Saints who were God-seers and they mean all the theology of the Priestly, which is why so they are chanted in good health, minus mistaken belief and according to the tone, rant and alarm clock, they be abstemiousness, spiritual pleasantness and a petitioning idea for the core. This takes place, naturally, so it is done with confidence and woe.
Unluckily, oodles times, inwards the time of Holy Find irresistible, the view goes and wanders trendy and put on, and man, to be more precise of delivery give instructions his prayers daintiness and blessing, sins with his foresight. The sacred hymnographer tourist attractions this truth and calls for regulation in the taking sides hymn, which is a self-rebuke and self-condemnation, as well as a entreaty to God for compunction and correction: "Heaps times from the time when chanting, I am found committing sin, for with my tongue I pronouncement songs of believe, yet in my core I muse unfitting things; but correct any Christ God and keep up moderation on me" (Aposticha of the Praises, Third Comment, Monday emergence). This applies, naturally, to all of us and not precise the choirs of chanters. Overly, the choirs chant on behalf of all those who shape in Holy Find irresistible.
Such as the everyday core is uncluttered to Holy Flexibility, hence the readings and chants, if read spotlessly and chanted in good health and attractive purity, aim religious zeal, insubstantial of the nous and conviviality of root, which permission beginning to prayer. For that reason the singing group of believers prays chanting and chants praying.
Source: "Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi", , October 2002. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.