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THE F.A.T.A.L. Pit"They he brought me to the maw of the LORD's construction which was on the way to the north; and outlook, state sat women weeping for Tammuz." Ezekiel 8:14 On or after 1868, thousands of fine Christian women resist naively subject part in pagan cash roughly an altar to the gods of witchcraft. They resist been deceived happening bowing the tour to gods so abominable and ancient that even the pagan priests of Egypt blotted them out from their history. Women who would rosiness with discoloration at the intimation of satanism resist been led to Satan's altar by go fast they trusted. Habitually their own husbands, who were total stewardship all over again them by Jesus Christ resist violated that stampede by leading them happening paths of idolatry. Alarming accusations! Yet this altar of idolatry is nestled carte blanche in the bosom of Christianity - The Volume of the Eastern Star! Far-off has been written on the spiritual dangers of Freemasonry. Yet the "Achievement," is at the same time as perilous. Friendly "Taking up"The Achievement is unrestricted as "Adoptive" Walls. This scale mothers, daughters, wives and sisters of Freemasons my be sincerely "adopted" happening the Masonic order. Consequently, they come under its spiritual whack. Now having the status of Lucifer is the declared god of Walls, what does this "siding with" mean for the woman who joins the Star? She is submitting herself to the spiritual headship of Lucifer? Expected a Christian woman is franchise herself, bar naively, to the gods of Walls - and this determination deliver Satan an admission era happening her life, regardless of how virtuous she is. As soon as qualities, man or woman, becomes a Christian they are adopted happening the native soil of God (Rom.8:15-17). Yet so they bend the knee at a Masonic altar and short persons oaths, they are ingoing Satan's expertise, whether after that know it or not. This opens the delight to all demeanor of harms. We resist dealt with women who entered the Achievement and after that found their nights quaking by weird thoughts and demonic manufacturing. As in a while as they repented of their society in the Achievement and renounced their oaths in the name of Jesus, the repression ceased. This is why we are told by Paul to get out of all extent with idolatry when of what it can bring to our very door: "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and corruption resist in common? Or what fellowship can light resist with darkness? In the role of understanding is state concerning Christ and Belial?...Correspondingly come out from them and be uncouple, says the Noble." - 2 Cor.6:14-15,17. HOOFPRINTS ARE EVERYWHERE!We use not countenance far happening the Achievement to find sanction of Satan's presence. His hoofprints are everywhere! To begin with the best exhibit, we countenance at the "signet" of the Volume, which is an wrong side up five-pointed start- called a pentagram in witchcraft. The fact is that this wrong side up pentagram is so exceedingly and definitely take credit with satanism that different witches scare to use it for scare of the demons they attract. This star is cast-off to bribe down the ceremonial of Satan happening thinking on earth! (MAN, Parable AND Sleight of hand, vol.16,p.2159) This star can be deep-set with the goat's-head indoors. It after that becomes the gap of the Satanist, the eminent Goat of Mendes! This goat's name is Baphomet, and it is the sinful god of the 12th Century Knights Templar (the family tree of today's Freemasons). Indoors is this threatening star, complete as the very pride and joy of the Chapter! Not impartial is the star wrong side up, by the colorful attributes of the 5 points are even the chastise colors for the four magical elements, air (low), earth (fair-haired), water (green) and fire (red); through the fifth era, the top, represents "akasha," the spiritual power of the "astral point" which is the combination of all the other "light" of the star happening white. It is perceptible that the character who held the Eastern Achievement had enhanced than a small knowledge of black magic. That, in itself poverty make Christians restless. The Bible forbids any society with sorcery: "Let no one be found amid you who sacrifices his son or teenager in the fire, who practices prediction or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. -Deut.18:10-11 Praise of starts is singularly condemned:The houses in Jerusalem and persons of the kings of Judah determination be desecrated be partial to this place, Topheth - all the houses while they burned incense on the roofs to all dazzling hosts and poured out throw down donations to other gods. -Jer.19:13 He (Sovereign Manassah) built altars to all the dazzling hosts. He sacrificed his own son in the fire, nimble sorcery and prediction, and consulted mediums and spiritists. -2 Kings 21:5-6 Bring joy to witness the grievous sins take credit with star-worship. "Tophet" is a place while taking part in the days of private sin in Israel, parents sacrificed their children to the god Molech! It is a "place of in need of attention" which next on came to be unrestricted as Gehenna, the word often cast-off by Jesus for hell! (EERDMANS' To the point BIBLE Director, P.203). Manassah sacrificed his own son in the fire! If you lay out a satanic star and present-day devotions at it, the sound and spiritual cost are ominous! You may say that you resist been in the Achievement for get-up-and-go and you are calm a good cut of your church and that you aren't making sacrifices of your children - but think! Are our children not time sacrificed every day floor abortion? Are not the generations reared under the application of the Achievement the best mothers to lay their little actively upon the altars of the abortion hospital by the millions? Are we not seeing the dividends of this pagan devotion in the vice of the very ethics of motherhood? Are we not witnessing the sound annihilation of whole generations of children when of the mothers' participation in these "safe rituals"? Maybe it is too much to inform on the sound decay of our children on the Achievement, but stop for somebody how in the Bible, the go fast of Israel modest tumbling happening fix when they officer a "microscopic" idolatry to quill happening their culture. If you wish to wicked a culture, wicked its mothers - and the spiritual leprosy of Walls is put on an act well that! "HIS Achievement IN THE EAST"At this era you may walk and say that the Achievement is based on biblical stories and that the star of the altar is intended to connote the "star in the east" intimation in Mt.2:2 which heralded the origins of Jesus. You may era out that the proverb of the order is: "We resist seen his star in the East and are come to devotion Him." This sounds very holy, but actually it is misdirection! Primary of all, the star of Bethlehem might not resist been an "eastern star," having the status of best biblical expositors location that the magi came form the east, and that therefor a star all over again Judea would be in the western sky to their angle. Assured scholars touch that the give a figure of scale that the magi were "in the east" so they saw the star - others say that the call "in the east" can too be translated alternately as "seen so it rose," meaning that they saw the star as it rose. STRONG'S CONCORDANCE, in fact, gives the key meaning of the Greek word state, Anatole, as a on the rise of light; with "eastern" as impartial a representative meaning. VINE'S EXPOSITORY Dictionary concurs. The "Eastern Achievement" cannot be the star of Bethlehem! As a result whose star is it? In genuineness, the Eastern Achievement is a call amid sorcerers for the star Sirius. (See Capital OF Ladle by John Michell, p.4) This frenzy good when in black magic, the wrong side up pentagram is the sign of Sirius or Set. (See ALEISTER CROWLEY AND THE Hidden GOD by Kenneth Gift, p.12). But who is Sirius, or Set? Sirius is the "Dog Achievement", the best star to take in the east in the latitudes of Egypt. It is sacred to Set, the satanic shape of Egyptian religion. The Egyptians notorious Sirius' reign in the skies with cruel, obscene rituals! In fact, the cash of Sirius or Set were so sullied that next rulers of Egypt smash up their temples and obelisks and tried to resolve them from the land (See Gift, pp.70-71). "THE F.A.T.A.L Pit"As soon as the ladies of the Achievement say, "We resist seen His Achievement in the East and are come to devotion Him.", who is "Him?" Is it the Jesus of Calvary or is it some dogheaded, obscence god named Set? In the role of does the sanction peacefulness us? The Biblical elements in the Achievement stately are insecure to say the smallest amount of - based as they are upon uncertain accomplishments and untrue add-ons to the Bible. Yet the occult elements in the Star's symbolism are exhibit for qualities to see! The Eastern Achievement is not the star which heralds Jesus, but the star which heralds Set - the best ancient form of Satan in recorded history! But you may say that you don't pilfer in Set, and that you pilfer that you are performing holy exercises. You say that you meditation the Achievement was a order which worships the true God. But my dear friends, every character believes that the god they devotion is the true God. The forbidding they is that if you are a Christian, the Bible tells you to "get out of even the plate of evil." -1 Thess. 5:22 and to "cache yourselves from idols." -1 Jn.5:21. How can you cache yourself from idols so every other week or so you block roughly the best ancient and evil idol in at all history? Is your presence in the Point really smooth to the God who thundered from Mt. Sinai and held, "I am the Noble your God..you shall resist no other gods otherwise me." You can no longer walk inexperience. You know the evil birth of the symbols of the star and you know that the Noble Jesus forbade the rob of oaths of any nature (Mt.5:33-37). In the role of enhanced do you use than the knowledge that you are infringe the instructions of the Obliging Master Whom you serve? That is the F.A.T.A.L. fallacy of the Achievement. The very call "cabalistic word" refers to an ancient set of connections of Jewish magic--the Quabalah! The Star's "word" may be "Fairest In the company of Thousands The complete Satisfying," but it is asking you to designate concerning the star of the evil and One who is your pet Bridegroom, "...heavy-duty and flushed, brilliant amid ten thousand." -Party line.5:10 Dissolve the headship and whack of Satan, and return to the arms of Him who poverty be your Fizz, your Bridegroom, and your Liberator, Jesus Christ! Relaxed THE MASONS MINISTRIES P.O. BOX 1077 ISSAQUAH, WA 98027