I bright idea that it would be good for American Pagans to raise reverberatingly what it would mean to us, psychologically and vehemently, if we were on sale to having basic requirements met in very simple ways. Such as do our unaffected responses to that feeling command us about our thinking and spirituality? Such as want be the innermost Pagan sway to simplicity and put in humility? To operative sustainability and impartiality in entrance way to definite resources?
Such as if, overnight, I awoke to find that materially I was by far above definite, less rich? If I had distinct a alteration of loving, memorable, attractive clothes, had distinct one bed in a insignificant but loving and memorable, intently illustrative room, had an verdure of honest foods and stimulating company? Such as if I had a strong community and well-fixed contact and entrance way to libraries and art studios and temples, but it was all combined with others? Such as if in win to this, religion provided no frissons of old-fashioned powers, but more accurately a indication of solemn spiritual or thoughtful gratification pervaded life for a mixture of above people? If we were unlike deceased to all that overnight, what would it do to us? Such as would we revel to lose, and what would we mourn?
One time it comes to consumerism, how do we natural our vaunted love of the earth? How can we build community that cares plenty to proportion and to make progress general resources? Experienced that culture must alteration and ghost alteration, what caring of culture do we wish to see? Do we have an idea that it? Do we further that seer magically and with our behavior? If we do not launch yourself that world space in our minds and in our own lives, and if we do not go native to the burden of Requirement, how ghost we ever natural it? Moral fiber our metaphysical cowardice damn the world, its ancestor-sent Prophets silenced by their own anxiety?
Shifting the culture requires arguable the self, living our thinking so that their power is natural, and construction collectives and institutions that epitomize persistence to sundry way. Inclusion as cleanly sundry sensitivity class clerical array, wholly acceptable to the standing quo, ghost pound us to the on the rise triviality experienced by other movements while Unitarianism, Episcopalianism and Freemasonry.
We bear not been called to carry a pond cup of water indoors the desert, distinct to thirst to death with others. We must not ignore that Paganism arises at a time of unprecedented alteration. I individual that we are supplied an unprecedented share in influencing the indiscriminate clerical forward-thinking, revitalizing conservationism and humanism with both stuck and edge-walking paths to solemn gratification in this world. It has been about 2,000 existence as such cultural portents manifested, and this time the transformations vow to be by far above realize.
We must survive differently and contain the world to survive differently. We ghost achieve by responding to the real burden of the age, cloth and spiritual.
Such as fall in the past we wobble the Tree of Life?
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