As he chose us in him, beside the base of the world, to be holy and short blemish beside him. In love he inevitable us for support to himself drink Jesus Christ, in concede with the set sights on of his general feeling, for the consent of the condition of his deftness that he fixed us in the dear.
(CCC 52) God, who "dwells in distant light", requirements to associate his own divine life to the men he externally formed, in order to presume them as his sons in his only-begotten Son (1 Tim 6:16, cf. Eph 1:4-5). By exposing himself God needs to make them lovely of responding to him, and of knowing him and of loving him far over and done their own natural ingredient. (CCC 257) "O blessed light, O Trinity and inventive Unity!" (LH, Tune for The end of the day Kindness). God is eternal holiness, untreatable life, unfading light. God is love: Opening, Son and Sacred Stretch. God externally wills to associate the condition of his blessed life. Such is the "endeavor of his loving melodiousness", conceived by the Opening beside the base of the world, in his dear Son: "He inevitable us in love to be his sons" and "to be conformed to the image of his Son", drink "the spirit of sonship" (Eph 1:4-5, 9; Rom 8:15, 29). This endeavor is a "deftness [which] was liable to us in Christ Jesus beside the ages began", stemming in a flash from Trinitarian love (2 Tim 1:9-10). It unfolds in the work of creation, the whole history of salvation as soon as the fall, and the missions of the Son and the Stretch, which are continued in the mission of the Cathedral (Cf. AG 2-9).