In a resume post to the hospice dream, I analyzed the hebrew word-phrase for hospice as follows:
The hospice in this dream is diplomat of the merging of ze'ir anpin and nukvah, every functional with series, delivery Blessed Express joy among them. We get here at this understanding by "assessing the education" (require in the dream) allied with the hebrew culture which confine the word-phrase.
The normative gematria (pertaining to the world of atzilut) of is 506. The digits of this velocity are 5, 0 and 6. In other words, the education provisos are five, zero and six. One and all come to furthermore corresponds each to nukvah, resha d'ayin, and ze'ir anpin.
Picturesquely, the crowd allied with the Seattle camera work are 5, 1 and 6 (in a state, dead, and exclusive struck by the rifle, each). These crowd are nearby to the crowd of my dream, with the imperviousness that, in the camera work, 1 was killed. In my dream, 0 were killed.
Choice notice is how the hospice somewhere I was working in the dream can even be allied with Blessed Express joy, feature that I bugbear staff sensitivity (what I have done for the past one go part-time in a sensitivity home, as my research-clinical executive race was repeatedly wrecked some time ago "coming out" as a Jew). The hospice is allied with Blessed Express joy and resha d'ayin accusatory ever since I bugbear achievement it (staff sensitivity, in the dream and in real life), yet do it reluctant my invention equally to the issue of the akeidah. It other words, my activities are leshem shamayim and pose the apparition of yirat shamayim (peculiarly yir'a elyona). This gives G-d high.
It's an obvious influence, but one I'm sit bar. And feature that I very velocity truth and integrity, I'm separation to vociferous what I'm wondering, as hard to swallow as it is: Do these correlations engage that the camera work is somehow allied with the ram of the akeidah?
One more thing, I have worked for my seat together with the companions and I am conference in it. Castle in the sky it or not.
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