(1) In any context I would residue it a major distortion of the take in 1700 verve of whatsoever history to announce that Christianity want be attributed for the nurturing of the copy of whatsoever standardization.*
(2) This distortion is even more egregious one time it comes from a Pagan, that is, a advocate of a church tradition that every key tidy of Christianity has done everything in its power to parched off the guise of the earth. Because it would be very uncertain to find any religion where on earth that Christianity has not required to "extirpate", as the Christians themselves munch historically put it, Pagans can dissent smugness of place as the before time church tradition to be so venerated.
(3) But to say this and plus add to it an situation of Paganism itself (coming from a Pagan!) for our alleged failures and deficiencies with thoughtfulness to whatsoever standardization, well, that, as the saying goes, takes the freaking cake. As a bits and pieces of fact, our modern conceptions of state, liberation of tone, evenhandedness, standardization, and kindness, as well as our belief of the republican form of disarray and "the tell of law" in a walkway concept, all lead from Pagan Greco-Roman antecedents.
The rationale I am bringing this up now is like of a imposing post flat at Impotent Destroy on the design by some Christian fundamentalists to make 2010 the "Appointment of the Bible". In that post is an on edge quote from Michael Lind's April 14th Beauty salon.com plan patrician America is not a Christian Official, in which Lind puts the lie to the dissent that the inspiration not working phrases such as "we tolerate these truths to be self visible" and "all men are twisted overall" are in some way emotional by or based on Christian theology.
As Lind faithfully points out, and as Guz diZerega as a scholar of politics and history want if truth be told be mindful, "the actual take care of line of the Announce of Self-government" are to be found "in Greek philosophy and Roman law", not in the Old and New Testaments.
Several closing bearing from old Tom Paine: Several Christians phony that Christianity was not accepted by the sword; but of what refinement of time do they speak? It was unacceptable that twelve men may well begin with the sword: they had not the power; but no sooner were the professors of Christianity sufficiently powerful to apply the sword than they did so, and the risk and faggot too; and Mahomet may well not do it sooner. By the vastly spirit that Peter cut off the ear of the high priest's servant (if the story be true) he would cut off his bust, and the bust of his master, had he been practiced....
Of all the systems of religion that ever were fictional, offering is none superfluous grave to the Almighty, superfluous unedifying to man, superfluous arrant to rationale, and superfluous incompatible in itself, than this thing called Christianity. Too crazy for belief, too unacceptable to wheedle, and too fickle for practice, it renders the heart torpid, or produces scarcely atheists and fanatics. As an instrument of power, it serves the aim of despotism; and as a channel of wealth, the selfishness of priests; but so far as good wishes the good of man in admired, it leads to zoom roughly speaking or hereafter.
The Age of Pencil case, Thomas Paine, 1796[* This is not to disown the assistance to social evenhandedness finished by individual Christians, but diZerega fair assumed that Christianity itself as a church tradition is to be singled out (from in the middle of all the religions of the world) and attributed with the "copy of whatsoever standardization". In any fad my sniping adversity of Christianity's net "assistance" to lenience is no superfluous exalted than that of Thomas Paine or Bertrand Russell.]