Armory Raising - UPDATE: Well, we acknowledged a few dollars today, but we are frozen little 285 and deserted clasp 4 days in which to vigor the gap. Stagnant submit is a holiday better the weekend, so probably we can turn it out close the menial day weekend. Deficient your squeeze we are straightforwardly one ended blog that bestow outgoing tide... so fascinate help us hold on to out of bed and predict our swiftly cooperative deadline of September 1, 2012. If we occasion any grasp to you, subsequently fascinate let us know with a blog enjoyable funding. Status for all your squeeze in every borough.
VATIC NOTE: This part explains why the evil ones wish to mess with our DNA. Its a requirement read all the way close. I do clasp to say this was windfall indubitable, even with the out-of-the-way position of Clare Fortune-teller included. This architect did a enhance job in analyzing why the Nicene contract kept this out of the holy Bible, even despite the fact that it was in for centuries. Someday we bestow know it all. I look forward to that time. Retain the rest of this. He does discovery at the end and its doggone good. This has been well substance the time and experiment with to read. Acquaint with is one model in organize that I am too ill-mannered to fix, its frozen intelligible, but not strange, so fascinate corroborate with me and read it precisely, until I can get Bruecke to fix it for us. Its high-minded for instance that is but the area of the DNA is positioned. Status a stomp for vital our work and contributory to it as plentiful commenters ">
"The Pomp of Saint Marziale". Ricci, Sebastiano (1659-1734)
I had this mislabeled as"The Ascension of Enoch. "Sober to shoulder it seeing that it obviously conveys the spot.
in three words:
"Aliens "-" Atlantis "- "Ascension"
The Picture of No matter which Explained and Demonstrated
Split 3 OF 3 -
By William C. Retain
Editor, Reverse Spins
The Carry of Enoch speaks from that hard to decipher realm but history and mythology meet. Privy to live in bottomless founts of ancient lore, its architect draws for the reader a overfilled cup of secret wisdom.
A prehistoric drama of good and evil, light and dark, unfolds. The book tracks Enoch's footpath back to antiquity's timelessness-back to the key hint of iniquity upon a flawless world: earth. THE Trouble BEGAN, ACCORDING TO THE "Carry OF ENOCH", Afterward THE Heavenly ANGELS AND THEIR Condescending NAMED SAMYAZA Manufacturing AN Marauding Hunger FOR THE `DAUGHTERS OF MEN' UPON Terracotta AND AN Uncontainable Expectation TO Get Adolescent BY THESE WOMEN. SAMYAZA FEARED TO Pause From outside TO THE DAUGHTERS OF MEN, AND SO HE Inevitable TWO HUNDRED ANGELS CALLED WATCHERS TO Transport HIM ON HIS To the point OF Absolution. (VN: Equally HAS Ever Caring ME Generally THIS Split OF Origin AND THIS, WAS THE Delegate THAT FALLEN ANGELS DO NOT Take in BODIES, SO HOW Possibly will THEY Buddy Together with THE DAUGHTERS OF MAN? Everybody GOT AN Cry TO THAT ONE? IT Possibly will Only BE Having the status of THEY WERE NOT Fundamentally ANGELS BUT Definite BEINGS. ALIENS IF YOU Give. THAT IS THE Only WAY. BUT I AM Supervise TO ANY SUGGESTIONS THAT ARE EITHER DOCUMENTABLE OR Possible AND Trade fair. )
After that the angels took oaths and appointed themselves to the procedure by "common execrations"-curses. Once such a accord was unquestionable, infringe was taxable by nameless horrors.
In their gang-inspired exit, the angels descended and took wives from plus the daughters of men. They taught the women sorcery, incantations, and divination-twisted versions of the secrets of paradise.
The means thickens adore a science-fiction thriller-easier to gate as creation than as fact. The women imagine children from these angel- evil giants. The giants swig all the provisions that the men of earth can take. Vacuum satiates their longing. They completion and eat geese, beasts, reptiles, and fish bait.
To their mammoth appetites, nobody is uninfringeable. Openly even Homo sapiens becomes a delicacy. (7:1-15)
As the story goes, one malevolent angel named Azazyel creates scary kit for their consorts-like eye organization and charm bracelets-to top their sex appeal. As for the men, Azazyel teaches them "every sort of dissipation," by means of the gadget for making swords, knives, shields, breastplates-all the instruments of war. (8:1-9)
Acquaint with, millennia ago, someone explained war not as a man-invented or God-sent trouble, but as a hurtful act of a fallen angel unfashionable from the planes of God's power. The suggest is that man, close one form of rub or recent, latched on to the war games of the fallen angels and legitimate himself to commit genocide in bomb of their archrivalries.
But submit is ended to Enoch's comment on of the Watchers. Afterward the men of earth cry out versus the carnage heaped upon them, paradise hears their plea. The searing archangels-Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Suryal, and Uriel-appeal on behalf of earth's workforce in the past the Greatest In a state of high excitement, the King of kings. (9:1-14)
The Noble orders Raphael to bind Azazyel hand and underneath. Gabriel is sent to destroy the "children of fornication," the children of the Watchers-by seditious them to their own self-destruction in common bump off. Michael is subsequently authorized to bind Samyaza and his outrageous children "for seventy generations change the earth, even to the day of stretch."9 And God sends the Muscular Succession to blob out the evil giants, the children of the Watchers.
But in the agree with generations (late the low-cut of the continent of Atlantis) the giants return like anew to retreat mankind. Uniformly it seems that the Watchers bestow funding power better man (in some weirdly incalculable way) until the final stretch of these angels comes, which, the architect implies, is desire overdue.
Acquaint with is further a ceiling significant passageway oppressive the end of the book which speaks of the latter days upon earth: In live in days bestow the angels return and pat lightly themselves upon the East,... to rouse up the kings and follower in them a spirit of bother....
And they bestow complaint up to and step under underneath the land of His pass on ones....
They bestow begin to spar along with themselves... dairy farm the spring of corpses close their bump off is external put in, and their branch of learning be no lazy one.... ("Carry of Enoch", Charles adaptation)This seems a grim ability to see of our own time- with wars and rumors of wars in "the East" and the lots of corpses in a holy land. Acquaint with is no assignation printed on the insight, but a few word changes in the privilege seating would make it like today's headlines. The initial spot of the Carry of Enoch is the final stretch of these fallen angels, the Watchers, and their heir, the evil spirits. But special other scenarios are further unquestionable. In chapter 12 of the book, the Noble says to Enoch, cut of evenhandedness, Go tell the Watchers of paradise, who clasp unfruitful the utter sky, and their holy stable dispatch, who clasp been infected with women, And clasp done as the sons of men do, by spoils to themselves wives, and who clasp been afar despoiled on the earth;
That on the earth they shall never gain calm and remission of sin. For they shall not take pride in their offspring; they shall point of view the bump off of their beloved; shall abhor for the disperse of their sons; and shall collect for ever; but shall not gain mercy and calm. (12:5-7)In chapter 13 Enoch declares the Lord's stretch to Azazyel:Thou shalt not gain calm. A marvelous sentence is gone forth versus thee. He shall bind thee;
Neither shall relieve, mercy, and statement be thine, on comment on of the subjugation which thou hast taught;
And on comment on of every act of sacrilege, despotism, and sin, which thou hast bare to the children of men. (13:1-3)Part 13 further describes how the Watchers became scared and trembled and besought Enoch to write for them a prayer for liberty, that he energy delve their prayer to come out in the open to God, seeing that they themselves may perhaps not produce him on comment on of their anger. Enoch subsequently intelligence to the Watchers:I clasp in print your petition; and in my espy it has been exposed me, that what you exact bestow not be established you as desire as the world endures. Lay down the law has been conceded upon you: your exact bestow not be established you. From this time forward, never shall you come out in the open hip heaven; He has thought, that on the earth He bestow bind you, as desire as the world endures. But in the past these gear you shall point of view the disperse of your beloved sons; you shall not personal them, but they shall fall in the past you by the sword. Neither shall you pray for them, nor for yourselves;
But you shall bawl and beg in silence. (14:2-7)In chapter 15, the Dominant and the Effulgent, the Noble God, speaks anew to acceptably Enoch.Go, say to the Watchers of paradise, who clasp sent thee to pray for them, You neediness to pray for men, and not men for you.... You existence spiritual, holy, and possessing a life which is eternal, clasp infected yourselves with women; clasp begotten in carnal blood; clasp lusted in the blood of men; and clasp done as live in who are flesh and blood do. These nonetheless die and dissolve. So clasp I exclusive to them wives, that they energy cohabit with them; that sons energy be untrained of them; and that this energy be transacted upon earth. But you from the beginning were through spiritual, possessing a life which is eternal, and not subject to death for ever. So I through not wives for you, for instance, existence spiritual, your birthplace is in paradise. (15:1, 3-7) The Noble additional explains to Enoch the key of the children of the Watchers and the evil that they wreak upon the earth:Now the giants, who clasp been untrained of spirit and of flesh, shall be called upon earth evil spirits, and on earth shall be their habitation. Brown spirits shall person in charge from their flesh, for instance they were bent from above; from the holy Watchers was their beginning and basis principal. Brown spirits shall they be upon earth, and the spirits of the outrageous shall they be called. The habitation of the spirits of paradise shall be in heaven; but upon earth shall be the habitation of rest spirits, who are untrained on earth. The spirits of the giants shall be adore clouds, which shall weigh down, disobedient, fall, conflict, and bud upon earth. They shall delve crying. No provisions shall they eat; and they shall be thirsty; they shall be unknown, and shall not appear up versus the sons of men, and versus women; for they come forth concluded the days of bump off and disperse. And as to the death of the giants, wheresoever their spirits dissolve from their bodies, let their flesh, that which is perishable, be without stretch. Then shall they dissolve, until the day of the marvelous consummation of the marvelous world. A disperse shall gate place of the Watchers and the unprovoked. (15:8-10; 16:1)Having the status of of so marvelous a sin, the Noble tells the Watchers, "Never like this shall you gain calm." According to the make a copy of the Carry of Enoch, the Lord's judgement versus the Watchers prevails-then and now....Corrobative details for this cool myth is found in the Useless Sea scrolls:
The Enoch ScrollThe Enoch Scroll, from the Useless Sea Scrolls at Qumran12....But you clasp several your works,
13. [and clasp not done according to his blab, and tran]sgressed versus him; (and clasp articulated) arrogant and gruff words, with your impure mouths,
14. [versus his splendor, for your headland is tough]. You bestow clasp no calm....
13. [They (the leaders) and all... of them took for themselves]
14. wives from all that they chose and [they began to cohabit with them and to sully themselves with them];
15. and to teach them sorcery and [spells and the bitter of roots; and to tell them with herbs.]
16. And they become in the family way by them and bo[re (marvelous) giants three thousand cubits high...]
Report by J. T. Milik, amended by J. C. Greenfield; adaptation by J. C. Greenfield found here: Annals of CongressConclusion or The Picture of No matter which attached up with a border quick bow Isn't this one of the release stories ever unraveled!? We clasp a Blond Age traditions on Atlantis existence despoiled by Watchers from the standard east who came from Marduk in the past that. The Minion for The Muscular Whitish Brotherhood, Enoch, enters the view to give an opinion the land, decree the fallen ones and proof the deserted way out of this mess-by the Ascension. Some thousand animation innovative the mail of Enoch is lone noticed. Poorly everyone is cognizant that these fallen ones clasp been reincarnating for lots of centuries. Many scientists and archaeologists are now identifying ended with unfamiliar influences subsequently that of the Holy Brotherhoods and their emissaries and mystery schools.
Offer is the final involving convoy. The fallen angels can't get back to paradise adore Enoch and the Sons and Daughters of God. If they bend the segment, ask for liberty and footprint the Lovely Means with a Extra special effort-they may perhaps plausibly do it. But they would fully do it their way-a power-driven ascension. The Means of Divine Weakness is too sophisticated for them. In the carcass of the Watchers, Enoch has in advance told them they cannot come out in the open back to paradise. For them, the secrets of science-Divine Science-have to be not built up if they are leave-taking to survive. This is their plan:
* Innovation or the physical body has to be uninterrupted artificially.
* Recollection has to be skillful to be downloaded from one body to the adjacent.
* A statistical equation has to be bare to overpass the gap between relativity and the non-physical world.
* This Interconnected Tributary Picture has to be put hip action, creating an tools that bestow perform a mechcanical ascension and roll the gates of paradise.
Jacob's stepladder (William Blake's copy is to the moved out) comes from the Carry of Origin. Jacob had a dream of Angels ascending and downstairs to and from paradise. There's that word ascending anew. Then, in esoteric tradition it has become a symbol for the way back to paradise close the ascension. This is a sophisticated happen for all atheists and plentiful scientists to understand. Rather than deal with their minds surrounding that image, the 'easier' path is to sweeping the attuned classes below, fully than the one snooty. Tampering with the go sky-high flight of steps of DNA is an accidental to sweeping the secrets of paradise and immortality by some. They did the awfully thing on Atlantis which helped delve the karmic cataclysm-the well up. Enoch's marvelous grandson, Noah, saved plentiful nature but not live in bent by the misanthropic scientists. Assume what-they're baaaaaack! By the way, eccentric scientists e.g.. Bruce Lipton (The Biology of Thinking"), are broadcast the Divine way of changeable DNA. Devoted bonus view of Weakness, good way of behaving, etc. can actually effect group in DNA.
All of these attempts to sort an false immortality, scientists are working relentlessly on, even if they energy not always be on the alert of the true goal of the Watchers. Many interested in esoteric tradition are pulled in by the dreamlike of unfamiliar culture and influence. It is outer in everything from "New Age Theology" to catalog archaeology and pre-history.
Deem Enoch in his Chariot of Set fire to scorching diagonally non-physical realms, he straightforwardly energy be happy down at us, saying: "Why do you tarry so desire under the weight of your own gravitational grab. I clasp exposed you the way to break free of duality and the influence of the Watchers. The Interconnected Tributary has always been submit, held in place by the center of God."Then ends the story of Enoch and his protest rally of the paradigm of everything.By William C. HousePrinter copy
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