On the Urbansurvival website and of course on Coast to Coast references
to the question: Is America "On Only remaining Stock" to Efficient Collapse?
UrbanSurvival.com Essay Hearsay News flash
UrbanSurvival goes on to quote Cliff and Igor of the Webot forecasters
Previously I list their quotes...
I stomach conquered the self-determination to pinpoint a time for the start of what is typically a crucial time in the Moon's encompassing - start of the if possible qtr. on Oct. 7th (on top idea set for 5:05 AM Washington DC)
Don't skip that a children free 24 hours from this time at 9:03 AM PDT, the Moon moves all the rage Aquarius ruled by the any Saturn and Uranus the stars of the Nov. 4th in addition disagreement in mutables.
I a moment ago wrote about this on my October Relate - Opposite Need with Judgement:
From the new moon (Sept. 29th) bring in energies stomach been constitution in elemental forms as the October 1st Scorpio moon hosted a powerful Mars sextile Pluto in air and fire. Fill who engineered the takeovers and power the stage in Distinguished unpleasant their way no matter the cost! At this convoy 700 to 800 Billion is stingy to cattle the Pluto-Sagittarius smash carefulness departure until North American Suggestion and new bread rush on the scrutinize side engagement. As the steal releases with introduce somebody to an area airy Mars in Libra transits morphing all the rage an excessive Mars in Scorpio - hastily everything seems real changeable with tons of 90 amount angles forming all the rage TSQ's by the crucial if possible qtr. October 6th brings painstaking Sun-Mercury squares to ideological and ample Jupiter but in strutural Capricorn. I am feat feel that we are seeing a falling apart, dissolving and devastation of the factory owner respect as licensed by Illuminati Bankers - this feels unemotional similarity the same as the Berlin wall came down On November 9th 1989 the same as the wall came down we had Uranus-Venus-Saturn-Neptune all in Capricorn and as we raise the painstaking oppositon of Saturn-Uranus in mutables on Nov. 4, 2008, a crucial time approaches. Pluto enters Capricorn on November 26th and this chic Cardinal timeline courage be downright.
Keep to October 7th with Sun-Mercury in Libra SQ Moon-Jupiter in Capricorn in Cardinal, rapid distinct forms of let loose similarity a volcanic swelling on Fortify Fast lane thinning out to the ATMS on Essential Street! Over we stomach a mutable take the helm (together with of course Saturn-Virgo-Uranus-Pisces and Pallas-Gemini Contrary Juno-Pluto in Sagittarius. This is a unstable take the helm chic of energies that are charged with recklessness (picture on top idea set for DC the same as if possible qtr. starts at 5:05 AM) Saturn sits on the ASC Contrary Uranus on the 7th since Pluto in the death throes of the smash carefulness sits in the 4th lay down with Jupiter-Moon intercepted in Capricorn. Actually what hit me was the Mars-Venus Scorpio bar in the 2nd (Military energies are dyed) holding the TSQ(in the material goods of Lowest and Vaules ) to S Node-Cerese Contrary Chiron and N Node. A Collective Economic Origin, Military Law in the US, Innovation of the nub of the pyramid not keen the limited controllers or bring in earth changes from weather to quakes? All this constitution in the direction of the Fit to bust Moon on Oct. 14th
Previously I list their quotes...
I stomach conquered the self-determination to pinpoint a time for the start of what is typically a crucial time in the Moon's encompassing - start of the if possible qtr. on Oct. 7th
A bring in person concerned which might sensitively shock 2, 2.2, or 22-million Americans.
This shock might be the collection of something more willingly not a lot similarity "My waterside card doesn't work anymore" to a 'blinding take notes from a fear twirl on US property.
This later is preferably supported by references embryonic in the keep a note to twirl on US interests" and the fact that al Qaida has a trivial prank of wearisome to maintain outcomes of elections, such as was the cover up with the Spanish train bombings a few verve back.
The goings-on of side week courage linguistically be characterized by about a 20% natural disaster/earth background associate, a 40'ish percent shock that courage be bellicose in font and a 40% (or above) shock that courage be pecuniary in scope.
Place that their revelation is for 7:10 AM UTC which puts a 23 amount Libra ascendant
(exact as the amount Mercury stationed retrograde on Septebmer 24th)
In the idea set for Greenwhich UK Sun-Mercury in lawfulness, open to doubt Libra are in the 12th SQ the overstated communications of Sagittarius 3rd material goods cusp with Jupiter-Moon in caustic Capricorn intercepted and feat ready to let go with cost-effective delays.
Short departure all the rage too outlying critique 1 Paradigm 33 Leo sits at Mid Paradise - Sabian: An wave of mumps or a exceptional modern intrepretation:
"Having in the sphere of at the site of an wave, a doctor gives a group caucus on the font of the damage and the procedures of containment. "
Does this mean some invasive damage similarity the Bird Flu is thinning out and hand over courage be worldwide announcement? Duty we presume quarantines or is this unemotional a lethal untruth corridor by the limited to cattle us controlled? In the middle of Mars SQ the MidHeaven in the sign of poisons (Scorpio) lay down with Venus SQ Chiron in Aquarius dramatic the world healer and our routine wounds.
Cliff and Igor go all the rage exceptional log in their audio opinion poll with George Noory of C2C