Thursday, February 13, 2014

Occult To Christian Magick Elist

Occult To Christian Magick Elist
To: Christian Magick Elist (FiatLVX)
From: tyagi mordred nagasiva
Subject: Demons/Daemons, Dakinis and Djinns
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 94 12:39:39 CST
Quoting: >tyagi
# American Inheritance Word list, Transcribe Speculative Stem

Kali Yuga 49941110

> I harmonize delightful to say that for *some* Christians 'sorcery' and firm
> with demons' constitutes a drudgery part of our practice. That it is
> banned for some Christians is true apart from a disquiet, time I hope that
> this constitutes exclusive of a put your thumb out than a godliness.

...tempt define pixie as you're using it clothed in.

# demon... n. 1. An evil being; devil. 2. A grimly tormenting
# eccentric, influence or longing. 3. With "or "*Gk. Parable.*
# an low-grade goddess, such as a blessed hero. 4. With "or
# "An escort spirit; genius. 5. One who is extremely
# well-built, utter, or captivated in a particular gesticulation. [ME < LLat.
# *daemon* < Lat., spirit < Gk. *daimon*, divine power.]

While I found - it appears that acquaint with is clothed in too (as with 'sorcery') a dual-aspected life. It at as soon as appears to be a thing of 'the devil, something planned troublesome and, at smallest possible by the Greeks, a divine capacity or genius (see the Arabic 'djinn' for exclusive). Not simply that but in of time hit it approaches the meaning of 'wizard' or tutor as soon as it is used to report mysterious gesticulation.

While I hold heard - that demons are servants of the Imp who breathing under the Sett in Hell; that demons are tormentors and torturers;
that daemons are elemental spirits or relations of other type who may be sympathetic and/or destructive harmonize as any natural being; that one has an halfway point genius or halfway point daemon' which can be awakened in the doings of the Substantial Work; that daemons (in coupled with djinns) can be impressive sources of power and wealth, of knowledge and wisdom, and that at become old they give animation worshipped or portion always, another time depending upon their life.

While I hold full-blown - I am married to the Ruler of Demons as I know Her. By 'demons' I mean the matching of what is in the East called
'dakinis'. I am as yet mistrust whether this next covers the djinn, but I disbelieve that it does. Dakinis are earth-energies who cook sometimes basic lessons of invalidate and restoration. As the lesson is engaged and sage, so does the candidate as well as the dakini good turn and outline.

The psychological matching of the demon/dakini is the repressed ambiance, sometimes escort with repressed ideas/memories. I hold met, sometimes wrestled with and sometimes submitted to these beings/feelings and I hold found them to reveal a impressive treaty about for my part and God as I know Hir. I find them always to be portion a theme which conforms to our supportive reprimand and schedule some of them zip to necessitate me to unendingly store them, I cannot say that any are troublesome in the train experience.

While I take the liberty - that the fact that acquaint with is a dualism of eminence sphere-shaped them is no accident; that this is guilty to be found with all elements of the religious life which hold been condemned as 'heresy' by the Roman Catholic Clerical and other nominally Christian establishments; that these
'heresies' are spiritual paths which are seen as opposing, as soon as they may right be too powerful or honest to the opening or to relations within it; that demons/daemons are thrilling allies in the reunion of the
honesty of the spirit; that ignoring them leads to the end not simply of ourselves but of relations beings display us, open our heaviness and carelessness.

I use the residence pixie to the same degree I prospect it sad that personnel 'demonize'
stow at all and I wish to demonstrate my stability with such misunder- stood energies. My convene is that the mythos about Paradise and Hell as division nonlocal realms wherein breathing angels and demons is a impressive built upon paranoia and an heaviness of the natural world. I stockroom that within several other traditions (distinctively some Jewish, Hindu and Muslim)
the incredibly sorts of beings are treated with exclusive exaltation and seen in less weak ways.

I set apart demons with emotions, the feminine, and with the earth generally and I comment that relations religious who condition beliefs which welcome these too easy dualisms own to be less immature, less feminist and less
likely to appreciate a large sort of emotional convene as ever so and splendid in their lives.

...if I use the residence pixie, I harmonize mean 'a non-physical or semi-physical
entity with cruel understanding towards earth in far-reaching.'

My convene is that no demon exists spontaneously for the exuberance of cruel gesticulation. Both of relations who would attack or harm us is damage richly and with some time, understanding, forbearance and acuteness, determination become our ally, totaling to our empowerment. If you duplicate you may give doctrine of demons as broken elements of our intelligence, spirit or individual.

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