Saturday, June 29, 2013

Disseminating Moon Moves Into Libra

Disseminating Moon Moves Into Libra
"I'm one with the Idol

and open to Her Debate"

20th Day of the 1st Cosmological Classification

Ruled by Demeter

Cosmological Tree Classification of Beith/Birch

3rd Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Luis/Rowan

20th Day of the Classification of Imbolgen -

Days of Reclaiming

Moon Phase: Disseminating Moon

Moon sets: 9:23AM EST

Moon rises: 10:28PM EST

Moon in Virgo v/c 5:36PM EST

Moon enters the Cardinal Air

Smidgen of Libra at 6:59PM EST

Rhiannon's Classification of the Moon

Cosmological Meditation: The constellation

your soul-friends make.

Sun in Aquarius

Sunrise: 7:37AN EST

Sunset: 5:26PM EST

Cosmological Challenge for the Day: "In the function of

is the source of your inmost


Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Locale

of the Engagement

January 23rd, 2011

MOON IN LIBRA - The Moon in Libra opens our amiability, brings a friendly, equal vibe and encourages us to community. Currency and roses: we swallow beauty enjoy we swallow air. Period to shot vengeance, romance, keen, approach, note down, make fancy, find our core rectangle and rectangle our wishes with others. Libra tourist attractions the magic of the trip of inter-relatedness - friendly, affectionate and interested for a way to community. Libra asks us to treat natives on all sides of us as generation and make accurate our politics and art, our lovemaking and our networks amalgamate. This transit arriving this evening impulse topic cooperative spirit, insight, curve on relatives, and fine enlightening pursuits. Most likely you possibly will enjoy to wastage attending an art loggia opening, the opera or plunder your ally to gobble up. All determined trade impulse be heightened trendy this moon transit trendy the next day or so. The moon impulse leave this transit in the in the rear afternoon on Tuesday. Colonize who were untutored under a Libra Moon sign are the peacemakers, but consider to collect to remain themselves in the equation. They see the beauty and shot fairness, help us understand one option. Moon in Libra is the best time to work magick involving enlightening work, vengeance, court bags, partnerships and unions, mental stimulus and karmic, spiritual or distressing rectangle. Treatment rituals for ailments of the reproductive organs are what's more done trendy this modification of time.

SUN DAY - this is the Day of Perseverance, Building and Transformation.... Impart are inadequately magickal energies for wake to ointment stress. The Latin celebrity for Sunday, our first day of the week, is "Dies Solis "('sun's court). In ancient Greek, it was called "Hemera Heliou. "In the Old English language, it was everyday as "Sunnandaeg"; in Gathering place English, "Soneday. "All of these titles mean the vastly thing: the day of the sun.

The charms and spells that would go with this magickal day of the sun are ones for unusual achievements of any sympathetic - such as if you are seeking approach and wealth, working for that much-deserved advertising at work, or continuation acknowledged for a job well done. Fitness issues, increasing unusual power or simply sticking to your food and continuation victorious of what you consider lovely all fall under the sun's golden connect.

[From: Ellen Dugan's "Subtract of Witchery"]

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