Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Daily Message July 31 2012

Daily Message July 31 2012
unusual plan by: Lorency

"You would know the full of meaning realm"anywhere all souls break in proceedings."The journey's way lies"rule death's sticky fell."Inside this timeless be successful"A guiding light does prod."Directionless from conscious memory"But display in vision."

"- M.N."

Heartening Come into contact with and Large Crack of dawn :))) Blessings to you and yours for a magickal day today. In our time is Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesdays are ruled by Mars, the sphere that represents war, bravery and be dissimilar. It's a day to recharge your personally power. In our time is a very strong day and the close attention order be on vigor, sex, bravery and conflict. If you crave to be muscular in no matter which today would be the day to gate that on. If you are working with stones today first-rate rubies, star sapphires, or emeralds. Use topaz for amulets.

Tonight's Moon is Waxing, Time District in Capricorn. The Waxing Moon is formerly the moon is getting big in the sky, and moving towards the full moon. It is the heart time for magick that draws notes towards you bringing about cheery changes. The Waxing Moon represents the Goddess in her Maiden aspect. The Maiden is all about new beginnings, in advance accepted wisdom and energy. The Moon in Capricorn develops strong sense. The close attention is on traditions, errands, and obligations. It's a good time to set boundaries and policy. The magickal color of the day is Gray, and the incense of the day is Cedar. Give birth to an amazingly magickal day!

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