Thursday, May 2, 2013

Corn Magicks

Corn Magicks
LATIN NAME: "Zea Mays."

In style NAMES: "Indian Corn, Maize, Squaw Corn".

PARTS USED: "Seeds, silk, husks"


Corn silk is a weak pick-me-up, diuretic and demulcent, superior in the consideration of bladder nuisance and has along with been employed in gonorrhea treatments. The seeds are along with diuretic and weak stimulants. A poultice can be finished from the seeds to spare ulcers, swellings, and rheumatic labors. An drink of the dry Corn can help supervise horror and virus in numerous diseases. Cornmeal makes a tasty and honest gruel and is an decide on low-fat for convalescents. Corn oil is recycled in treating arteriosclerosis and high cholesterol. Mexicans of today are very skilful in making fermented liquors from Corn - 'Chicka' resembles swallow and cider, and a spirituous liquor called 'Pulque de Mahis,' is finished from the mouthful of the pursuit.


Corn is a sacred Druidic herb of Horrid Fomhair (along with called Mabon) and of Samhain. Corn is connected with the element of earth and the planets Venus and Saturn. Since Corn was such an soprano part of the food supply of numerous to the lead cultures, something like every ancient religion had a Corn God or Divine being.

More than a few of these Corn deities are: "Annonaria", Roman Divine being advocate of the Corn supplies; "Cerklicing", the Latvian god of fields and Corn; "Kurke", the Prussian God of Corn; "Nepit", an Egyptian Corn Divine being and "Neper" an Egyptian Corn-God; "Nodutus", the Roman god who was said liable for making the knots in the stalks of Corn; "Nzeanzo", the Sudan god of rain, handling, Corn, fullness and metal-working; "Robigo", a Roman Divine being of Corn; "Iyatiku", the Pueblo Corn Goddess; and "Gabjauja", the Lithuanian Divine being of Corn (with the development of Christianity She was, as were so numerous other Pagan deities, reduced to a demon).


Corn can be recycled for spells protection, luck, and in insight. Corn on the altar represents the power of the Corn Close relative, She who blesses and nourishes all Her sequential children. Frequently Corn husks and Wheat straw are recycled to foster what are called lump Dollies'. These are unadventurously in the form of a doll or are basket weave happening copious other shapes and are carried as charms or put on an altar. Corn dollies can be hung from the rafters of a hold to give protection for the hold and all population who halt briefly within. Corn can along with be recycled in numerous forms of fullness magic.

Corn can be worn as jewelry or in amulets to make the wearer earlier to the spirit of the earth. Corn can be recycled to divine the select. An old folk spell held that if a damsel found a blood-red ear of maize, she would restrain a suitor beforehand the time was out.

Elevate that being harvesting Corn for magickal uses it is soprano to say blessing you to the strength spirits:

"Close relative of Corn"I collect thee."In favorably thou fall"A maiden be."

Stand at: Magickal Winds

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