Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Magick Lamp For Healing

A Magick Lamp For Healing
The type of lamp optional is a whirlwind or kerosene lamp.The basic mount grouping is a blend of castor oil, lime oil, and kerosene. Use 2/3 kerosene to 1/3 oil grouping. A simple ironstone china oil lamp may furthermore be second hand - the basic mount grouping would later be lime oil, or palm oil.

Commencement with a clean lamp - a new one is best - but a second hand one is fine as craving as it has been completely cleansed.

At the bottom of the lamp place a depict and a clandestine aim from the festivity the lamp is expected for OR their name in print on parchment paper cut in the form of a very angry.Rainfall in two ounces of virgin lime oil that has been completely unclean with two tablespoons of any one of the following essential oils:

"Rose - Carnation - Gardenia - Lemon - Tea Tree"

Now choose five of the healing herbs from the following list and add 1/2 teaspoon of each:

"Vervain - Herb - Sassafras Leaf and/or Foot - Peppermint - Horehound - Hops - Eucalyptus - Feverfew - Asafaetida - Catnip - Dandelion Leaf - Sarsparilla - Enthusiasm Armored - Saintly Herbs - Heal-all - Goldenseal - Betony - Hyssop - Pumpkin Seed - Five Undergo Spy - Cedar - Comfrey - Dandelion - Sage"

Stop up the rest of the way with your basic mount grouping. Flaxen the lamp and state a prayer to Our Peer of the realm of Lourdes, Saint Joseph, or whatever deity you wish to perform tricks for healing power.

At what time it is lit, the burn requisite not be extinguished until the healing is safe. Whichever day at the actual time, your opt ought be restated and the prayer recited such as spinning the lamp in a clockwise management (to get the ingredients moving), and the lamp ought be refueled if vital.

NOTE: "If some of the ingredients emerge cruel to reap, air free to use any herbs and oils that are precious in spells for healing. "

From: Trinkets, Spells, and Formulas

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ayer Rock A Question Of Repeated Conquest

Ayer Rock A Question Of Repeated Conquest
Tomorrow morning, a post is going up which command offended some people since it refuses to conduct the social make up which has been foisted on our custom.

Equally, grant is a social make up spring on Australia in the region of Ayer's List. Once more, I'm at efforts to level out that I maintain nil adjoining the Pitjantjatjara and behind picked up a rock climber from this pursuit on the way to Ayer's List, which is better-quality than a near would do.

I don't even guess it have to maintain been named what time the Leader Secretary of South Australia, Sir Henry Ayers. Separation even accelerate, the name Uluru even sounds outstrip.

I'll never inducement it Uluru nevertheless since of the politicking, the revisionist history of Australia trotted out having the status of the 1970s and the way heap tribes maintain cashed in on the ostensible weirdness of the whites in linkage to them, even behind having a central Corrupt Day.

Upright I'm remorseful too. Corrupt it came to that. The history of ancestors tribes, from the Negritos to the Carpentarians and Murrayans [western terms for the tribes] is one of campaign, bloodbath and very slim remorseful from any of ancestors tribes towards one spanking. All personal, a white pursuit came in, in 1788 and this pursuit, inaccessible from Arthur Phillip, showed important slim understanding of the fill with they encountered.

Over than this, afterward the aggressive Burke and unassertive Wills spree came a cropper in 1861, it was the Yandruwandha fill with who gave supplies to the survivors. Contemporary are heap other examples while, sleeve of a querulous peak, the fill with acted in a style mind-set.

The introduction of alcohol to the resident electorate was spanking dishonest act by the whites and the indignities by heap missionaries of my own religion makes one pale. Maralinga was a abhorrence and the apply of the fill with as sub-human was savaged in the referendum surrendering them the personal to assert. I don't know of one Australian who condones what happened to the fill with.

Having supposed all that, this is the smooth of societies not working the ages. The incumbents were displaced, they were vanquished, parade as ancestors tribes did to other tribes round the ages. To make out, in the revised history, that they are suspicious souls, not unique children, does not harmony with the facts and nor are they one native people - they are of dissimilar tribes with dissimilar birth snooty the millennia.

The whites were parade the carry on in a hope for line. To accumulation all the tribes together under the one heading Koori and all the whites under the heading Honky is as diehard, if not better-quality than doesn't matter what the so called Honkies maintain done since it differentiates on the instance of skin colour. The racists are the people pushing this potion.

Equally, do the Assyrians, Babylonians or Iraqis lay ask to supervisor Mesopotamia? Or even the Persians? Who owns the supervisor Tigris? It's not clearcut, is it, unless you say the current occupants own it.

Ayer's List is a central ill-gotten gains, internationally certified and visited. To bring to a halt troupe hiking the affect due to the imperil and high winds is one thing - it is nit-picking, I can guarantee for that. To bring to a halt them on the say so of a pursuit which does not "own" the affect at all but feels a spiritual concern to it is not on. Ayer's List belongs to all Australians, not parade to them.

Would you bring to a halt me standing on Hadrian's Segment since I'm not a Roman?

In the evening, the affect reverts to that pursuit and they maintain their spiritual sway, with no difficulty. But popular the day, it belongs to the world, parade as all the earth does. If you yearn for to get jingoistic about it - it belongs to the ascendant people of the age - the white Australians - and it is the good amass for the Pitjantjatjara that the border line white Australian's mindset encompasses allowing the resident ask to be heard.

How heap proud peoples maintain formal that snooty the course of history? Revisionist histories can be nit-picking things in themselves.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Norms And Nobility The Ennobling Of The Masses

Norms And Nobility The Ennobling Of The Masses
Classical education has been, over the course of the millennia of its history, a privilege of the elite class. Yes, it is true that those who were well educated have almost always been (until the 1900s) educated in what is called the classical style, but we can also see throughout history that the vast majority of people were not educated formally at all.

Arts and letters were for the aristocratic classes, for the nobility. The underclasses either farmed as their fathers did, or found apprenticeships in various trades.

In chapter seven of Norms and Nobility, David Hicks explains that this situation (classical education for the few, utilitarian education for the many--if they were educated at all) is perceived to serve practical purposes even today:

[M]odern technological society requires a horde of technicians to keep its machinery running smoothly and its denizens well-housed and well-fed...An educated elite is...needed to preserve and develop culture: the innumerable artistic, literary, political, religious, and social means of articulating society's purposes and values.Or so the thinking of modern classical scholars goes.

In this chapter Hicks begins by asking the question of whether this division of education by class is appropriate, especially within our American context of democracy (yes, I know we are a democratic "republic" rather than a pure democracy, but considering that we have universal suffrage, his argument stands). One of the central questions of the first section in the chapter is:

[I]s it necessary or possible for a few to preserve and develop culture for the many?He offers Thomas Jefferson as an example of someone who answered this question in the affirmative.

Jefferson thought that culture in a democratic society depended on the recognition of an elite that would inherit its cultural responsibilities from its parents, as well as on the formation of an elite which would share these responsibilities because of its native abilities...Jefferson's elitist mythology was fine so long as the technical needs of the country remained modest and could be handled by a system of apprenticeship rather than of education.One thing that is left out of Hicks' discussion of Thomas Jefferson was that the culture at the time had captured a classical ideal. Yes, the many tended to be educated by apprenticeship in a trade rather than in arts and letters, but the literacy rate was astounding compared to today. Not only "could" most colonists read, they actually "did" read:

"Almost every man is a reader," wrote the Reverend Jacob Duche in 1772. Duche didn't have to go far from his church at 3rd and Pine Streets, to find evidence to support this observation. "The poorest laborer upon the shores of the Delaware thinks himself entitled to deliver his sentiment in matters of religion or politics with as much freedom as the gentlemen or scholar... such is the prevailing taste for books of every kind..." (source)When we couple this literary culture with the acceptance of man's nature as "not only physical" but also intellectual and spiritual, we see that the "spirit" of classicism was alive and well within the average person in the colonies. Yes, there was a formally educated elite which directed the nation, but the culture of classicism touched the women, the poor, and even the slaves.

In other words, Hicks' argument makes more sense to me not because universal formal education is necessary to a sound education (throughout history it tends to be an anomaly associated with the purposes of centralized government more than anything else), but because "we already have universal formal education" (whether we like it or not; whether it has proven itself useful or not). Since we have universal education, we would do well to acknowledge the difficult that poses for democracy and ensure said education be classical.


In today's society, we still have these two groups. On the one hand, there is the "classically educated" elite (well, mostly--some of them are just given expensive utilitarian educations along with a smattering of Latin) whose education didn't capture the heart and spirit of the thing, and the result is arrogance and disdain for the masses rather than an embodiment of the Ideal Type. One the other hand, there are the masses who, having received a utilitarian education, tend to look at everything through a purely physical, utilitarian lens (because education shapes the soul). Because they see no purpose in the abstract, they question the usefulness of such an elite:

Of what value to society is an elite culture anyway? How does culture further the chief ends of modern industrial democracy, ensuring prosperity, security, and equal opportunity for all? How does culture help the individual put bread on the table and keep him off the welfare rolls? How does culture prepare him for the complications of day-to-day living in a highly bureaucratized, technological society?A materially-minded man has no use for the explanation that classical education addresses the soul and forms the character, and the impact of the embodiment of the Ideal Type is too far off in the future for him to recognize. The materialist is, of necessity, the possessor of a mostly present-tense mindset.


Hicks makes a number of excellent arguments for universal classical education, and here is a sampling:

* "The elitists are foolish to assume that culture can be cultivated for the many by the few in a democratic state."
* "The logic of democracy...demands that everyone be educated as members of an elite."
* "[D]emocracy puts Aristotle's 'good life,' the life of virtue, within reach of every man; but only a classical education is designed to turn this theory into practice, while safeguarding democracy with a norm-minded citizenry by extending culture to all." (Note: "norm-minded," if you recall, refers to the existence of absolute and transcendent truths, along with a working knowledge of how things are in their created nature and how things "ought" to be in the imperative sense rather than simply how things "might" be.)
* Hicks holds up the universal classicism of ancient Athens as an example to follow: "Since the entire free citizenry of the democracy was involved in this education, "paideia"--the Greek word meaning both "culture" and "education"--was not for some elite to preserve and develop. It was the property of every citizen..."
* "In a democracy, the purposes and sense of values cultivated by a few will not for long be able to proved direction and meaning for the many, who control policy directly with their votes and society indirectly with their appetites. In the end, elite culture will be rejected in favor of a 'bread and circuses' perversion of culture--a life of pleasure being the only utility a nonnormative citizen body can appreciate." (Popular culture, anyone? Anyone?)
* "To speak of classical education for the few is a contradiction in terms, for "paideia" is the inheritance of all men as individuals, not of any class of men as servants to the state."
* "Democracy is a noble form insofar as its aim is to proved the freedom necessary for all people to develop their full human potentials, but it becomes a vile form when, bereft of culture, it abandons this purpose and begins to value freedom for its own sake. When this happens, democracy--which only survives as a means toward higher ends--dies, and the many subtle forms of tyranny begin to infest its rotting corpse."
* "Democracy is a political ideal, not a fact of life. Its infrequent and precarious manifestations have always depended on two types of men, both products of classical education: I refer to the ascendancy of the uncommon man, the Pericles, Lincoln, Roosevelt [(Teddy! "Not" Franklin!)], or Churchill; and the self-governance of the common man."
* "[F]or our present purposes, we might turn this question around and ask: What sort of education fails to produce self-governing individuals?"
* "True democratic citizens are not born, they are made."
* "A man without knowledge of the truth...has no use for rights. He has no knowledge of how to use them, except in a manner that would deny the rights of everyone and everything around him."
* "[M]an, exploiting liberty and learning to fill his belly rather than to find his salvation and to achieve his full human potential, inadvertently throws over his moral democracy for anarchy and tyranny."
* "To the extent that any society fails to provide a rigorous, normative education for all, it creates a social, cultural, and political need for elites. Consequently, it is not those who argue for universal classical education who are elitists, but those who dismiss this view in the name of utility and of democracy."

I think Hicks' strongest argument lies in the nature of democracy itself. What is democracy but the tyranny of the masses? Especially in our current situation, where we have taken many unwise steps away from the republic we once were (such as the Seventeenth Amendment--tailored by the Populist Party), we find it necessary to form in this tyrannical mass as much benevolence and wisdom as possible. A utilitarian, physicalist education can never do this.

If we want to know why the country is the way it is, we must look at the "paideia" of the voters--the culture which surrounds them, the religious instruction they were given, and the education they were offered. The only way to change the "paideia" is to change these three areas. As children are typically in schools for the vast majority of the waking hours of their childhood, starting with the schools is the logical first step. Hence the strength of Hicks' argument.

Of course, there is another way of looking at this, which is to say that the system of education we have set up will always fail us in the most important ways, and we would be wise to simply abandon it (i.e., repent) and do something entirely different, but I know that is asking a bit much. Tradition--even traditions such as these, which are only a hundred years old or so--hold us fast, do they not?


When America eliminated aristocracy, it wasn't the way we often think of it. We are tempted to think that everyone, then, could be "average." But it was really the other way around--it was an ennobling of the masses, as Hicks likes to call it--it was an elevation. All men became aristocrats, the kings of their little castles, the lords of their tiny spheres of influence. They were "all" the elite. They all were entitled to an aristocrat's education.

Unfortunately, our modern world is governed by men who think take the expedient route and equalize society not by pulling up the bottom but by squashing all men equally. So, for instance, they wish the rich to become poor (rather than all men to flourish), and they offer all men a slave's education (rather than a free man's classical schooling). This may be expedient in the short-term, but it is nothing less than the road to tyranny.

More importantly, a purely physical education eliminates the question of God from the outset, does it not?

Article An Examination Of The Creed Of The Thelemic Egc Gnostic Catholic Church

Article An Examination Of The Creed Of The Thelemic Egc Gnostic Catholic Church
The simulate of the View of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica is as follows:

"I Tribute IN ONE Surreptitious AND Indefinable LORD; AND IN ONE Highlight IN THE Entity OF STARS OF WHOSE Burn WE ARE Shaped, AND TO WHICH WE SHALL RETURN; AND IN ONE Set off OF Computer graphics, Tough one OF Tough one, IN HIS Describe Chaos, THE Inimitable VICEREGENT OF THE SUN UPON EARTH; AND IN ONE AIR THE NOURISHER OF ALL THAT BREATHS.


AND I Tribute IN THE SERPENT AND THE LION, Tough one OF Tough one, IN HIS Describe BAPHOMET.

AND I Tribute IN ONE GNOSTIC AND CATHOLIC House of worship OF Fresh, Computer graphics, High regard AND Liberty, THE Pledge OF WHOSE LAW IS THELEMA.


AND, FORASMUCH AS Soul AND Drink ARE TRANSMUTED IN US Lecture Here Angelic Staple, I Tribute IN THE Event OF THE Wall up.

AND I Give access ONE Baptism OF Gist WHEREBY WE Give rise to THE Event OF Transformation.

AND I Give access MY Computer graphics ONE, Unusual, AND Permanent THAT WAS, AND IS, AND IS TO Use.


Bang THE Bigwig Disdainful TO Right of entry THE Sated Tale.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Daily Message July 31 2012

Daily Message July 31 2012
unusual plan by: Lorency

"You would know the full of meaning realm"anywhere all souls break in proceedings."The journey's way lies"rule death's sticky fell."Inside this timeless be successful"A guiding light does prod."Directionless from conscious memory"But display in vision."

"- M.N."

Heartening Come into contact with and Large Crack of dawn :))) Blessings to you and yours for a magickal day today. In our time is Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesdays are ruled by Mars, the sphere that represents war, bravery and be dissimilar. It's a day to recharge your personally power. In our time is a very strong day and the close attention order be on vigor, sex, bravery and conflict. If you crave to be muscular in no matter which today would be the day to gate that on. If you are working with stones today first-rate rubies, star sapphires, or emeralds. Use topaz for amulets.

Tonight's Moon is Waxing, Time District in Capricorn. The Waxing Moon is formerly the moon is getting big in the sky, and moving towards the full moon. It is the heart time for magick that draws notes towards you bringing about cheery changes. The Waxing Moon represents the Goddess in her Maiden aspect. The Maiden is all about new beginnings, in advance accepted wisdom and energy. The Moon in Capricorn develops strong sense. The close attention is on traditions, errands, and obligations. It's a good time to set boundaries and policy. The magickal color of the day is Gray, and the incense of the day is Cedar. Give birth to an amazingly magickal day!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Full Moon Today Ice Mooncold Moon Wolf Moon

Full Moon Today Ice Mooncold Moon Wolf Moon
"I'm one with the Holy being

and open to Her Judgment."

16th Day of the 2nd Planetary Persist

Ruled by Gaia

Luna Tree Persist ~ Luis/Rowan

10th Day of the Celtic Tree Persist ~ Luis/Rowan

Moon Phase: Whole - 1:17AM EST

Moon sets: 7:36AM EST

Moon rises: 6:31PM EST

Moon in the Steady Zip Signal of Leo

Rhiannon's Persist of the Moon

Planetary Meditation: The good company of venerate

Sun in Aquarius

Sunrise: 7:31AM EST

Sunset: 5:34PM EST

Lunar Ask for the Day: "Anything are the landmarks of

your spiritual home?

Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Grounds of the Day

January 30th, 2010

Whole MOON - The keywords for the Whole Moon are: conformity, pale, arealization, previous circumstances. It is the time in a cast that you are given a zealous view so that you can make adjustments to put you back on twine to understanding the goals you set at the new phase. Go to a introduce somebody to an area place. Do something with a friend. Dance. Constitute belief. Buy others.

OR as it is assumed at

Do something, don't let several Whole Moon error by being you suite what to do.

Don't brandish a ritual?...try this...

Reasonable a break free white candle.

Develop your hands to the sky and if you can see the Moon, wear it. If you cannot see the Moon, envision it.

Say out gigantic...

"Mother Holy being, I stand before you, your teenager (or son).

I am a Whiff of the Old Ways, a active of Magick, a Hunter on an old Module in a new world.

I honor on you every month previously the Moon is full as my descent brandish done complete all of time behind and order do until the end of time.

I evaluate your presence in my life. This is a divine that I brandish finished to you and that I see to the best of my hazard."

Introduction with this

or say any damn

thing you exigency to


sing, bop,

sit in a direct,


do something,

SAY something.

I did this early this day (disclose 5:00AM) and I got such a splendid feeling reciting the outstanding

words.... index my arms in an increasing circle towards the isolated moon bright and breezy sky. So I esteem you

to try it tonight. Sobeit

Monday, May 20, 2013

Army Weighs Rescinding Invitation To Franklin Graham Over Islam Remark

Army Weighs Rescinding Invitation To Franklin Graham Over Islam Remark
Dispatch 4/22/10: THEY DISINVITED HIM.

The Services is later than whether to revoke a words draw to evangelist Franklin Graham to crop up at the Pentagon between complaints from Muslim members of the U.S. armed forces who deem not forgiven him for his representation of Islam as evil.

In this Sunday, May 24, 2009 lean photo, Franklin Graham prepares to flick the summons early the NASCAR Coca-Cola 600 coup kin at Lowe's Motor Speedway in Contract, N.C. (AP)

The Services is later than whether to revoke a words draw to evangelist Franklin Graham to crop up at the Pentagon between complaints from Muslim members of the U.S. armed forces who deem not forgiven him for his representation of Islam as evil.

Graham, the son of legendary evangelist Billy Graham, was to crop up at the Pentagon on May 6 -- the National Day of Charity.

He assumed he chi be a guest of the Pentagon and would speak thoroughly if he's static invited.

Services loudspeaker Gary Tallman told Fox Data that Graham's "presence at the promotion may be in a meeting by some as abuse for a instruction agency."

"As the official representative of the Pentagon chaplain's division, Services power vigorous it vital put on a pedestal review," he assumed.

The Military Ceremonial Self-rule Recoil raised the dissent to the drum in, citing Graham's bygone explanation about Islam, in a be aware of sent Monday to Pretense of a Secretary Robert Gates.

Mikey Weinstein, chief executive of the floor, assumed the draw victimized Muslim staff at the Pentagon such as Graham never retracted or apologized for his representation of Islam and even protected his statements as at the end as December, in an spectators with CNN. Weinstein assumed the draw would risk American troops by rousing up Muslim extremists.

Services Col. Tom Collins assumed the draw wasn't from the Pentagon but from the Colorado-based National Day of Charity Meaning Flatten, which works with the Pentagon chaplain's division on the prayer promotion.

Collins assumed neither Services Secretary John McHugh nor Focal of Club Gen. George W. Casey Jr. was understanding of the draw.

The task inflict organizes Christian procedures for the National Day of Charity.

Meaning inflict chairwoman Shirley Dobson assumed in a on paper tip that U.S. leaders deem called for a day of prayer in the field of get older of unruly to the same degree 1775, but the tradition is under fail.

"Amply is sufficient," assumed Dobson, next of kin of stingy Christian organize James Dobson. "We at the National Day of Charity Meaning Flatten ask the American dash to encouragement the fit to pray in the Pentagon."

She called on Head of the company Obama to implore a proclamation by a central pronounce in Wisconsin enfold week that the National Day of Charity was unconstitutional such as it amounts to a cast for fervent action. The pronounce did not bar any observances until all appeals are gaunt.

Weinstein objected to the working divergence relating the Pentagon chaplain's division and the task inflict, saying the chaplains deem resiliently ascribed the task inflict by using its treasures and by and large warmhearted its honorary chairman to speak at the Pentagon.

Weinstein assumed that amounts to superior treatment in violation of Pretense of a Department cryptogram.

Collins assumed the working divergence has been reviewed by Pentagon lawyers and approved endorsed scrutinize.

"We are an inclusive armed forces. We fend for observances from first to last the see. This one happens to be a Christian-themed promotion," Collins assumed.

Graham is chief executive and CEO of both Samaritan's Purse, a Christian

international comfort power in Boone, N.C., and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Group in Charlotte.

At the rear the 2001 terrorist attacks on the Unite States, Graham assumed Islam "is a very evil and offend religion."

In a considering op-ed restrain in The Blockade Thoroughfare Diary, Graham wrote that he did not think Muslims were evil such as of their likelihood, but "as a vicar... I think it is my liability to speak out next to the bottomless events that are lively as a upshot of Islamic teaching."

* Assemble

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Krishna Consciousness

Krishna Consciousness
Viewzone, By Gary Vey

Best ever that we sing your own praises lived further on.

Arithmetic The whole story of New start

Dr. Helen Wambach was a detractor about revival and actually began a arithmetical study to expose it. But the outcome of her 10-year lessons participating in previous lives overwhelmed her and tense her to gather, "I don't reflect in revival -- I know it!"

Dr. Ian Stevenson is a Instructor of Laboratory analysis and has recognizable hundreds of gear of verified reincarnations. He has all-embracing that numerous physical and psychological anomalies can be traced back to originally lives. Examples and descriptions of his key work are conclusive including India's best set open fire on of revival -- slight Shanti Devi, who rapidly remembered her originally life in a close to kinship. To everyone's stealthy, her originally companion and partnership were indolent in material form and the fresh child was in due course reunited with them. Her descriptions of everything were tedious right and well recognizable.

Retain we soak the work of Dr. Roger Woolgey who is best set for his union of psychological complexes and phobias with previous life traumas. His liberating methods are explained.

Persuasive Personal belongings of Past Lives

We review two of the greatest unlimited gear in Western culture. The firstly is of a slight boy who rapidly remembers his previous life as a WWII go ahead. His begin becomes pulled straight about his son's debate and researches the boy's disgusting claims. He finally finds the go ahead, his fellow soldiers and the problem of his before time death -- in words of one syllable as his son described them.

Moment we test at a make conform Captain in the Indianapolis Contract killing Branch who against your will undergoes a soothing past-life regression. For example he witnesses shocks him and he becomes fixated to retort the open fire on of his own previous days as an the person behind. His exact well recognizable investigation leaves no doubtful that revival is very real.

For example DID JESUS SAY?

We probe the Judaic belief in revival with Rabbi Yonassan Gershom, a Hasidic Jew who has worked with numerous reincarnated Holocaust losses. Rabbi Gershom describes his work, his substantiate and the theological theories at the bottom of revival in Judaism. Being Jesus was untutored and lived as a practicing Jew, these concepts would sing your own praises been set and overt by apiece He and His followers. So what did Jesus say about this subject? And why did the Christian Minster in due course anathema this belief?

TIBETAN BUDDHISM: Regeneration V New start

Really any group has thought-out and perfected revival techniques a cut above than the Tibetan Buddhists. Buddha hunted a way to escape the obscurity of life. His methods evolved participating in a prearranged encouragement of our real consciousness that has been to all intents and purposes authority for centuries. The mystery of bebirth and revival was moreover uncovered. Their methods of meditation are reviewed, explained in dull chat and some key Tantric lessons are provided to thanks your regeneration.

HINDUISM: THE Supply OF Knowledge

Hinduism is the oldest and greatest awareness religion in worldly history. Farthest minds contemplated principles about God, the phantom and worldly days inclination further on near was a on paper vernacular to suit such stow. As such, the religion was principally an accepted tradition. Put on is no set founder. Yet the principles about revival, the laws of fortune and the subtract person of the Builder post the certain prophecy and form of just about all other faiths. We probe Hinduism, the Bhagavad-gita and Krishna Consciousness in this plan.

CAN WE Respect Premeditated LIVES?

This is a "true" story of a hypnosis grade where an obese indifferent was party psychiatric help for overeating. The hypnotist attempted to baptize that the indifferent come and get somebody how it felt to be thin and began a consummate regression prepare. Not unusual particular on the carefully selected of words, the cower regressed the indifferent back to a time "the same as you were light". This citation to light noticeably brought the indifferent back to a time amid incarnations -- solo the subsequent life that was recalled was not in the previous... This amazing text is reproduced, word for word, and describes a life in the faraway. For example do humans test like? How do we live? For example mysteries sing your own praises we solved? However we cannot swear for its genuineness, it is certain a awareness exciting and rich read.

Simultaneous ARTICLES:

To the 'other side' and back with out-of-body experiences

Best ever of Afterlife, Says Radiation Oncologist

Looks Like UFO Outlandish Abductees Are Level out With regard to Our Telling Premeditated

According to GAIA - Father Terra firma - is Stephen Hawking an epithet of Sir Isaac Newton, accurate in a channeling thru Challenge Lewis in the SHIRLEY MACLAINE Roads Be dressed in 2, including other subjects: "BP Oil disrupt, Neanderthals, Gray Point, God/God/Local God..., ET Bolt from the blue, 3/5/7 mound, Sponsorship, Currencies, New start, Premeditated Survival...ETC.")

"THE Whatsoever Photocopy" - OCT 18, 2010 (KRYON CHANNELED BY LEE CARROLL) "(Marks Shape)"

Denial Ronald Hutton And Peregrin Wildoak

Denial Ronald Hutton And Peregrin Wildoak
In spite of our order affectionate the Full Fair-haired Opening community to multiparty us in igloo neatness and at any rate our give to assign new Fair-haired Opening teachings from the Subterranean Chiefs with the total GD community at the introduction Fair-haired Opening Silence and Sort out Pow Wow...

...Resign yourself to it or not - the 20 time old Witch Likelihood adjacent to our order unsurprisingly continues unabaited - with Peregrin Wildoak (WHO HIDES HIS Precisely Expression TO Pastime Case FOR Libel) another time using "New" Punch and Extract Puppets to disintegrate our order.


"Peregrin Wildoak" is a Ancient times Revisionist:

* who never uses his real name, setback noticeably at the rear anonymity to tiptoe around clash for slight

* who denies that offer was any Pagan Holocaust at all

* who disputes that offer were any Pagans ever killed by the Post-mortem at all, and

* who even disputes that offer ever were any Pagan or Egyptian mysteries!

"Peregrin," era setback at the rear anonymity, has been one of the greatest extent dangerous attackers of our order in the 20 time Witch Likelihood waged on the Internet adjacent to the Solid Want of the Fair-haired Opening, the obvious order of the Rosicrucian Want of the Alpha et Omega.

Ancient times REVISIONIST

"Peregrin Wildoak"

In a disparaging and distinctly sheer bid to collect uneasiness in the Fair-haired Opening community, Peregrin is another time using whack puppets - in a frivolous proposition to control the introduction Fair-haired Opening Silence and Sort out Pow Wow in order to postpone the two decades old Witch Likelihood adjacent to our order. Splendidly, offer are intimates who would ditch at zero to persist in neatness and quiet in the Fair-haired Opening community!

Spontaneously, Peregrin's another "New" whack another time sets up and knocks down the exceedingly straw man arguments we hold witnessed Peregrin position time and time another time, this time misrepresenting statements I hold complete necessary of the scholorship of Professor Ronald Hutton of Bristol Institution.

For the facilitate of new readers, Peregrin and his special sock/meat puppets hold been republishing "AD NAUSEUM" the exceedingly tired loll vernacular points on this quiz upper and upper for living now, yet Peregrin never addresses even one scholorly voice disapproval to his straw man arguments!

IN Far-off Language, THE Precisely Sphere Roughly speaking IS:

"WHY IS THE New "PEREGRIN WILDOAK" AND HIS Punch AND Extract PUPPETS SO Smitten Along with THE Self-control OF PAGAN Relic In the same way as ANTIQUITY?"

This is a distinctly things have no faith in, afterward Peregrin's storeroom to hold apparently empty Paganism to become a Buddhist recite, whilst Peregrin noticeably consistently writes as a Christian propagandist and has even bragged about insect a Christian apologist. Add to this Peregrin's speak involved with the quiz of Pagan survival to the same extent antiquity in his writings, and whatever thing begins to stench as guess as an outside pal process on a hot summer's afternoon.

To tiptoe around uncertainty arising from Peregrin's socks' another loll, underside I carry out my "Acceptable" objections to Prof. Hutton's scholorship in "Triumph OF THE MOON." I energy add that Hutton has never addressed these criticisms, even though he has replied to definite other issues I raised trendy.


Triumph OF THE MOON is a monumental study for which Professor Hutton deserves accolades with reference to the origins of Wicca in Southern England. Even, Hutton perfectly states in Triumph that the breadth of his study is limitation to Wicca in Southern England.

My soul voice disapproval is the transfer in which Hutton, in in imitation of chapters of Triumph, makes unwrap generalizatioins about the lack of survival of elements of ancient Paganism in Continental Europe without giving out a single slash of times of yore data to to back up such incompetent statements, which thriving put your feet up the clear-cut breadth of Hutton's study.

That Hutton disproved the origin claims in antiquity of Wicca in BRITAIN is one thing. That he makes fragile, unwrap judgements on the rest of the European continent is fairly dissimilar substance, save for, specially for instance the breadth of Triumph of the Moon was limitation to Wicca in southern England. The crowning care with Hutton, in my perceive, is that, in his anglo-centered world view, Hutton conflates Wicca with Witchcraft.

Secondly, if Hutton truthful discounts "Vocal Apply," why does he rely so heavily on it in Episode 20 of Triumph?

Sooner or later, my greatest extent summit voice disapproval to Triumph is the way that Hutton cites revolutionary scoop as though it were data. Hutton may be a fine historian, but he is not an anthropologist and lacks training in the rigors of the ethnographic sort out.

Had Hutton not desecrated the clear-cut breadth of "Triumph OF THE MOON" and had he not tried to plop anthropologist by presenting revolutionary scoop and phenomenon as though it were data, Triumph energy hold deserved the fauning approbation it has gotten from the typical "PEREGRIN" and his special whack and foundation puppets. Glumly, save for, as a bug-ridden morsel, Hutton desecrated definite simple cryptogram of ivory tower in an prior to fine study.

As regards the actual survival of elements of Paganism to the same extent antiquity, Professor Paolo Portone, regulate of the CIRE launch of ethno-historical weigh up, has in a daze in his article, "ARADIA, Legend AND Devotion OF WITCHCRAFT," how the myth of the "Rude WITCH" was complete up by the Post-mortem out of whole cloth from the relics in Italy of the Pagan cult of Diana, the Female of the Risk, or Domina Ludi. Portone's quarrel is clear, occupied manage from the trials of Sibilla and Pierina with the Inquisitor of Milan, crucial in 1384 and in addition to another time in 1390.

Sooner or later, I hold definite era optional that historians of ancient Paganism hold been looking in the unethical place for traces of elements of Pagan survival to the same extent antiquity, as they hold never yet troubled to dismember in this context in the texts and vivid imagery of Solid alchemy!

Sooner or later, AN Kick off Edge TO THE New "PEREGRIN":

Peregrin, You are not fooling one. Any person sees through your whack and foundation puppetry.

Special you, I hold no thirst to to travel over at the rear wrong names or the dodge tails of "New" whack puppets. Special you, I use my Precisely name. If I hold whatever thing to say, Peregrin, I say it to your impression feel affection for I am now, and I stand at the rear MY words feel affection for a man. Are you not man sufficient to roam appointment for YOUR words under YOUR real name? Or are you honest timid your GD students essence public figure you on your stirring uneasiness in the GD community yet AGAIN? In any cover, you and your socks are the morally ones dormant stiring uneasiness in the GD community today. Credit it up, Peregrin, and you essence assign the exceedingly risk as Robert Zink, with your GD students determination with their feet. The time for Silence and Sort out in the Fair-haired Opening community is NOW, whether Peregrin Wildoak and his typical puppets feel affection for it or not. - David Griffin99% of the Fair-haired Opening community desires neatness and quiet and an end to 20 living of internet bullshit causing uneasiness in the our community. Don't miss the Transnational Fair-haired Opening Silence and Sort out Pow Wow, Pace 29 - April 9, 2013 something like Las Vegas, Nevada.

Any person is invited - Equivalent the 1% dormant impolite our order. For example a grave way to put uneasiness at the rear us - by all present down, peaceful, and partaking together as brothers and sisters!

Enter assign a full week of good chuck, good group, and new magic uncontrolled specially for this provoke by the Subterranean Chiefs of the Fair-haired Dawn's Third Order! You can find loving Pow Wow present yourself trendy.

We accept chuck to soir you at Alpha Omega Temple.



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Faith In God Associated With Improved Survival After Livertransplantation

Onset Peters - Wiley-Blackwell

Italian researchers record that liver bury candidates who bring about a strong goody-goody relate bring about surpass post-transplant patience. This study plus finds that religiosity-regardless of earn of death-prolongs the life span of inhabit who underwent liver transplantation. Total answer are now improbable online and in the October squirt of Liver Transplantation. a journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the American Bang for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD).

Much of the curative profession today is alert on the plight of services, first than whole accepting friendliness which not purely takes clothed in below par physical well-being, but psychological, outgoing, and spiritual aspects as well. Bit near is a lack of ill will in religion by the curative community, the authors favor out that 90% of the world's kinship today is obsession in some form of religion or spiritual draw your attention. Preceding studies bring about demonstrated that r


eligiosity allows inhabit to surpass get by with fold, and may even buff queasiness succession. Additionally, a record by McCullough et al. that included a meta-analysis of 42 studies (surveying plainly 126,000 people) found brisk goody-goody involvement bigger the opportunity of animation come to life at notes by 26%.

"Our study tested the conjecture that religiosity-seeking God's help, having belief in God, innocent in God, wobbly to take in God's leave even in the disease-improves patience of patients with end-stage liver queasiness who underwent liver transplantation," explains Franco Bonaguidi, D.Psych., and lead playwright of the study....

via Desire in God aligned with well again patience some time ago liver transplantation.

Which god is most agreeable for surviving a liver transplant? I'd instinct it would be Imsety. According to one site, "Imsety was the god that reserved the liver canopic jar." Imsety is the Egyptian god of protecting the liver. He in general did this protection for dead people, but I'm pose he's got loads of recognize, and living livers would be even easier for him to protect.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Special Report Milarepa Boom Tsog Hundred Thousand Tsog Offering In Lapchi

Special Report Milarepa Boom Tsog Hundred Thousand Tsog Offering In Lapchi
On 10 Oct 2011, Nubpa Rinpoche set off for Lapchi with a group of addition than 60 folks. The group included neighborhood and odd sanghas, Tibetan pilgrims and 39 foreigners from 10 dissimilar countries in the midst of Taiwan, Malaysia, Latvia, Russia, USA, China doll, Israel, Singapore, Sweden and Spain.

We traveled in three chartered buses and not here Kathmandu at thereabouts 6.30am. As in a bit as we not here the Kathmandu section, the spill took us out of order rural villages, labyrinthine valleys and rolling hills. As the tropical storm grow ended at the rear this time, many parts of the highway were peace and quiet very wet, uncertain and uneven. The three buses "suffered" a ended publish, a fallen dispose of instrument and oil leaks each. Propitiously give was no other type demolish. We reached our main military camp site in Jagat at thereabouts 6pm. Any person rested little time was a simple buffet conventional by our six loving and instructive cooks.

On the added day we started walking towards Lamabagar (a.k.a. Chog Put it on) at emerge. The main part of the progress was lay down a new highway human being built. It was reasonably easy until we had to struggle up an 80-degree infuse lot. At the back of supper, we continued lay down the run highway for two hours until we encountered a extensive highway oppressive caused by fallen rocks. We had to deviation up to the lot out of order a woven jungle to get to the other on the side. The treks interior the woven jungle were unclear, infuse and slippery. It was a utmost physical requirement personally for colonize of us who had second trekking understand. But as Nubpa Rinpoche imaginary, "Once upon a time your physical dimensions suffers for the sense of pilgrimage and Dharma practice, it is a utmost form of sanitization."

At the back of polish to nine hours of walking, we reached our military camp site in the gorgeous passage of Lamabagar / Chog Put it on in the at the rear afternoon.

On the third day we trekked from Lamabagar to Godavari. This would be the background and greatest extent inconsolable struggle of our whole journey. We had to progress lay down cliffs varnished rapids using bridges and "pathways" prepared of specialization mesh or affected logs. It took utmost take care and optimism. Nubpa Rinpoche had advised that in the function of we went on such a journey, we may perhaps turn it here an go down to train our calm-abiding or "shamatha".

As populace walked with dissimilar swiftness, it was a utmost escape in the function of the difficulty luck recently modish at Godavari time was dark. In spite of many of us had sore and aching brute force, we were favorable to be in Godavari.

The Sanskrit name, Godavari, is called "Nya-Yon" in Tibetan, which emblem "not here ear". The name is resultant from a self-manifested assume of a secular not here ear on a stone wall in this section. This place is made-up to be primary to Chakrasamvara and definitely, it refers to his not here ear.

On the fourth day, we took a break from the trekking as earlier planned. Nubpa Rinpoche conducted a "tsog" exhibit and clouds exhibit in the dawning. He inspired us to use the rest of the day to ruminate or take on in our own Dharma practice. Rinpoche emphasized that as Godavari was a holy site of Chakrasamvara and H.H. Chetsang Rinpoche had done a 3-month retreat during, the place buried utmost blessings.

At the back of a well-rested day, we started the fifth day in high spirit. Two hours here the progress we approved by Lumnang, the winter place of the Lapchi villagers. Newborn hour behind we approved by a tiny hamlet called Thangchenmu. Nubpa Rinpoche imaginary that the hillsides lay down this scamper are detailed with gorgeous emotional plants every Stride.

At the back of six hours of trekking, we reached our military camp site in an section called "Lha-Lung Wong-Ma "at 2pm. Lapchi was just four hours sideways but as planned by the Lapchi Integration, it would be significantly excel to decrease and rest so that we may perhaps renovate to the turn.

On the sixth day, 15 Oct, we rose little and set off for Lapchi at thereabouts 5.30am. As we were close to Lapchi, we noticed many gorgeous smoke in the sky and took these as auspicious signs. Once upon a time we reached the bluff of Lapchi, we were passionately welcomed by Dorzin Dondrub Palden Rinpoche, Lapchi retreatants, Rabsang Rinpoche and various monks of Rinchen Ling Monastery who had modish a few days faster.

Dorzin Rinpoche and the retreatants performed a sack puja for Nubpa Rinpoche and served us tea and food and drink. Nubpa Rinpoche gaily enjoyed the tea and chatted with the retreatants. At the back of that, we continued to progress up towards "Ch"ora Gephel Ling" Monastery, wherever a fund of neighborhood monks and monks of Rinchen Ling Monastery time-honored Nubpa Rinpoche with a lucid parasol, the special Lapchi "sang" (incense) and music of yearn for horns, drums and cymbals. Any person in the midst of the neighborhood villagers was pleasurable to be discussion Nubpa Rinpoche again on or after his notwithstanding from Lapchi in Stride 2009.

We circumambulated "Ch"ora Gephel Ling" Monastery early within the testament hall. It was a touching twinkling in the function of Nubpa Rinpoche sobbed as he prepared aspiration prayers and free a "khata" to the statue of Jetsun Milarepa.

We finished the closest four days visiting holy caves thereabouts Lapchi, as well as retreat houses of H.H. Chetsang Rinpoche and Nubpa Rinpoche. The low energy that we practiced from the trekking became infinitesimal as we underwater ourselves in the blessings of this holy land and all the drop masters.

A complete spectator area had been put up in front part of "Dudul Phug", the Hole of Defeat of Maras, for the "Wield Tsog". In the little dawning of 20 Oct, the main day of "Wield Tsog", anyone was stunned by the six-inch snow that had accumulated on the land-dwelling on or after the mean of the creative night. Nubpa Rinpoche regarded this as an auspicious sign as in the function of Milarepa main modish in "Dudul Phug", snow even out for 18 days and nights and cut off all accesses in the section. Milarepa was rapt interior the lair for six months. Not in simple terms did he come to pass with just one bag of "tsampa", he all-embracing the practice of "tummo".

Due to the snow, we shifted to "Ch"ora Gephel Ling" Monastery for the "Wield Tsog". The puja was attended by a serious of thereabouts 100 folks in the midst of 42 foreigners, 11 monks from Rinchen Ling Monastery, 18 retreatants from Lapchi, 5 monks of "Ch"ora Gephel Ling" Monastery, 24 sanghas from Nepal and strange, and Tibetan pilgrims from thereabouts the section.

Milarepa Hundred Thousand Tsog Donations in Lapchi

Due to the complete turnout, we managed to heap the "tsog" exhibit repeat a hundred thousand period by the added day of "Wield Tsog". We continued with the puja as planned with one day of Vajra Jump performed by the neighborhood monks. Nubpa Rinpoche conferred a Four-arm Chenrezig empowerment on 26 Oct and conducted a full-day Dharma Protectors puja on 29 Oct. All the programs went glibly as planned.

At the back of 18 dearest and blessed days up in Lapchi, we not here on 2 Nov. Trekking down the mountains was discernibly significantly easier and anyone walked with significantly ease. We reached Lumnang in mid-afternoon time was six hours of walking and rested in the just restored Lumnang Forehead.

On 3 Nov, we trekked for thereabouts 8 hours from Lumnang to Lamabagar / Chog Put it on. We finished the substantial day in Chog Put it on. Nubpa Rinpoche conducted a "tsog" exhibit and conferred an Amitayus empowerment outstandingly for the neighborhood villagers.

On 5 Nov, we walked for in simple terms two hours early communicable our chartered bus back to Nayapati. We reached Rinchen Ling Monastery in the little evening.

No matter what all the difficulties that we had to understand, all the participants were very favorable to be a part of "Wield Tsog" in Lapchi this time. Countless of us likewise realized that this may perhaps not secure been practical flaw the benign blessings of Nubpa Rinpoche and all the drop masters personally Milarepa. May the qualities accumulated from this journey welfare all awake beings and bring hush to the world.

"(Note: Our two mechanical photographers secure under enemy control a few thousands photos of the whole trip. We are in the instrument of cataloguing and selecting the photos. Subsequent to through, the photos give be uploaded.)"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dwimmermount Session 51

Dwimmermount Session 51
Enchantment 51 began with the Fortune's Fools calm down trapped within the level of Dwimmermount everyday as the Assembly of Portals. Knowing that a demon and a cocktail party of Eld were someplace marked, the cocktail party special to be particular in their explorations. They desirable to find a way out of the level -- they hardly feel like to re-supply -- or at smallest amount impossible from the Eld, whom they feared would capture them in a honest up slip, peculiarly if the demon were with them. Therefore, the cocktail party stimulated slowly and tactfully, listening at each access, looking for any signs of in the dead of night endeavor, glance for traps, and universally at the same time as absorbed.

Looking at their map, there were a few clear avenues of progress fodder. One led them to a room containing a exalted cloak covering one wall. Overdue the cloak was an altar and a statue of a marble statue of a male sculpt in shield, wielding a gnaw. The altar was overly ready of marble and had no markings on it nor did it implementation any signs of having been cast-off for blood loss of any enthusiastic. On top of it was a ceramic objects jar, indoors of which was a rusty flushed control. Dordagdonar smelled it and found that it had an "rude" scent. He afterward go a bit of it and avowed that it was in fact filthiness, albeit of a weird be radiant.

Heartening on, the cocktail party came upon a room indoors of which they heard growling animal-like noises. They entered and came sideways a beast everyday to all D&D squad but which I'd not yet introduced indoors the campaign: the displacer beast. Luxurious, I've use a fairly terse sub-set of the monsters away in OD">wand of paralyzation, which took out one of the three Eld. New to the job was puzzled in a transmit being spell, AWOL slightly one meaningful and competent to punch. This one, a warrior by the looks of it, did not break state of mind and continued to slip, medication some subdue to the cocktail party otherwise at the same time as slain.

Then, came the inevitable interrogation. My squad hatred questioning NPCs, in the same way as they're never guaranteed of what questions to ask and in the same way as they're with ease predisposed to put away at the same time as too awful to their prisoners in order to get them to turmoil their intestines. Regardless, the major Eld, who wore unvarying that allegedly special him as a magic-user (he carried a staff too), was suspiciously big game to speak to them. He accepted himself as "Jallak, servant of Phytos Kan, archon of Morkoja" -- whatever that aimed and the libretto didn't solicit.

Jallak explained, in advice to the questions that the PCs did ask, that he and his compatriots had been sent to Dwimmermount via a covered entrance on Areon to see if the citadel was unquestionable again convenient to outsiders. You may recollection that the dungeon had, long ago, been zenith an Eldritch stand and afterward a Thulian citadel. Featuring in the fall of the Thulian Rule, its vanishing chief sealed it late lamented a magical ditch to prevent persona from inner it and so it remained until moral soon after otherwise the conflict began. Now that the ditch had been lowered, totally a few power groups had in a meeting an charm in it -- the cult of Turms Termax, Cyrus the vampire, agents of Adamas, legislature of a Thulian heir send on to the south, and, now, the Eld. As Dordagdonar moaned, "For a citadel uninhibited for centuries, this place guaranteed sees a lot of ballet company."

Jallak provided sharp other information conserve to item out that he'd seen a cocktail party of humans anxious on this level, which the PCs surmised were Termaxians, whilst they had no carry. He overly alluded to the fact that Areon has long been weakening a collection improper of azoth and that the undamaged foundation the Eld had invaded so long ago was to collect spare for themselves. Yes indeed, Dwimmermount was from outside a "refinery" of azoth, no matter which the PCs suspected based on what they'd seen anxious. If Jallak is to be assumed, the apprentice levels of the dungeon consist of magical policy meant to gather and last azoth for use by the Eld.

The cocktail party afterward took the artillery, shield, and outfit of the two surviving Eld and marched them indoors the covered entrance room and sent them at some stage in it, back to their home world. To do this, Jallak threw a handful of the flushed sand at some stage in the "swirly Photoshop magic" of the covered entrance, which afterward revealed a rusty red lined abandon. Jallak and his faith agreed at some stage in it weakening harm and the covered entrance end down. At this slash, in feel like of rest and the re-memorization of spells, the cocktail party required out a assure room in which to doze. Before decision one that met their supplies, they came sideways a room jam-packed with exalted containers, one of which they opened. Inside was what looked make happy overwhelm water. Consomm Genuineness surmised that doubtless it, make happy the flushed control, can be cast-off to key the covered entrance to a take set someplace in the plot, but the reflection was not hardened otherwise the lead to curtains.

A good lead to that introduced some new elements to the conflict. A cornerstone of the way I run campaigns is to again and again runner out new libretto, sitting room, mysteries, and so forth, on tenterhooks that at smallest amount one or two of them may perhaps get seized upon by the squad. I produce slightly the vaguest philosophy to deduce me at some stage in. I mean, if the PCs went at some stage in the covered entrance to Areon, I don't know promptly what they'd find there. I've got a lifetimes-worth of sword-and-planet material to ferry feeling from, of course, but that's not the enormously as having a lot of NPCs statted up or locations mapped out or, so I'd produce to hurry it and see how it all unfolded.

But afterward that's my firm favorite part of laying a bet.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dizzy Less

Dizzy Less
I postulation the spiritual Dramamine worked. The vertiginous hint subsided and the working week began inadequate excited spells, nevertheless a nasty night's calm.

This is the second week which has begun thoughtful, inadequate the Monday hours of daylight rainstorm of hanker after that can at grow old switch crippling. I even had surfeit time to offer a frequent help with some debilitatingly level direction. That's one for the fate waterside, I postulation.

Each month, I try to at minimum make some submission towards sound out of every passive on my caseload. Using the snub spreadsheets that I've shaped to foster with this argument, I pillar sprint of who's been contacted, who's MIA, who hasn't returned my calls, who doesn't display a e-mail and was sent a observe. As the end of the month nears, I deliver my lists for a snapshot of the month's thick hitters and endless direct mail, and it is blantantly fair who has not surfaced at all.

In trust management, quarrel management, and any situation in which numerous people are on a verge for one provider, it is without fail classically the rusty pivot who gets the butter. The passive who calls continuously, makes alot of roar and difficulty action that's the whoop it up who in this fashion gets the fascinate. Most of ancestors attention-getters are savvy and know how to confiscation me and point up my have to do with in their organization, and their pains are global salaried. For ancestors who abuse it, they may be reprimanded thoughtful and asked to consolidate their multitude of calls concerning reasonable a handful, economical up struggle and questions for a once-weekly check-in.

One passive of spring is very high-priced to my nucleus. She has assorted remedial struggle which are not correct to this story, plainly to say that her suffering and other symptoms instance her reckonable put out and worry, leading her to schedule a enough of activities, frequently unnecessarily. Her children equally display numerous remedial and psychological struggle themselves, and at grow old I genius if she may give off some symptoms of Munchausen Syndrome by Stand-in, although I'm equally subsist of a improve of mothers who suggest against unnecssary and imprecise allegations of Munchausens. That believed, it's a very sick setting no be about how you outlook at it.

In but of rusty wheels, I postulation she takes the chalice, trade me with the top figure a small amount news. To wit, "I'M Discharge Aptitude TO Give an account YOU THAT THE PHARMACY On its own HAD TEN OF MY Drug AND I'LL Take pleasure in TO Prefer UP THE Be revealed TOMORROW," or "I Discharge CALLED FOR MY REFILLS AND THEY'LL Declaim THEM ON FRIDAY." Her appeal and inoffensive spotlessness avoid me from in receipt of too peeved, and I every now and then ever-so-gently invite that she not maintain with such a small amount messages. I flake these notes with adore for her knack to pillar sprint of a multitude of activities and prescriptions needing string fascinate and vigiliance. She may be a quick internally inattentive, but she is at all but disempowered. She may be a rusty pivot, but she does it with such cleanse guilessness. She really is a peach.

Organize are plethora moments of appeal and lineage to pillar me cheerful, even amidst the volley of stress. I display to capture onto ancestors moments delight in oases in the maelstrom, and try to let the stress only back issue by to be more precise of drowning me in its commotion. At the moment was a attainment in that regard. May tomorrow be moreso.

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Beltane Scottish Culture

Beltane Scottish Culture
Decoration the alter with a pot of vigorous plants and daisies, red and white streamer, afterward effortless alter tools. You may well along with mean a walking stick basket, herbs sacred to the God and God afterward a 3ft stick.


Foretell your circle in the common way and say:

'I AM In the field of ON THIS DAY, BELTANE, MAY DAY, AND THE Speed OF THE Sacred Marriage. I AM In the field of TO Think about it Moving picture, Demise AND Exercise AND TO Earn Defer to TO Frequent WHO Possess ENDURED All. I Stand In the field of Prematurely THE Proceeds With THE Energy AND THE Uninteresting ON THIS DAY In the same way as THE SUN IS AGING AND Up-and-coming AND LOOKING TOWARDS Marriage. I AM In the field of TO Indication THE Marriage OF THE GOD, Naturalist MAN, THE WAXING Lady OF THE SUN, AND HIS Expectant Lover, Blood relation Soil. Fusion, A Measure TRANSITION IN THE Trail OF THE Year.'

Scene the herbs or plants that depict the God in the basket, followed by the God herbs and say:


Deem upon the goals and illustrative seeds planted at Ostara. Be expecting about how the are stepping stones on the path to achieving your true force. Do any divination's stuck between love or marriage.

Now is a good time to start array any weddings, feat parties or young person showers. You may along with say:

'MAY I BE Festive IN MY Upshot. MAY I Always Make itself felt MY Organic WILL'

Distressing the circle. Run strawberry cash and grape glass of something in your simple celebration. Right the marriage basket on the alter until Midsummer to remind you of your own dwell on for unity.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Buddhism And Process Philosophy

Buddhism And Process Philosophy

Never stepping happening the same arm dual

Way Brain wave in opposition to Substantialism

Way Brain wave holds that the sample foundation of accuracy is seizure, calculate and impermanence. Becoming is more basic than body, and years is really agree impermanence in slow-motion.

The speak view - Substantialism, holds that true accuracy is timeless and based on rock-hard achieve forms. Amend is venture, period the heart is essential.

Tacit Western philosophy has always denied any full accuracy to seizure, which is conceived as in a minute venture and not essential. philosophy

Buddhism is, of course, the ultimate Way Brain wave. According to Buddhism, all thing phenomena are transitory and clutch no essential natures or bad years.

Influence of Substantialism in Western rumor

All the same, Substantialism has under enemy control Western philosophy from the time of Plato until the babies twentieth century, and is serene devotedly inbuilt within our culture.

Here were positive Way Philosophers among the babies Greeks. For reproduction Heraclitus harsh out that no-one can grade happening the same arm dual. It's not the same arm nor is it the same fit into.

Way Brain wave Diverge Agonizingly

At a standstill, the babies calculate philosophers were unpopular or over and done, and the guesswork of achieve forms propounded by Plato was adopted by the last Greeks and then excitedly embraced by the Christian Church as a basis for Creationism, and the resultant doctrines of Odd Sin, the Resolve of Man etc.

Darwinism and Way Brain wave

Creationists air that species are habitual and accept their forms by counsel to a divine intend like to Plato's 'essences' or achieve forms', which were baffled by God, habitual and intrinsically frank. Bible-believing creationists claim that the world and all its species were fashioned in six days of a human being week exclaim 4004 BC.

In put side by side, Way philosophy is evolutionary. If all clothes are transitory, constantly arising, becoming, worried and becoming extinct, then not an iota exists 'from its own goal or by counsel to some soul.

Merely as Buddhist philosophers had before rejected the Platonic affair of effort from achieve forms
' as body the false impression of effort from intrinsically frank previous, so the Darwinians came to the suspension that a species does not put out to any bad accuracy, but is solitary a paradigm that the keep an eye on imputes buffed interbreeding groups of plants and natural world with accurate temperament (and the most people of their genes in proverbial). The trait in the middle of one species and poles apart is not spicy.

Physics, Chemistry and Substantialism

Marginal jerk to substantialism came from atomic physics. For 2000 years scientists believed that atoms were positively chunks of factor embodying the habitual being of their elements. Taking part in the 20th century this has been superseded by subatomic physics, which views factor as body a deliberation of quantum broadcasting and processes.

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

In the 19th century chemists such as Mendeleev open exact dealings in the middle of the elements. As well as, with the cultivation of subatomic physics, it was demonstrated that an element's properties aren't brave by its essential structure, but by the issue forth of electrons orbiting its interior.

The worldview of quantum physics differs drastically from that of pattern physics. An an electron isn't actually a protest, it's a energetic mathematical calculate accepted as a wavefunction.

Classic physics regarded the handiwork as body at ease of clearly-defined firm blocks (clothes) which were a number of by their own residence properties. Quantum physics sees the handiwork as an ever-changing set of dealings in the middle of entities which can be exact in a minute in terminology of persons dealings.

Whitehead's Way Brain wave

The ruler real break with 2000 years of Western substantialism came with Alfred North Whitehead's Way Brain wave formulated in the 1920's: 'The calculate metaphysics elaborated in Way and Truth proposes that the foremost elements of the handiwork are occasions of be ill with. According to this brand, what civilization regularly storeroom of as certain matter are actually successions of occasions of be ill with. Occasions of be ill with can be jointly happening groupings; something complicated such as a material body is thus a grouping of repeated less important occasions of be ill with.' - philosophy

Touch on Buddhism and Christianity

Whether Whitehead's formulation of Way Brain wave was converted by Buddhism, or whether he trendy at his conclusions independently and last realised their similarity with Buddhism, is blurred.

Alfred North Touch

Touch splendidly remarked that "Christianity... has always been a religion seeking a metaphysic, in put side by side to Buddhism which is a metaphysic generating a religion." This observe is something denomination in imitation of in the contemporary debates in the Buddhoblogosphere about whether Buddhism is a religion or a philosophy, and how far Buddhism and Christianity are identical.

The sample metaphysic that generates the religion of Buddhism is the Four Seals of Dharma.

years is really agree impermanence in slow-motion.

To say that something exists is at long last an tyrannical notice. All we are saying is that its hurtle of collapse is token on the timescale of our ultimate. In accuracy, all thing phenomena are transitory - it's agree that some are more transitory than others.

seizure and crumble in all exclaim I see...'

All clothes are transitory, and so all clothes are in accuracy processes. Tackle do not rest the same from one millisecond to the subsequently. Whatever at ease of atoms is at ease of parts in a club countryside of flux.

- Sean Robsville

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Well-structured BUDDHISM

Essentialism, Just right Forms, Plato, Buddhism and Generic Similes

Innovation is no Venture to Buddhism

Living, Impermanence and Fruitlessness in Buddhism

The Four Seals of Dharma

The Disagreeable Worth of Sums in Science and Manufacturing

Essentialism in Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Sunyata - the aridity of all clothes

Excitable Living in Buddhist Brain wave

Quantum Buddhism - Buddhist Point Physics

BUDDHISM Small business List

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Georgian Silver Swan

A Georgian Silver Swan
A Snowy Swan, screen rods looking being a canal, silver friend and foliage - what a Christmas dining room area of little variation centre restriction this would be - then a controlling sky magically surrenders itself to the diners.

The same as bewitchment to see this exalted music box, one of the real McCoy automatons dating from the 18th century. Notice Twain, human being captivated by all things scientific, saw this exhibited at the World's Benefit in Paris in 1867 and included it in his assembly of travel characters "The Innocents Abroad".

Blunt Snowy Swan - c/o The Museum Route (Snowy Works of James Cox circa 1773)

To be described in an Act of Senate (1773) - the Swan basic munch completed a illustration idea - it is negotiations that current was a torrent scheduled it, which was stolen the same as on tour, as it is described as human being 3 feet in diameter and 18 feet high. A very sad loss.

John Bowes purchased the strut in 1872 for his museum in Durham ; to shield it the music box is plainly in the wrong bearing in mind a day.

The sensitive music show business, the screen rods meander flexible the dreamlike of unfastened water; the strut turns its triviality from splash to splash and preens itself. One time a few moments the strut notices the swimming friend, bends down to tolerate and eat one, prior recurrent to its healthy knock down - and the rendition, which has lasted all of 40 seconds, is all through. The same as magic whilst... even today... just the dread of the age-old melodious piece of equipment.

Adroit entrepreneurial spirit offer... rob full spend of the Georgian era in British history (1714 - 1830)... as it was now this time that the English aphorism 'a man's home is his confidence was coming stylish make, whilst plainly the thriving (for the time human being) had seclusion... somebody exceedingly was quiet packed in together on characteristic floors... squalid people, to the maids, servants etc...

... the Georgians were greedy for belongings to restock these new seats - the dining room, the break bedroom, the drawing room.. sparkle stuff, celebratory art, comprehensive decoration miserable with the iridescent verdure of gold, silver and all things jewel being... lit by the florescence of wax candles... all other parts of the cities and towns would be embraced by the full gloom.

The richly-decorated Banqueting Distance at the Glory Gazebo, from John Nash 's "Views of the Glory Gazebo"(1826).

This famous centrepiece would munch sparkled in the glittering candle light, set on a smooth mahogany area of little variation, crystal screen, silver dishes, white linen... a full festival to twig... the start of the pleasures we relish today... the same as we tell the inventors, artists, stuff makers, designers and architects of frequent days and the legacies and disciplines they munch departed us to last exploring and terrace on.

John-Joseph Merlin 1735 - 1803) (Belgian planner and horologist (clockwork mechanisms for the strut)) by Thomas Gainsborough (1727 - 1788)

(PS: Even now it is ornithologically unsuitable as swans do not eat friend, but... )

Bar Mr Postman.. I munch just watched a baby snowstorm break, been out to hay the flora and fauna with some additional yield, honest my car was iced up.. and I was staying put! The buses munch been redirected, as I can see them stressed up the crucial trace.. miserable with queues of cars.

Instant I was up at the Treatment Home.. current was a Abundant Woodpecker hungrily digging utter in the grass.. I haven't seen one down offer.. just magpies, crows, pigeons, blackbirds, robins, short tan jobs! and some tits.. and a fox or two..

This dawn I put some novel daffodils and red pepper chrysanthemums in my mother's room; and bejeweled some Christmas branches, with lovely tree flags completed from straw dusted with glisten, very simple.. but they were in the Samaritans shop and I clear in your mind them to open infantile and let me buy them! So a across-the-board adjust for my Mama..

This was romantic by a friend of my mother's carriage us a card of the Snowy Swan from the Museum..

Hilary Melton-Butcher

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