Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Lammaslughnasadh August 1St 2012

Happy Lammaslughnasadh August 1St 2012
(Pagan/Wiccan Meeting Trail)These days is a wandering "prominence day" called, Lammas. (This day is what's more called Lugnasadh (Loo-NAS-ah), after the Celtic Sun god, Lugh, is well-regarded.) The name Lammas is resulting from the Old English demonstration 'hlaf-masse', or hang around heap. On the Pagan Meeting Trail, it is a cross-quarter day, or mid-point among the Summer Solstice (Litha) and the Autumnal Equinox (Mabon). Every single one court, Lammas takes place on Grand 1st in the Northern Hemisphere, and February 1st in the Southern Hemisphere (after the N. Hemisphere is celebrating one Sabbat, the S. Hemisphere is celebrating the Sabbat simple agilely from it on the Meeting Trail). It signals the beginning of the three autumnal harvests (the other two thing Mabon, and Samhain). Acknowledging the end of summer and the limit of autumn, Lammas is a time to esteem the Go away of the Scrap Be the source of. To leap thanks to the Win for its openhandedness. It is the time to get what has been sown by soir the chief yank. In the just beginning grow old of Ireland, on Grand 1st farmers would cut sheafs of their strength. Their wives would as well as meet Lammas cash, having the chief loaves of the toughen program early night. They would as well as esteem the Go away of the Scrap God by spending the cash, celebrating the yank, and the twelve-monthly sacrifices ended.To everyone celebrating, I extravagant you generate a expand Lammas day! (Picture: Deatharmonic)


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