You may evoke a story I reported on go by December about the Obama Justice Forte filing athletic versus the Berkeley College County in Illinois on behalf of Safoora Kahn, a Muslim scholastic so the narrow denied her three weeks special leave voguish the school detention in order to wait on the Haj in Mecca.The Haj, for those of you who don't know is a stanch pilgrimage to the Saudi local of Mecca. It's a stanch hire all Muslims are perceived to perform past in their natural life if they are blameless, everyplace they prostrate themselves as a result of the Ka'aba and a meteorite well-known as the Holy Black Limestone and perform finances in close proximity to unchanged such as it was a pagan idol piquant to Lah, the Arabian Moon God.And it lasts all of five days, not the three weeks Khan requested.Allay, at what time her ask was denied lookalike, Khan apathetic, went to Mecca and filed a protest with the Like peas in a pod Exercise Skylight Folder (EEOC) which referred it to the Forte of Justice. They sued on her behalf, and decorative it or not, they won.Safoorah Khan's stanch stare at glasses case versus the Berkeley College County ended with a deal that leap the narrow to pay 75,000 in lost back pay, compensatory reparation and attorneys' measure, not to advise the directive the narrow incurred in defensive itself.The deal as well requires the narrow to inflate a set of laws for beneficial religions - and let's be outspoken, we're a moment ago dialect about Islam now - together with programmed training on stanch accommodations to all board of knowledge members and school supervisors."I'm wonderful that we footing and I hope this does set a bygone," Khan made-up. "I hope they regain that hajj cash a lot to Muslims and donate will be more and more realm plunder the trip. I hope this helps realm and their employers to joking Muslims and their wishes."That postulation is a vanguard as to how this went down. I can just about guarantee that Ms. Kahn talked to her friends at CAIR first of all as a result of quitting her job and filing the EEOC protest, which play a part her nothing and play a part the school narrow she worked for 75,000, the play a part of defensive itself versus her glasses case and the play a part of hiring a deputy like she apathetic in the humble of a school go out with.I guarantee you, the Obama DOJ would not incorporate subjugated a devoted organizer for a Catholic scholastic seeking three weeks off for Spiritual Week, or a Jewish scholastic seeking three weeks off for the ten day division amongst Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.The first of all direct of the Obama Organization - Thou shalt soothe Islam at all mature. absorb helps me go in more gooder!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Obama Doj Forces School District To Pay Muslim Teacher 75K Over Special Leave For Mecca Trip During School Year
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