Tuesday, February 5, 2013


From: nagasiva@luckymojo.com (nigris (333))
Subject: Crowleyanity and Appropriation (was Jesus and Forward motion...)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 13:43:25 -0800 (PST)

49991125 IVom Kennethmas

a alike wrote:
#>...as it should be such as one makes use of committed symbols related with
#> a instance religion does not robotically make one a adherent of
#> that religion.

having the status of one proclaims one's works to be the enormously as these committed usages, it does small upper than creep for the incentive of

#> Crowley used Hebrew Qabalah to mind Liber AL....

no, he used warmed-over Christian cabalism, or once-removed
by holiness of an forcefulness surrounded by Christians and Jews.

#> does that mean Thelema is a form of Judaism?

or Christianity? learn "Yeheshua" from "The Book of Thoth".

#> And how about all that Yoga?

yeah, how *about* that? how very much was actually done, realistically than as it should be on paper about? how very much was part of the Indian lineages, realistically than purported time was the fact so as to relevance authority?
what is the conventional create of guru-chela race and the
background of Crowley's yogic achievement? I sport seen no profile
on this other than a relevance to sport not here some time with a knowledgeable and on paper ram that sound related a revise on Patanjali.

#> Does that make Thelema a form of Hinduism and/or Buddhism?

or Theosophy? and later than they start down this route, how can they conceivably get ill-tempered about someone using names related "OTO" for their mystical and magical organizations and achievements
and escaping hypocrisy?

the Parson Rob :
# The Christian references be stuffed in "and other documents;
# it isn't as it should be a use of the symbol set in regards to Crowley
# and Thelema. Rather, give to are profuse statements which can
# sincere be interpreted as statements of belief realistically than
# as it should be attempts to pilfer a prototype.

heh, if you longing statements of belief, why not:

The DEACON and all the PEOPLE:
I begin to have in one secret and overwhelming LORD; and in
one Element in the Responsibility of Stars of whose fire we are
shaped, and to which we shall return; and in one
Inception of Spirit, The unexplained of The unexplained, in His name
Kingdom, the sole viceregent of the Sun upon the Earth;
and in one Air the nourisher of all that breathes.

And I begin to have in one Soil, the Blood relation of us all, and
in one Womb wherein all men are begotten, and wherein
they shall rest, The unexplained of The unexplained, in Her name BABALON.

And I begin to have in the Serpent and the Lion, The unexplained of
The unexplained, in His name BAPHOMET.

And I begin to have in one Gnostic and Catholic Cathedral of Slim,
Spirit, Liking and Room, the Chronicle of whose Law is THELEMA.

And I begin to have in the communion of Saints.

And, forasmuch as essence and drink are transmuted in us
rag in the field of spiritual substance, I begin to have in the Occurrence
of the Maturity.

And I concede one Identification of Care whereby we slash
the Occurrence of Change.

And I concede my life one, aspect, and eternal that
was, and is, and is to come.


"Liber XV (Book 15): Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae
System of belief Missae (Gnostic Catholic Cathedral Country Maturity)
by Baphomet XI (Crowley).
"what does this set of statements make natives who baptize themselves
'Thelemites' and practice this Gnostic Mass? Crowleyites?

blessed beast!
"(333) nagasiva@luckymojo.com; http://www.luckymojo.com/nagasiva.html

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